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Stannis Baratheon's scream of horror and grief filled the keep, his brothers both held him as he practically collapsed in their arms

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Stannis Baratheon's scream of horror and grief filled the keep, his brothers both held him as he practically collapsed in their arms. Neither wanted to look at the severed head of their good sister. The entire small council watched on in horror and tinged faces one or two members running out to vomit the note that had accompanied the head sat on the table 'Heed my warning cousin'.

Robert was pale the girl had made it unto Dragonstone without a sound the only news of her arrival was the head of his brother's wife. Just when he thought it could not get any worse Stannis began to heave "Where is my daughter? What has she done to Shireen?!" Robert felt his heart drop at the thought of his young niece alone with the Dragon Queen. Beside him, Renly seemed to pale "She wouldn't kill a child, would she?"

Robert suddenly felt a chill, he had tried to kill her since she was a baby would the Targaryen Queen repay the favour? He looked to the master of whispers who seemed quite pale and almost faintish if Varys did not know then who did? He watched as the Northerner and Dornish man both rose to their feet and bowed "We would like to resign from the small council". Looking at them Robert could see them shaking and pale they were too weak to be on his council. "I accept your resignation". The two men flew out of the room with plans to leave Kings Landing before nightfall.

The other members of the small council seemed too horrified to leave, Robert watched as Renly escorted their brother out of the room. Bile rose in his throat as he turned to the table and saw the head "Please remove it" his voice broke as he left the room in haste to help his brother. Stannis was dry heaving by the time he entered his brother's chambers. "Surrender please I can't lose Shireen" was all he managed to say before Stannis passed out due to the stress.

Renly watched as Robert clenched his jaw and softly whispered his apologies before leaving, Renly watched his brother leave in horror "Robert you aren't serious she is your niece!" Renly screamed after the king who just turned back spoke the words that caused the rift in the Baratheon family. "She is lost to us I refuse to surrender over a princess with greyscale" As the king finished his words Renly watched him in absolute horror as Robert Baratheon walked off without care for his brother's pain. Stannis who had awoken long enough to hear the argument in the hallway outside his open door just gave a weak chuckle "He is the king, and we are just his bannermen and pawns to sacrifice".

Renly turned back to his brother who just let the tears fall as he got out of bed the two men shared a look and Renly closed the door "I'm sorry brother" his head hanging low, but Stannis said nothing as he thought about what Robert had just said "Ours is the fury" was all he muttered they did not expect another voice to speak "In Fire and Blood"

The two men spun around and faced the balcony to see a young girl about 14 with a small smirk and familiar eyes "Arya Stark you are rumoured dead" The girl just tilted her head before gazing at the two men "Well not all rumours are true I bring a message from your daughter" Arya gave the man the paper and watched as he read it and then relaxed "Her grace has no intention on killing her?" Arya just scoffed before grabbing the letter and throwing it into the flames "Her grace is not a kin - slayer unlike your brother who killed his cousin over my aunt who ran away from him and willingly left"

The two men listened in shock before their eyes widened upon seeing the young stark girl disappear into the shadows they were once again left alone. "If one of the Dragon Queens' people can get into the keep so easily, should we still support Robert?" Stannis sighed and looked out at the sky "Pack up let's return to the Stormlands." That day the two Baratheon men left Kings Landing without a word to their brother. Robert watched his brothers and two of his small councilmen left the city with anger. While they had not betrayed him, they clearly were afraid of the Dragon Queen.

Unknown to him his decision to call the noble houses to war would destroy his reputation in history.

Arya Stark slipped through the streets of Kings Landing and made her way into a brothel her eyes were on one person who sat in the shadows a hood covering them as she collected the information they had given her and softly whispered "House Martell has sent a ship for you, return to your home" the hooded figure nodded and made their way out of the brothel while Arya slipped out into the back alleys and made her way into out of Kings Landing as she left the city and entered the forest a figure stood waiting for her Eddard Stark stood tall with two horses "Her Grace said that I should expect you" Arya looked up at her father and smiled.

"I believe it's time for me to return home," the glimmer of mischief in her eyes told him that he wanted to be as far away from King's Landing as he could soon. The two Starks quickly mounted their horses and rode off. Knowing that in the next three towns, a ship would be waiting for them.

Daenerys Targaryen had a few more things to do before she could completely clear the board of her enemies. She wondered how Robert would respond to the Iron Bank calling in their debt early even though she had paid it all however it was paid under the name of Daenerys Targaryen who was not the current ruler of Westeros. Robert will be busy cleaning up his messes and before he would know she would have destroyed all his allies.

The woman in question was beyond the wall her eyes planted firmly on the man in front of her blue skin and made out of ice behind her three dragons stood tall while she just smirked "Hello Uncle Aemond" The creature now looked stunned it had been a long time since he had been called by that name he watched as the girl smirked "I would prefer to have no problems when I conquer the kingdom that our ancestors in their foolishness lost with that stupid Dance.:

The glare she levelled at the man before pulling out her swords and allowing the flames to cover her and circle the man "I refuse to have my reign questioned by beings who have long departed and found ways to avoid death hold, goodbye uncle" ad she spoke her sword pierced the heart of the man who had been Rhaenyra's younger brother. She smirked as she watched the walkers collapse on themselves and then allowed her flames, he turn everything to ash that would blow away in the snow.

 She smirked as she watched the walkers collapse on themselves and then allowed her flames, he turn everything to ash that would blow away in the snow

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