Chapter 3

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It's huge. Beautiful even. Dark and lovely. I love it already. The design at least.

Hogwarts is actually appealing to the eye. As we head towards the entrance I'm greeted by what Draco says is a Prefect. I listen to him talk to me about details and rooms. Barely listening.

Once he's finished I smile nodding. He sighs knowing I didn't pay attention nobody must have.

"I'll have Draco show you everything and give you a tour since you seem not to listen well." He says and rolls his eyes

I look at him startled by his disrespectful wording. My eyes dilate and I glare at him.

"Do you know who the fuck I am? Do you think you can speak to me with disrespect? Watch your back Lorenzo. Because I'm not one to fuck with." I say loudly

He laughs "Another Mattheo I see. Well how bout I have him give you the tour" he says smirking "Maybe he will put you in your place"

I laugh "Yeah won't happen."

"Lorenzo that's Y/n Parker dumbass" Dray says laughing

Lorenzo eyes me with widened eyes. He looks thoroughly shocked.

"I-Im sorry. Shit I shouldn't have spoken. I'm sorry your father is Kai Parker. Scary dude if you ask me." Lorenzo's words fill me with pride

"Yes. I'm just as bad as my father also. As you've not heard yet." I say rudely

He nods "Sorry again you really were paying attention if you remember my name though"

"I may zone out or not listen but I still pay attention I remembered your name and many other things. I may check out the Astronomy Tower. Sounds nice." My voice comes out sweet and endearing laced with evil.

He nods and we head to the Great Hall. I have to be sorted and then Dinner. Which I'm starving. I need Blood and food. I'll find someone tonight.

We enter the Hall and I sit at the front as the first years are sorted.

"This year we are honored to be graced with the presence of Y/n Parker" Dumbledoof or whatever his name is says

"So if you'd come be sorted Ms Parker"

I smile as people around me look at me with fear and respect. Some envious that I bring out that respect. I may not have earned it from them but I will. Every Parker has earned respect by existing.

I sit at the chair and wait for him to place the hat on my head.

"Hmmm interesting. Smart, Conniving, Loyal, Cunning, Ruthless, and hmmm something screams...LET IT BE. SLYTHERIN!" The hat screams.

My face lights up. My whole family has only ever been Slytherin. We're proud Slytherins. Born and raised as them.

I head toward Draco and Blaise and see the guy from the train. He's sitting across from Dray. Smirking I walk to Draco and look down at the Leech.

"Move Leech Princess" I state

Pansy looks at me with pure hatred "Bu-"

"Move." I restate

She moves grumbling and huffing. The boy from earlier on the train watches in fascination. I smile and sit next to Draco.

"So who's this Dray? We had some words earlier but I never received a name" my voice sounds too sweet. I cringe inwardly but my charm always works

Before Dray can answer two idiots do "That's Mattheo. As in Mattheo Riddle. Vol-He who shall not be nameds son"

I glare at them "And who are you two?"

"Crabbe and he's Goyle" the one says pointing between the two of them.

I nod "When I ask a question and a name is added into my question. I expect them to answer not someone else. Speak when spoken to."

They nod looking at their food. Silly fucking idiots. How are they even Slytherin. Must be born followers of Evil or some shit.

"Dinner is served"

Food appears before us and I feel so much better. Now I just need my dose of blood. Later. Digging into my food I smile inwardly. Crabbe or Goyle. Perfect snacks. 

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