Chapter 22

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I sit back as the game unfolds before me. Pansy asks first. Choosing Draco to kiss her. Lame and gross.

Then it goes on and on. Lame dares and truths. I need it to get interesting. That's when it lands some boy who looks really familiar. I think Theodore or something. Someone from my classes and in the group.

He looks at me "truth or dare?"

I sigh "Dare" I yawn

Still buzzed as Dray hands me another blunt noticing. I hit it as he ponders this. That's when I see a light in his head go off. He looks between Pansy and I.

"I dare you to kiss Draco. On the lips. For at least one minute." He states

My eyes widen and my brain tells me Theo knows something about Pansy and I. For that I respect him, I want that bitch to squirm.

So I do what I do best. I piss her off. Slowly, I turn and straddle Dray, wrapping my arms behind his neck. Leaning in and making sure he agrees.
He nods with permission and I kiss him.

It's not bad. It's warm and sweet. He tastes like mint. I know I'm mad at him a little, but I can can feel her eyes on me.

Which encourages me to bite his lip knowing he loves it from what I've heard. He groans and I pull away pecking his cheek.

He chuckles and shakes his head knowing this was platonic. Knowing it was a ploy. He wraps his arm around me and I look around seeing Pansy.

"Truth or Dare Leech?" I ask her

She glares at me "Truth."

Chuckling I smile evilly "what's your deepest secret, no lying." I say

She looks at me and her eyes almost pop outta her head "uhm, well.. Uh I don't have any"

I giggle "let me rephrase, is it true that you're jealous of me? So jealous you ended up dressing like me for a whole year until I beat your ass for it."

She goes red and stutters trying to defend herself. It's no use, everyone is laughing. Cackling and trying to hold in their laugher.

She glares at me and moves on

"Riddle truth or dare?" She asks him angrily

He looks at her "dare" he says with no fear or care she's not smart usually, so what's the worst that could happen

She smiles mischievously "I dare you to kiss Y/n"

My mouth drops and he looks at her with complet and utter fury. Yeah, me too buddy. Me too. I hope he forfeits. I can't stand him and the last encounter almost ended bad.

He looks at me and looks at her and I see a glint of pure danger in his eyes as he decides and shakes his head. I think that means no until I see him stand up. Walking towards me. Oh fuck.

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