Chapter 5

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My alarm blares and I run my hands over my face and turn it off. I curl back into bed and sigh. I don't want to get up. It's my technical first day. Yet I honestly don't feel like dealing with all these people.

After a few minutes I start to drift back to sleep. Until I hear Nyx.

"MROOOOOOOW!" She screeches

Sighing I look at her and glare.

Really? I ask her mentally

You've got school her voice echoes in my head

Sometimes I hate being able to speak to animals. My father never understood where I got it from. Nor did my mother. I just can. I think it's just a power some witches have. Usually it's passed down in the family. Yet I'm the only one in mine.

I sigh I love her but she's so damned annoying.


"Fine, Fine, I'm up!" I yell at her

She pads to me and jumps on the bed rubbing against me. I sigh petting her fury little head. After a few seconds I roll out of bed.

I grab my shower products and take a quick one. Letting the water wake me up. After my shower I feel more awake. Yet still not ready for people. Social interaction is not my forte.

Dropping my towel, I grab my uniform. Dressing quickly. Within minutes I'm dressed.

Once I'm dressed I do my makeup. Green eyeshadow with black eyeliner. Adding touches of mascara.

Next my hair. I mutter a spell and my hair turns into nice curls. Smiling I look in the mirror. Yep perfect.

Now I know I'm attractive. I have nice curves and a great set of assets on both ends. Plus my eyes are an alluring Hazel.

When I'm shifting or when using magic they're gold or pure black. Depending on the magic use they're one of the two colors. While shifting they're always gold. Or when angry they turn either color. Depending on my energy.

Nyx looks at me cocking her head in approval. I wink at her grabbing my books and wand. Plus everything I need. She follows me as I head to class. I skip breakfast usually. I'm not a morning person.

I look at my watch and see that it's 9:50 am. Checking my schedule is see my first class. I have to go to Potions. I remember where Mattheo showed me the classroom. Where was it. It's the classroom I fed in! I remember seeing potion bottles.

I walk quickly to the classroom and have 1 minute to spare. I walk in and see there's two empty seats. I take the one behind Draco and Lorenzo.

"Almost late naughty naughty" Lorenzo says jokingly.

I look at him and roll my eyes. My middle finger goes up and he just chuckles turning back around. Draco looks back.

"Hey let me get a mint. I forgot one. I know you always have extras for me." He smiles and pouts

He's right. I do always have some on me. Sighing I roll my eyes and reach into my pocket. Pulling out two mints. I hand him one and pop one in my mouth.

He winks and thanks me when I see a tall black haired weird dude walk in. Must be Professor Snape. He's got the darkness that surrounds him. A hate that coats his aura. Honestly he stinks of dark magic. I can sense that shit.

"Im Professor Snape. I'll be teaching your Potions class. now can anybody tell me-" I drone him out and just observe everyone.

I was homeschooled. I know all the spells I need and more. I've made my own spells also. So this is just basics. The only reason I'm here is my father. Also it's better than nothing to do.

Im 17 and that means I can be a death eater soon. My father said he'd convince the Dark Lord. I'm here to observe until I get my mark and a task. Which hopefully will be soon.

Hopefully I'll get to kill soon too. I've been itching for it. We went into the Muggle world so I could kill whoever deserved it. Now in no Blood Superiority asshole. I just enjoy finding cruel deserving assholes who deserve it. The chase is amazing.

I also just don't care who I kill. My father has asked me to kill plenty to prove I'll be ready for The Dark Lord. So I can't wait. I need to release some stress with hurting someone or something. Maybe I'll shift tonight in the woods.

A loud slam echoes inside the classroom. I look and see him walking in. Mattheo fucking Riddle. Fucking hell. He's literally almost 20 minutes late.

"Ahh Mr. Riddle. Nice of you to decide to join us. Please take a seat next to Ms. Parker. 10 points from Slytherin. For Tardiness." Snape says rudely.

Mattheo looks at him and rolls his eyes. He's sits beside me and I move away from him a bit due to the close proximity. Skin contact makes me itch sometimes.

I can feel someones magic. It makes me want to take it. Sometimes I'll take a little just because. I just don't need to. I have my own magic being a Tribrid. I just am also a Syphon.

Plus when I take magic I feel like using it then and there. The Adrenaline always kicks in. Making me hyper aware and giddy. I don't need that right now.

Mattheo looks at me and smirks.

"So how's the (hurricane in Latin)?" He asks with snark

I sigh "Leave me alone Riddle."

He chuckles "I like seeing you tick. I want to see just how much it takes to really get you going. So show me love."

I look at him glaring. After a few seconds I just sigh. I can't be getting in trouble. Especially over The Dark Lords son. I'd have no chance at joining. So instead, I raise my hand.

"Yes miss Parker?" Snape asks

"Could I please go to the nurse. I feel a ache in my temple. It seems to keep pestering me" I ask sweet yet irritably shooting Mattheo a glare.

Snape sighs "Go ahead. If you're not back by the end of class. Please get notes from a peer. Also ask someone about the assignment."

I nod smiling "Thank you Sir"

I grab my things and leave in a hurry. I need a smoke. This is too damn much. He rides my anger. It makes me crawl. Makes my magic burn. Makes me burn. In ways I don't like.

I need an outlet later. Sex or drugs until I can shift later. I choose drugs.

Stopping by my room I grab my pack of cigarettes and my joints. Rushing to the Astronomy Tower. This is the best place to think. That's what I've heard from people I've met that attended Hogwarts.

I climb the stairs and lean against a wall. Pulling out my joints I grab one and pop it in my mouth. Lighting it and letting the toxic smoke fill my lungs. I sigh.

After two more joints I smoke a cigarette. Letting the effects rush my body. Humming as everything disappears. Letting my body feel calm and still. No longer adrenaline high. I close my eyes letting myself drift into oblivious calm.

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