22: Orochimaru's Lair

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~~almost two years later~~

Two years of looking, two years of hard training. Now, you may think, why the hell has it taken two years? The first year, I was training. The second year I was looking and there was training here and there. I have matured, I don’t have a mirror but I can just sense it. I take baths often, but I do not wish to see my face in the reflection. The last time I did, I saw Sasuke’ face. It hurts too much. I was still hurting. I didn’t look cave man, thank god. I knew that because I brushed my hair and washed my face still, I did all the things I did at home. Same process. I was closer and closer each day. I walked throughout the forest, cutting all the leaves out of the way. I stole some dude’s sword after killing him. He was anbu gone bad. I heard some rustling to my left, looking I saw Kabuto. My eyes turned to slits. I found out he worked with Orochimaru.

“Well well well, what do we have here? One of Sasuke’ old team mates. Funny, I forgot about you all this time.” he said, smirking.

“Kabuto, you ass hole.” I seethed, sword being clutched harder. He smirked.

“Now that’s what Sasuke meant about your temper. He called you a crazy bitch with a horrible temper.” he replied cooly. My eyes grew wide.

“W-what?” I asked, shocked.

“Exactly. Haha, you should see him now.” Kabuto said, sighing. “All that power, my my.”

“Are you gay?” I asked, not surprised. He twitched.

“No!” he shouted, glaring at me harder then before.

“Uh huh.” I said, laughing. Another man came from the bushes and stood beside him.

“Haru, I told you to stay put. “ Kabuto said to the brown haired boy with nearly white eyes.

“I just wanted to see where that huge amount of chakra was coming from. Mmm, who knew it would be a pretty lady...” He winked.

“Ew.” I said. He growled.

“This is Fubuki Mayuko.” Kabuto said to Haru.

“The crazy bitch with the horrible temper?” he asked. I twitched, irritated. I felt the pain. He started laughing. “He also said she was hot but was a shitty fighter!”

“Do you want to fucking test that out?!” I growled, my hand bend the sword’s handle slightly. Funny, I recall this thing slicing through trees. I guess I was too mad.

Haru smirked, his hand grabbed my neck and squeezed, my air was cut off. I winced, my body shook as he grabbed the knife and pulled it from me, pressing the tip on my stomach.

“This sword was my friend’s.” he said, amused.

“Keep it, I don’t need it.” I seethed. It was true. I didn’t. He laughed, throwing it into the river nearby.

“You’ll be an interesting kill.” He whispered into my ear. I shuddered. My hand jolted in electricity, I grinned at the man’s shock. I pressed it into his stomach, electrifying him. My nails elongated, ice shooting out of them and implanting in his stomach, ripping it open. He collapsed to the floor, moaning in pain. He pulled out the ice, peering at it and scowling. He punched me in the face, I took out the kunai I had changed long ago and stabbed his stomach. The tip broke, pushing the needle into his stomach and poisoning. He gasped, collapsing to the floor.

“Who’s the horrible fighter now?” I asked, chuckling darkly.

“Well, won’t Orochimaru be impressed. You didn’t even put an effort to injure him.” Kabuto said, merely surprised.

“I could care less what Orochimaru thinks!” I said, my voice rising in anger.

“Really.” Kabuto said, nodding slightly, not impressed, but not uninterested either. I crossed my arms, staring at him. Haru got up, pinning me to the tree. I gasped in shock, my voice came off as raspy. Kabuto grabbed my wrists.

“Come on, lets bring her to Orochimaru now.” Kabuto said, grinning his famous grin.

I tried to push him off, Kabuto latched a device to my stomach. I gasped, wincing as in stung me. It stung every time I tried to used my chakra. I was limp, defenseless in their view now. They dragged me by my feet, I tried to break free, but it was no use. We were already at the entrance of Orochimaru’s lair. I was pushed in roughly, the latch on my stomach was taken off as the doors were sealed shut. The place was dimly lit, the only light source were candles. The place had long tunnels all around. My eyes turned to slits as I saw the cruel Orochimaru, standing, grinning that Kabuto had gotten a hold of me.

“That was the little intruder I suspected.” he said with his chilling voice, my expression turned hard and cold.

“Yeah, I am actually surprised she kicked the shit out of Haru.” Kabuto said, grinning towards me. I closed my eyes, shaking my head in disgust.

“Hm, would you like to join?” Orochimaru asked.

“No.” I said emotionlessly.

“You sure?” he asked.

“Positive.” I replied, blinking once. 

“Hmph, I would have thought you would like power.” Orochimaru said. My ear twitched. Then, an idea hit me. I could get to Sasuke this way, since Orochimaru is training him. I smirked, then bowed respectfully.

“I’m sorry I’m so mean today, Orochimaru. I would love to join. You are a great teacher after all.” I said, charmingly. He smirked.

“Why thank you, Fubuki. You may stay. Kabuto, show her to her room. I put on a fake smile.

“Oh, thank you Orochimaru!” I squealed. He nodded, smirking that creepy smile. Kabuto muttered something, pulling me roughly to my room. Someone walked by, then looked up the same time I did. Shock went all over my body as I realized who it was. His eyes sparked as well, then looked away after a hateful glare and walked faster past us. I felt a pain in my chest, I didn’t show it show and kept on walking. Kabuto shoved me inside my room, slamming the door shut once I was in there. I collapsed on the bed, holding my head and sighing. I put my stuff down, then took a nice shower in the bathroom attached to the room. It felt nice, since my usual baths were in the river. Right after, I lay in bed, trying to go to sleep. The last thing I thought about before I slept was Sasuke’s glare.

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