7: Kekkei Genkai, the Medera!

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When we got to the house, I offered to help Tsunami with dinner.

“Oh, okay! But are you sure, you just did some training. Are you tired?” she asked, sympathetic.

“Oh, yeah I’m fine.” I said, smiling slightly. Wow I was different. I walked over to the potatoes and started cutting them up like she told me to, then helped with the soup. We actually got into talking.

“So you and your boyfriend seem pretty similar.” Tsunami told me. I blushed.

“Eh, no he’s not my boyfriend.” I replied.

“Really? Oh, he looks like it,” she replied, then turned to look at me. “You both would look so cute together.”

“Really?” I asked, pausing to think about it. Then I shrugged. My mood suddenly went back to normal. Weird.

“Yeah, you both seem to get along anyways.” she replied, sitting down and sighing, taking a rest.

“Well, he can be quite the a-hole at times.” I murmured. I pursed my lips, thinking about it. ‘He is.’ I took off my headband and wiped the sweat that formed on my forehead. I sighed. Stupid headband. I put it back on, then looked back at Tsunami.

“How?” she asked.

“I have my reasons.” I replied dully, reaching over to grab a knife.

“Like?” she asked, causing me to look at her. She stopped, then shook her head, laughing softly. “Sorry, I can be very motherly at times.”

“No no, it’s okay. I lost my mother at a very young age, this is just...new to have a grown woman talk to me in a concerned way.” I replied. She looked taken back, then her expression softened.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” she replied, then she dropped it. Good. I walked over to the counter, leaning on it and sighing.

“Well, I’m going to go train.” I said after a moment of an awkward silence.

“Go ahead, you’ve been great help and company.” she replied, smiling. I nodded, then walked outside and went to somewhere where I knew I wouldn’t be disturbed. I walked into the clearing, closing my eyes shut as strong as I could and focused on my inner energy. I felt a cold chill, I felt so intrigued by it so I let it engulf me. I gasped as I felt my eyes take a new, unfamiliar form. ‘Medera!?’ I thought, hopeful. I ran to the river, looking at my reflection. I gasped. My eyes. They were! I got my kekkei genkai! I screamed in joy, doing my happy dance. Then I stopped realizing how immature I was being. I scoffed and walked over to the tree, sitting down. I peered around, my eyesight was well defined, I could see every blade of grass in the ground and I could hear everything, even the birds that were a long ways away. I smiled, tilting my head back. I heard of certain jutsu I could do.

I wonder.....

I got up and did hand signs I remember seeing my mother doing, the one she defeated an assassin with. It was called Shadow Pulling Justu. I grunted as I focused my chakra into the depths in my mind and found the shadows. I opened my eyes and quickly focused on the tree in front of me, the shadows got around them, then disappeared as my concentration snapped. I grunted once more, then tried to do the jutsu again. It took me three tries before I got it down. I saw as three shadows popped out of the ground, they had creepy smiles and beady eyes, their little claws grabbed the tree. I watched in amazement as the trees were clawed until the sides groaned in protest and the tree snapped in half, then the shadows clawed at it until it was only saw dust. If I only had some time and a little concentration, I could do this easy. It wasn’t at all like Shikamaru’s justu, which was comforting to know that I didn’t steal his jutsu. I felt I still had half of my chakra, so I decided to try it out. I did some other familia hand signs and my eyes focused on the trees, my eyes flashed as I threw a kunai at it. The kunai went all the way through with the guidance of my mind. I extended my hand out to the tree and closed my eyes, when I reopened them the tree snapped in half at my hand’s motion. I wonder how I could take this to my advantage. This was my father’s Medera jutsu. But it was not as strong as the Uchiha clan’s attacks. I had to find one. I knew my clan was capable of strength. I just had to find it.

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