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This chapter has a scene that may trigger several if you have experienced any form of sexual assault or harassment this chapter is not for you. 


The road to Vaes Dothrak was long and rough but Daenerys endured for the sake of her child and husband. Every night she prepared for the ceremony by drinking a bowl of half-clotted blood. As the first month passed it was easy for her to swallow and keep down. She maintained her normal patterns during the day even continuing her combat training. Drogo however kept an eye on Viserys and Jorah he had only recently found out about what his wife had planned for them.

Near the end of the month, Qotho approached Drogo and reported that Jorah had sent another letter to the bastard sitting on his wife's rightful throne. Luckily Daella had intercepted it before it got far enough. After ensuring that he did not put any sensitive information she sent it off. It seemed that in recent days the man focused on the beggar king and not their Khaleesi.

However, he had implied that Daenerys seemed to be barren seeing as the girl had not gotten pregnant in the time she had been married. Daella found it amusing as she recounted this to her Khal and Khaleesi who shared an amused look.

As they got closer to Vaes Dothrak a traveller approached the khalasar, luckily Viserys and Jorah went on a hunt with Qotho. Daenerys stood waiting with a bright smile as the brother of her good sister appeared "Uncle Oberyn" as she greeted him the Viper hugged the young girl. Giving the Khal a nod of respect "It seems you really listened to me in our letters" he said while looking at the girl with a sad smile technically they were distantly related, so he had requested to be called uncle.

He watched as she walked over to her husband and sat between his legs, the love and devotion in the giant's eyes made Oberyn relax good she was safe with him. "So, niece of mine tell me is your nephew aware of his identity" Daenerys shook her head and looked towards the horizon "No Ned Stark is an honourable bastard and, in this case, an absolute fool"

The red Viper laughed and leaned forward "Yes he is did he honestly believe that all of Seven Kingdoms believed that he cheated" Now niece of mine tell me what really happened between my sister and your brother.

"They loved one another Elia found out that she was barren and felt like she had failed her husband so she asked Rhaegar to marry a second wife" Daenerys frowned "My brother disagreed and instead said he would only marry someone if they both fell in love with that person" She gave Oberyn a knowing look and he sighed "Lyanna Stark" having confirmation about what really happened the man known to for drinking and sleeping around launched up a swore "Robert Baratheon is a damn idiot" Daenerys now had a hard look in her eyes.

"She sent a note informing her father guess who intercepted it to see how he could get his daughter on the throne" The Dothraki felt suddenly afraid the bloodlust that showed on their Khaleesi and her uncle's face was something they have never seen.

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