11: Forest of Death

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“To make you stronger, so you could kill whoever killed the clan.” Father replied. I bit my lip. “And to destroy Kohona, to make the Akatsuki stronger.”

I gasped. “Hell no!” I screamed.

“You don’t want to kill who killed Ellretta, Tanji, Akio, and Michelangelo[author: I made some of the names up]?” Father asked, I winced, hearing my sibling’s names. We were all close, very close. Since they died when I was five, I remember them only slightly. When I was five, Michelangelo was six. Akio and Tanji were twins. They were seven. And Ellretta, the oldest, was 10. Michelangelo had black hair and green eyes, like me. Akio and Tanji had brown hair, and hazel eyes. Elretta had dark brown hair with slight black in it. Her eyes were a dark hazel. They treated me as an equal, when my father pushed me to the edge in training and I could never master the Medera. He hated me for not being able to. Michelangelo couldn’t pull it off all the way, but he could half way. That was enough to satisfy father.

“Fuck you.” I growled, trying to back away. I ran into something smooth, and felt plant like jaws wrap around my head. I gasped.

“Let her go.” Father said. The plant like jaws released, and I realized it was a man with a plant over him. One side black, one side white. I shook my head.

“I’ll get you after I avenge my family.” I hissed softly, turning and leaving before anyone could react. I kept the necklace on. It would help me. It wasn’t cheating, I think my energy was in the necklace. It was my mothers. Maybe she infused her power inside it. I went to my house, my eyes hard as I skimmed the place. It was fine. I lay on my bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed, rolling my eyes. Why did I care? I walked over to the night stand and put on my headband. I walked to where the competition would be. I was late for everything, but wasn’t late enough to be kicked out. When I came, we were rushed into the gates.

“What made you so late?” Sakura asked me. I sighed.

“Bug off.” I said.

“What’s with you today?” Sasuke asked me. I looked at him, slightly ticked off, then softened as I realized he knew how I felt.

“I miss my family.” I replied, catching him off guard. He looked down, I could see a hint of sadness in his onyx eyes.

“I have to pee!” Naruto said.

“Thanks for the information.” I said sarcastically and dryly. Naruto unzipped his pants near a bush, Sakura smacked him.

“There are ladies here!” Sakura shouted. Naruto muttered and went behind a tree. I sat down, my back against the tree. Naruto came back, sighing in relief.

“Wow, that was a lot! I practically spelled my own name!” Naruto shouted.

“Ew, Naruto!” Sakura shuddered. I looked a Naruto’s leg. The pack was on his left side.

Wait a second, he is right handed.

At the same moment, me and Sasuke hit Naruto.

“Don’t you think you over reacted a tad bit more then you should have?” Sakura asked, sheepish.

“His pouch is on his left side. He’s right handed.” I hissed.

“And the cut the proctor gave him isn’t there.” Sasuke replied. I had no idea Anko gave him a cut. I should have came earlier.

“Nice work.” Naruto replied, grinning as he turned into a different ninja. I didn’t see his headband, I hit him before I could get a good look at it. I took out four kunai and stabbed him in his limbs with them, he groaned in pain.

“I’ve underestimated you! I should have never came alone...” he said weakly, going away before I could do even more damage. I collapsed to the floor, gripping onto my arm. It hurt like hell from when I hit ‘Naruto’ in the head. I hit him wrong. I got up, brushing myself off and pulling out the real Naruto from under a bush, tied up. Rolling my eyes, I cut off the rope with my good arm.

“What’s wrong with your arm?” Naruto asked. I looked down and this time it as worse. My arm had different signs on it. Wait a second...

“No!” I screamed, taking out my kunai and stabbing my arm, messing up the bomb signs so my arm wouldn’t explode. My arm pulsed, blood trickled down. I stabbed pretty deep. I winced, hoping I didn’t hit a pressure point.

“Why’d you do that?!” Naruto shouted, shocked.

“Those signs on her arm was a bomb sign.” Sasuke said knowingly, looking at my arm. “I’m not a doctor, but that looks pretty bad.”

“Let me see.” Sakura said, reaching over slightly. I held out my arm to her. She probably wanted to impress Sasuke. She examined it, then pulled out a little jar. She opened it and rubbed it along my arm after pouring some water from my canteen on it. She took out a small bandage and put it on the wound, sealing it so the bleeding wouldn’t go everywhere and wrapped it with the bandages. “There.” she said, finishing. I smiled softly.

“Thanks.” I said, in a soft whisper. She nodded. I got up, supporting myself with my good arm (my left arm) and took out my kunai. This was good, I was left handed. I stretched, yawning. Then the wind all of a sudden picked up, slicing Naruto’s cheek. I hid in the tree above. I looked at my wound, the blood was still coming out! Then it hit me. I needed to stitch it up. I took off my bandages and a needle with string and stitched my wound up, wincing. It hurt. I washed it off, reapplied medicine and rewrapped my arm. When I was done, I saw the snake woman against Sasuke and Sakura. They looked paralyzed. Naruto was no where in sight. Kunai were thrown in the direction of Sasuke and Sakura. I jumped up, starting to run to them. Sasuke stabbed himself in the leg, jumping up and grabbing Sakura. I froze. The snake woman didn’t see me. I could hide so I could save them sooner or later. I hid in the trees, watching as Sakura point to Sasuke’s wounded leg. I couldn’t hear them. I was too far away. Sasuke covered Sakura’s mouth, shaking. Then I saw Sasuke fight the woman helplessly, doing a fireball jutsu. I froze as I saw her face melt a little. He then bit Sasuke, and I didn’t watch after that, seeing Naruto was freed from the snake. When I looked back again, Naruto and them were together. Sasuke seemed pained. We all went to sit near a cave, I sighed. Sasuke and Naruto finally collapsed, leaving me and Sakura there to watch. Sakura healed Sasuke. I looked closely at Sasuke’s neck. Who had bit him? He seemed familiar....My thoughts were cut when sound ninja came, trying to attack us. I got up, seeing I was the only one capable. I stepped forward.

“What a brave one. Orochimaru was right. Killing her family did make her stronger, huh Kin?” the one with the patched up face and fur on his back said. 

“She looks like a weakling to me, Dosu.” the girl said. “But Orochimaru should have killed her family, not-“ she was cut off.

“Shh, she musn’t know.” the fuzzy one said quickly. 

My anger boiled. “You know who killed my clan?!” I shouted. I took out a kunai. “Tell me or die.”

“Bring it!” the last one said.

“Zaku, calm down.” Dosu said, annoyed.

“Why? We need to kill her anways.” Zaku said, smirking, inching forward.

“Ahh, your right.” Dosu said, I backed up. I clenched my teeth, thinking of a strategy. 

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