Chapter 6

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After I sat in the Astronomy Tower for 2 class periods I went to my other classes. The day going by fast and smooth. With nothing breaking my mood.

Now I'm sitting in my room looking at the ceiling still high. I smile and Nyx is purring on my stomach, as I lay on my back in bed.

Suddenly a knock interrupts my thoughts. Sighing I sit up in bed yawning. After a few seconds I hear the knocking again. Grunting I walk towards the door.

"Look whoev-Father?" I stand there confused.

He walks in and closes the door. "Muffliato."

I look at him and he smiles "My favorite daughter!"

I roll my eyes "Only daughter"

He laughs knowing the irony behind my words

"Sweetheart as you know you'll be called upon soon. I just need you to prove you deserve it. You're being tested you just don't know it." He hugs me and leaves.

Sighing to myself I lay back down. Tested? Great. I know I'd fit in. I know I'd do well. Yet they have to test me. Understandable, but my father is Kai Fucking Parker. Why would his daughter be anything but loyal to the Dark Side.

Laughing I lie my head on my pillow after plopping into bed. Fucking bullshit. Nyx wraps herself into me and minutes later I fall asleep.

"You're nothing! Father would choose me over you any day!" Isobel screams at me.

We're 12 years old and she thinks she's stronger.

"Yeah okay Isobel. Just leave me be." I state not feeling the need to argue.

She glares at me "You think you're so much better. All because you can Siphon. Well you know what! Merge now. If you're so much stronger then let's do the merge now."

I look at my sister in shock. She really hates me. She really wants to win. Just to prove she's powerful. Just to get rid of me. I hate her just as much. Luckily I know the spell. Father hid it so this wouldn't happen too soon. Yet I snoop.

She never liked me. Just because I wasn't like her. Father always got angry over it. So yes he favored me. Due to her behavior. She always hated us because she couldn't siphon. So she called us freaks.

So when she asks me I look at her and laugh "Fine. I know the spell"

She smiles in triumph and I grasp her hands.

"Repeat after me" I say

She nods and we begin. The words echoing. Luckily it's a full moon. Or this wouldn't work. As we speak I feel my power strengthen. Her also. We end up floating in the air. I see the terror in my sister's eyes and in that moment I feel a small ounce of remorse. Which is soon gone as I black out to her voice "I never hated you. I just hated never being enough."

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