Chapter 11

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After class I head to the Astronomy Tower. I can't deal with this shit. I need to do my first tasks. Kill those people. Only issue, I have to bring Mattheo. Fucking hell.

Pulling out my cigarette I walk up the stairs. Lighting it as I get to the top. That's when I run into someone. Riddle.

"Parker. What're you doing here?" He asks me

Rolling my eyes I walk to the edge and puff on my cigarette. Looking at the surrounding area. It's still morning but it's beautiful. At night it's better. The stars always shining. Night is my favorite time of day. It's when I can think clearly. Without interuprion.

Usually the Astronomy Tower does the same. Yet, the issue at hand is mere feet away. Smoking a blunt. I can smell it from here. It's tantalizing. Fuck, I should've brought my pack instead of just a cigarette.

I groan and walk towards the stairs when I hear him.

"You don't have to leave. Here take a hit. I know you want to. You're always high." He says

I turn and look at him. Eyeing the blunt in his hand. He's right. I've only been here a few days and all I've done is smoke.

Nodding I walk over and grab it from his hand, sitting against the wall. I take a drag and let my body relax. Taking in the harsh smoke. Letting it soothe my body.

After a few hits I hand it back. He takes a drag and sits as well. We're mere inches from each other. It's tossing my hormones. Groaning I take the blunt when he hands it back and take a huge hit. Wanting to be high enough to get through this. After a few more hits I feel great.

We keep passing it back and forth until it's gone. Once it's out he ashes it. I sigh and close my eyes. Letting my body feel the affects.

Suddenly I smell blood. What the hell. I look at him and see that there's a knife in his hand. He cut his thumb and is looking at it. What the fuck?

He looks at me and smirks. What is he doing! In an instant he has the knife on the side of his throat, slicing into it. What the hell.

"How much control do you have Parker? Hmmm?" He asks seductively

My heart accelerates. Within seconds I'm straddling him. My legs on either side of his thighs. My sex against his. Fuck that feels good. But, the only thing on my mind is the blood. My eyes dilate and my fangs retract.

I bend close to his neck and lick the blood. He groans and I suck on his neck. Letting my fangs barely graze it. His breathing comes faster. Smirking I know I affect him. So I do what any female who wants control would do.

Slightly and just barely I grind into him. His hands grab my hips and he grabs my neck. Making me face him.

"Keep doing that and people are going to think we like each other. You'll be screaming my name. While I fuck you breathless." He says

That knocks some sense into me. I pull away running my hands through my hair. Fuck! This man. This fucking man! I hate him. Fucking hate him!

Standing I walk towards the edge again. Taking in deep breaths. Turning back around I do the only thing I can.

"Incendia fieros" I mutter under my breath

He stands up quickly seeing a wall of fire between us. As long as that stays there he can't walk past. If he were to I might kill him for the bullshit we just pulled.

He looks at me laughing

"Do I bother you that much. You're so scared of losing control. Yet you want to. So why don't you. Do your worst." He says casually

That breaks any self control I had "Fieros gieno" I say

The wall disappearing. He smirks and I pull out my wand. Usually I only use wandless magic as everyone calls it. But my wand holds my power also. I love the feel of it. So sometimes I like using it.

"Crucio" I shout

"Expelliarmus" he says blocking my spell

"Incendia" I say pointing at him

Before he can block it he ends up hit with a ball of fire. He glares at me and says something but before he can do anything I vamp speed to him. Pushing him against the wall.

My wand against his throat. Burning into his neck as I whisper "If I could kill you, you'd be dead. You're lucky Riddle."

He rolls his eyes and pushes me away. Making sure to push me against the wall now. My arms above my head. His knee between my thighs. While he hold a knife to my throat. How that appeared, I don't know. Hes quick and smart. Good at battle. Which I respect just a little.

His knee rubs my center and I hold back a moan. The pressure makes me angry. The want makes me crazy. I hate this reaction. I hate him. Fucking damnit to all hell. The knife is no help.

He smirks "I think you like this. Having no control right now. Being under my hands. It's silly really. Because all you would be is a whore. Someone to fuck. Nobody will love you. You're a killer. Ruthless and cruel. People see it but ignore it due to fear. I do not fear you."

Growling I pull away. My wolf ready to have at him. Fuck. I haven't let her run since we got here. Now she's angry and anxious. That mixture is no good.

I speed to my room and lay in bed. Skipping my lessons for the day. I need away from people for now. So intead I curl into bed and sleep.

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