Chapter 2

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Looking around I try to spot Draco or Blaise. After about five minutes I do. My eyes drift to my father and mother. Who stand there proud that everyone is looking at us in fear. I mean I revel in the fear also. It's empowering.

Smiling I hug them both "I see Dray and Zay I'll see you guys on the holidays!"

They hug me back and shoo me off. Shaking my head I walk towards Draco. He's got that leech hanging off him. Blaise is standing there with them looking uncomfortable as all hell.

Once I approach them Draco pulls away from the leech and hugs me. I cringe at him and he rolls his eyes. Next Mr. Zabini Habini hugs me. He smiles at me "thank you for interrupting shes quiet around you" he whispers.

I laugh and Pansy glares at me "What's funny?"

"Oh nothing Leech. Just glad to be able to keep you in your place" I say bluntly

She huffs and walks away leaving us three alone. Draco looks at me with appreciation.

"Thank God she's gone. I'm getting sick of her constant hanging. She's a git. A true bitch if you ask any of us." Draco says factually.

I laugh and he smiles until it falters. His eyes move towards something. No not something someone. I look at the person and damn.

He's about 6'2, brown eyes, and damn those brown curls. The thing that sticks out the most though is the scar on his eye. Jagged and gangly but it makes him ten times hotter.

He walks past us and Draco stiffens. After he passes us he speaks "Malfoy make sure you do remember your place". He says this without looking back. His voice is deep and like a caramel filled toffee.

Draco speaks angrily but with respect "Yes I do"

I look at Dray with confusion and Blaise looks shaken also. Sighing I walk towards the dude who disrespected my best friend. I don't like seeing Dray seem scared. He never does. We were raised not to fear anything.

We end up on the train and I follow the guy. Draco calls after me but I turn towards him and glare. He looks at me and nods. Everyone fears me. Everyone respects me. When they know who I am.

Within a few minutes I followed the guy into a compartment. He sits down and I put my things away and sit across from him. I look at him and he smirks.

"Tell me why you've followed me?" His voice sounds full of ice.

I shrug "Maybe to find out who the hell you are. If my best friends are scared of you it's interesting. They've only ever been scared of me. Along side one other person. So tell me. Who are you."

He laughs and it's like music to my ears. I push away my body's reaction and glare at him. I stand up and walk towards him. Confusion covers his face and I smirk this time.

I straddle him and pull out my knife. Pressing it against his neck. Anger fills his face and next thing I know I'm against the wall with his wand against my throat.

"NEVER DISRESPECT ME. NEVER. You don't know who I am but know this. I will kill you if you fuck with me." He says low and with anger vibrating through my body.

I laugh thinking about what I want to happen to him. He ends up against the other wall. Mid air.

"No listen here and listen close. I will kill you if you fuck with me. Threaten me again. Also keep disrespecting my friends and I will hurt you." I say with venom leaking from my voice.

I grab my things and leave. Letting him let it sink in who has the power. Letting him know who should be feared. Yet he doesn't look scared when I look back. He looks interested and confused.

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