Chapter 9

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I look at the spot where Voldemort vanished and smile. Everyone greets me as they leave. The only people left are Cissy, Mattheo, Lucius, and my parents.

I look at my parents and they smile. I walk to them and hug them.

"I told you I could do it" I say to my father before pulling away

He laughs and ruffles my hair "I knew you could. I just had to be hard on you to make sure."

I laugh and look at my mother "Hey mom" she smiles and she hugs me again

"You're a Parker and a Mikaelson. We knew you could do it baby. Your sister was wrong."

I look at her and stiffen. She catches it and looks at me sadly. She knows I never meant for it to happen this way. Yes I would have fought to win. I'm a Parker. I just wish I would have done it when we were ready.

I would've had a better childhood. Instead of learning to control my powers. Plus after killing her I triggered my curse. So it was harder to learn to control that.

Smiling lightly I see Mattheo walk over to us

"We've got to get going." He says to me and nods at my parents

They smile and my father looks at Mattheo "take care of my girl"

Mattheo chuckles "don't think she needs that"

I glare at him and my father laughs. I hug Cissy and head outside. Mattheo follows and grabs my hand. We apparate back to Hogwarts and head towards Slytherin common room. The party is over by now. Sadly. At least I got to let out a little pent up anger.

Once inside the common room Mattheo hands me a piece of paper "Those are the people. Let me know when you plan to do it."

I nod and he walks away. I follow him. When we hit his room he looks at me.

"What?" He asks

"Why would you agree with your father. Why give him information that would help my case. We hate each other." I ask him skeptically

He laughs "Because you're useful. Until you aren't you stay alive. If I could kill you I would. Never doubt that."

Glaring at him I push him against the wall. Leaning up and towards him I look into his eyes.

"Why do you hate me. Tell the truth." I try using compulsion

He grabs my throat and pushes me against the wall "Sorry "hurricane in Latin" that doesn't work on me"

I glare at him. Damnit. I lean into him without thinking. My body flush against his. He looks into my eyes and looks at my lips. I lick them and look at him. Waiting for what he will do next.

He bends his head dangerously close to my face. His lips mere inches from mine.

"I think you could answer the same. Why do you hate me when your body yearns for me." He says huskily

I growl and push him away. Turning around and going to my room. Fucking Riddle! Inside my room I plop on my bed. Nyx jumps up meowing. I sigh and pet her for a bit. Not wanting to talk right now. She purs and curls on my lap.

Chuckling I grab my pack of smokes and smoke a joint. Letting myself become tired and calm. No longer affected by his smell. Or his words.

After a few joints and a cigarette, I start to nod off. Letting my body relax. Within minutes I curl under my covers. Letting Nyx crawl under and curl into my stomach. Falling into a deep sleep.

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