Chapter 17

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I'm sitting in my last lesson waiting for it to end so we can go make sure Dray is  almost done. We've watched him for the last week and he's gotten nowhere. I'm honestly about to write a spell and get it over with. Yet I want him to pr9ve himself. So until he asks I'm stepping back and watching.

My other task isn't going very well. I've tried talking to Harry and them and it's gotten me nowhere. It's been hell for the last three weeks. Other then the killing I've had a horrible fucking couple weeks and I'm ready to explode.

Being high helps but I haven't been laid in months. It's not that I can't it's that no one appeals to me. Well one does, but we won't go there. At all. Let's just skip that thought and move on to the nex-

"Alright out. Have a good day and do something productive. Quidditch tryouts will be tomorrow. Anyone who would like to try out is highly appreciated and accepted." Our Professor says

I smile, Quidditch!? Finally! That'll give me something to do to keep me occupied other then the tasks. Plus I know Harry is on the Griffindoor team. Perfect time to get into his skin. To get close without getting close.

As I'm walking through the halls I see Riddle again. He walks up to me and drags me down some halls and through some door. I just let him because there's no use in fighting right now.

Everything's been weighing on me today. Maybe if I just give in right now I won't snap and do something stupid. Because honestly I feel like I will. I'll either kill him and end up doing something else entirely.

I look around inside and my eyes widen. Damn it's a nice room. There's book shelves. Potions. Parchment lying around on the table.

In the one side I see Draco. Oh this must be the Room of Requirements. There's a cupboard. Draco is cursing from what I can see and hear clearly. I chuckle and walk over to him.

"Want some help?" I ask

He looks at me and sighs "Like you could help right now"

My eyes widen and I glare at him "Fuck you. You've become so cold and distant. Which props youre becoming a real death eater. But towards me? Fuck you. Do it yourself. I have better shit to do right now." I say before storming off.

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