18: The Sakura Festival

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At five o’clock, I was dressed in a black kimono with a yellow band around the waist. It was pretty, actually. Sasuke knocked on my front door, and I sighed. I got up and swung the door open. My jaw nearly dropped. Sasuke looked hot!

“Damn.” I couldn’t help but saying, I covered my mouth quickly and felt my face get hot. Sasuke smirked.

“You’re not bad either. Come on, before Kakashi assumes we’re skipping.” Sasuke replied, as if it were nothing. But it was nothing, right? I nodded, walking out with him. In the streets, we saw Sakura. She was staring at Sasuke intently, drool threatening to drip from her chin. Kiba, who happened to be standing right next to her, rolled his eyes and handed her a tissue. She took it thankfully and blushed that we saw her drool. She was dressed in a pink kimono with a red ribbon around the middle, white flowers littering her kimono. For a pink kimono, it looked pretty. At least she wasn’t wearing what Ino was wearing.”

“Hey Sasuke.” Ino bubbled, cutting me and Sasuke off. Kakashi sensei was looking at me, I looked back. He nodded, seeing we were here. I gave a shy smile, then looked back to Ino.

“Hn.” Sasuke replied dully, he seemed unamused from this. I stepped a foot away from him and sat on a wooden chair that happened to be there.

“Why are you with HER?” Ino asked, pointing to me as if I was a roach she wanted to step on.

“Kakashi made us.” Sasuke replied, casually. “Now don’t think this is a dating thing, you know I don’t date.” Sasuke pointed out, trying to say ‘don’t date’ so she would cling on those words and leave him alone.

“Well you would date me, wouldn’t you sasuke?” Ino asked, her purple kimono shimmering as she clasped her hands together and batted her eyelashes.

“No, he would date me!” Sakura piped up, coming up and glaring at Ino. One by one, Sasuke’s fan girls crowded. He twitched, backing up and closing his eyes, sighing.

“Losers.” he muttered. The girls fought each other, none now paying attention to Sasuke or me.

“Come on!” I whispered quickly, pulling on Sasuke’s arm and jumping onto a roof top, he followed my actions and sat with me. I looked at the fan girls start to frantically look for Sasuke and started laughing.

“Wow, what idiots!” I guffawed, laughing my ass off.

“Shut up.” Sasuke muttered.

“Nope, I will hold this against you when you are old and wrinkly.” I replied, flashing him a toothy grin.

“How do you know I will grow to be old and wrinkly?” Sasuke challenged. I leaned back on the roof top, staring at the stars.

“I have a feeling you’ll grow to be a strong ninja, Sasuke. I mean, you are an Uchiha. My family always envied your clan of their power, even though my clan is somewhat equal.” I whispered, feeling the tears overflow in my eyes. “I, for a fact, know I will not be as strong as I wish. I will probably die in a couple years in battle. I will never get to show the world the true power of the Mayuko clan. After me, we’ll all be gone. I am a girl, if I have a child it will hold its fathers last name. Not mine. We’ll be gone, and my power will harness in the child, making the child’s last name powerful.” I sighed. “You are a man, if you have a child, your child and wife or girlfriend will get your last name, making your clan 1.”

Sasuke was silent for a moment. “You can be so negative sometimes.” Sasuke sighed, shaking his head. That one comment made me start laughing, my tears disappearing.

“Me? Negative? Look who’s talking!” I challenged. Sasuke pursed his lips, looking up into the stars like I was just doing a moment ago.

“You’re right. Me and you, we’re not so different from each other.” Sasuke said, sighing, biting his lower lip gently and looking at me. “You understand what I am going through.” he said, mostly to himself. 

“I know.” I sighed, I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder. Surprisingly, Sasuke allowed it. I jumped a little when I saw something explode in the air loudly, little red and green sparkles flowing into the sky and raining down, leaving the sky stained a lighter shade. Fireworks. I looked at Sasuke, who watched in thought as the fireworks exploded. They lit up my view of him, each explosion made me see him clearer.

“Hey Sasuke?” I said softly. He looked down at me.

“Yes?” he asked, his attention focusing on me.

I hesitated. “Are you afraid of falling in love?” I asked finally.

“I’m afraid of losing my hatred towards my brother, and gaining love towards someone who has no interest in my plans of revenge, someone who does not understand the importance.” he explained. His answer caught me off guard.

“So if someone went through something you did, wasn’t a stalker fan girl and who could understand your hatred and not ruin it, would you have interest in them?” I asked. His eyes showed realization in what I meant, he closed his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips.

“She would be the only one I would feel comfortable talking to, and maybe if she made the right move I would completely show my lust towards her.” he said. I leaned forward, he didn’t stop me and instead moved forward as well. We closed eyes as our lips collided, his warm lips felt so soft on mine. The kiss became more passionate, I licked his lower lip softly, after a moment he realized what it meant and he slightly parted his lips. I slid my tongue in his mouth, our tongues fought for dominance. My tongue slid along one part of his mouth causing him to let out a soft moan. I grinned in the kiss, he grabbed the back of my head with his right hand and held around my waist with his left, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. His tongue then traveled into mine, his tongue touched every inch of my mouth, curious. He grinned as I moaned softly when he got to a gentle part of my mouth. We made out for a couple more seconds, then pulled away. He smirked at me, leaning in to give me a peck on the lips. I kissed back, smiling.

“That was your first kiss.” I teased. His smirk went away, embarrassment flooded his cheeks.

“Well yeah, because all the other girls are too weird and messed up and-“ I cut him off.

“Aww is THE Sasuke Uchiha embarrassed?” I teased, then I laughed as he looked down, blushing harder. “I’m teasing you, that was my first kiss too.” I laughed.

He looked up, his mouth forming that sexy smirk. “HA!” he laughed at me, I rolled my eyes but laughed anyways. Something caught my attention, I looked down to see people start to leave to go home. I realized then how tired I was, I yawned, nearly falling over. I heard Sasuke laugh lightly as he put his arm gently on my shoulder, stopping me from falling.

“Mmm, you know Sasuke I think this is the most emotion you’ve ever allowed yourself to show.” I said sleepily, falling into Sasuke’s lap. Sasuke played with my hair and sighed.

“I know, but I feel totally comfortable around you, darling.” Sasuke murmured.

“Sasuke?” I said, sleepily.


“Take me home.” I murmured, he laughed.


He got up, carrying me bridal style back to my house. He set me back on my feet, I wavered. He put his hand on my waist to get me from falling. I opened my eyes, smiling beatifically at him. He smiled softly.

“Want to hang out with me tomorrow?” I asked. He thought about it for a moment.

“Okay, sure.” he replied.

“My house. I don’t want anyone seeing us together, I don’t want fan girls jumping on you or guys asking you weird questions about me.” I replied, he nodded.

“Okay.” he replied. I leaned in and gave him a sweet, short kiss on the lips, then went inside my house. Inside, I started dancing and singing softly. I heard a tap as I turned to see Sasuke still had a perfect view of me, the window was open. I blushed a deep red. I bit my lip, laughing nervously, then went upstairs.

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