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Six months later Daenerys smirked as a report made its way onto her desk the next morning several lords and ladies who had an issue with her rule had unfortunately passed all in different ways, so no one suspected her

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Six months later Daenerys smirked as a report made its way onto her desk the next morning several lords and ladies who had an issue with her rule had unfortunately passed all in different ways, so no one suspected her. She touched her stomach and smiled another child on the way would ensure her line continued. Margery Tyrell was pregnant, and it was confirmed that she would not survive the birth and today was the wedding of Jon and Ayra.

Rising to her feet she was only four months pregnant, and Drogo had just returned from Meeren with a rather pleased expression on his face. She knew exactly why a group of rebels had risen in Essos and he happily slaughtered them before coming back for his sister's wedding. Daenerys remembered how shocked Ayra was when the man called her sister for the first time. Now she was to be wed and the entire khalasar was pleased.

They were happy when Ayra agreed to have a Dothraki wedding after the two in Westeros. Today however they married in front of the old gods wrapping herself in the heavy coat and making her way to the wedding ceremony. As Danerys was the head of Jon's household she would be officiating. She had memorised the words needed to be said and happily accepted the honours.

The godswood was beautiful at night and she made her way in front of the sacred weirwood tree. Dressed in the colours of House Targaryen and a winter gown she looked up as Ayra walked up the path with lanterns set up on both sides. Her gown of white and silver and tiara with dire wolves on her head as she smiled brightly.

Lord Stark held his youngest daughter's hand as he led her up to the heart tree. As they made their way up Jon smiled at Ayra and Daenerys spoke "Who comes before the Old Gods this night?" she watched as Lord Stark spoke "Ayra, of the House Stark, comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessing of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?"

Jon stepped forward " Aegon, of House Targaryen, Lord of Driftmark. Who gives her?" Lord Stark steps forward and with a bright smile "Eddard, of the House Stark, who is her father."

Daenerys takes a deep breath and turns to her friend and the young girl she had taken under her wing "Lady Ayra, do you take this man?"

The bride seems to ponder even throwing a smile in her sister's direction and then agrees by saying "I take this man" Jon grinned and glanced at Daenerys who was now smiling widely before nodding. The bride and groom join hands and then kneel before the heart tree so the Old Gods can witness their union. Daenerys and Lord Stark both bow their heads to pray silently. A few seconds pass before the bride and groom rise, Jon then takes off Ayra's cloak and wraps a cloak with the Targaryen and stark sigil around her shoulders.

Daenerys smiles at her nephew's personal sigil and then follows the couple into the main hall where a large feast is laid out. Now it was time to bother Ayra "Lady of Driftmark and Dreadfort, Princes Ayra and now my niece" She watched as the time huffed before smiling widely "At least it means I only need two heirs and then I'm done."

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