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It was quiet and dark but peaceful Rhaella felt no need to panic even though she could not remember how she got there.

Her brown eyes held no form of curiosity as she sat down on the ground and started humming. The onlooking god's exchanged a look of understanding she was the perfect candidate and she had died a hero.

Walking forward they allowed themselves to be seen.

"Rhaella Lopez do you know where you are?"

Hades was shocked when  she just smiled and nodded "I'm dead so I suppose I'm in purgatory or a form of the middle ground"

She was taking this a bit too well but she knew that there was a chance that she would die doing her job.

The fates stepped forward the three voices becoming one as they spoke "You died a hero few have ever truly died a hero in our eyes"

To the surprise of the fates, she bowed to them before speaking " I died doing what any good person would do"

Finally, two men stepped forward "She has proved herself worthy we will mark her as ours" Now Rhaella was confused about who were these men.

Sensing her confusion they smiled "I am called the many-faced god the god of death some may say" the other stepped forward helping Rhaella to her feet "And I am the lord of light"

Suddenly everything made sense "I suppose the Game of Thrones universe is real and I'm being sent there" seeing all of the divines nod in confirmation the girl just accepted her weird fate.

"Thank you for the second chance will I get to keep my knowledge of my last life?"

They all nodded again before giving her a comforting smile and it all went black.


The storm raged on as the Queen went into labour the lightning struck the shore and waves seemed to be hitting the walls with anger this was the worst storm Westeros had ever seen the heavy dark clouds filled the sky and blocked the moon. Complete darkness covered Westeros as the youngest child of the Mad King was born.

Her cry was loud and unknown to her it was heard in the ruins of Valaria by the creatures that ruled the sky. She was the Stormborn child of Dragons the future Queen, While looking at the babe in her hand the Queen smiled before gathering her strength.

"Her name shall be Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen"

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