Hāre Ampā

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The gates of Yunkai opened in the dark of night the good masters were dragged out screaming, and behind them trailed their wives and children more surprisingly every citizen including the slaves now stood facing a strange woman with silver eyes an...

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The gates of Yunkai opened in the dark of night the good masters were dragged out screaming, and behind them trailed their wives and children more surprisingly every citizen including the slaves now stood facing a strange woman with silver eyes and a beaming smile. The Faceless men bowed to Daenerys as she approached, the sword they gifted her on her side and the customary daggers strapped to her thigh.

They were happy to serve the woman touched by both the lord of death and the lord of life, but they also saw the other godly blessings in her aura. Yes, they choose a worthy person to be loyal to. She chose this time to look over all the people in front of her and a thought occurred.

"Nyke daenerys jelmāzmo hen lentor targārien hen valyrio uēpo ānogār iksan. Tubī nyke tepagon ao aōha freedom daor longer jāhor ao sagon slaves rūsīr collars, nyke kivio bona tubī ao jāhor sagon dāez"

(I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen of the blood of old Valyria. Today I give you your freedom no longer will you be slaves with collars, I promise that today you will be free.)

She would be fair but not lenient slavery was out, but employment existed her voice echoed across the field as many listened and started cheering calling her one word "Muna" her heart warmed as she smiled and nodded leading her people inside. She looked at the Missandei "In the morning instruct them to investigate which masters treated their slaves well, and then find out which masters are willing to pay these people good fees to work for them."

The woman nodded at her Queen before Daenerys turned to her husband her pregnant belly more on display but not a bother to her as she walked closer to the man she wrapped her arms around him and relaxed. The faceless men glanced at Khal Drogo and nodded before slowly approaching.

The chosen spokesman stood at the front of the rest with a Targaryen sigil on his armour "My Queen we would like the honour to train your husband and your future children" Daenerys moved to look at the man her eyes filled with warmth "The House of Black and White provided me with the training I needed to survive and I am indebted to them it will be my immense honour to have you train my husband and future children"

While she was not aware of it her humility was one of the reasons many were glad to serve and help her, the dragon queen turned to look at the grinning men that stood with a solid gold banner "I trust you men like your new home they nodded "I know you are termed mercenaries and laughed at my brother, but do I have your loyalty?" The golden company was built of exiled men and sons, money was the price of their loyalty, but Daenerys Targaryen was not mad. She had paid them well to stay out of this and she was fair the woman offered them a home and their leader's high positions.

She gave them things money could not they turned to their Commander and watched as he bent the knee with every man following him "We pledge ourselves to Her Majesty Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen Queen of the Andals and first men, Empress of the bay of Dragons, The Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the breaker of chains and mother of dragons".

Missandei smirked as Daella glanced at Daenerys "Empress?" the Commander nodded as the woman helped him to his feet "You have conquered Astapor and it is being rebuilt by those you left behind, You have conquered Yunkai once you gain Meeren you will officially be the ruler of all three, You have installed rulers in each place but we all bend the knee to you making you our Empress as High Queen does not suit you"

Drogo nodded in agreement she was the Khaleesi of the Great grass Sea a Dothraki title, The true Queen of the Andals a westrosi title, Empress, however, was a Valyrian title the Moon of his life deserved to have as many titles as possible. He nodded to the men and then gently picked up his wife it was time for her to relax.

As the camp settled and the golden Company entered Yunkai, the Dothraki celebrated that night watching in awe as their Khaleesi's cousin danced her moves were precise and quick like a snake. Many men admired her but kept their distance the women of their Khalessi family and circle all wielded a weapon. One man rose to his feet and approached her Obara smiled and beckoned him to her side. Daella watched in amusement Obara was of Dorne she had no qualms about sex and seduction she was having fun and the Dothraki men loved her. She had only slept with one so far, but she spared with them and spoke of her father.

And the Dothraki loved a good and cunning warrior, in addition, they had seen her slit a man's throat for looking at their Khaleesi wrong. Missandei looked on with a soft smile, Grey worm behind her the two had grown close yet not in a romantic fashion instead they treated each other like siblings much to Dany's disappointment till she realised that the show seemed to just put the only two black persons together to not be racist. So, she had left it be.

The Dragon queen as usual sat between her husbands' legs eating slowly as he laughed with his men her head against his chest as she smiled at the scene in front of her. One of the men glanced at the Khaleesi and nodded in approval at first he had not liked that a Khal like Drogo had married a foreign woman but now he was glad.

She had brought back dragons and fought like a true warrior a fierce Khaleesi that stood by her Khal even in battle. The braids in her hair showed that she had won many a fight. However, what gained his loyalty and respect was that she never intended to rule over her husband and instead ruled beside him, she made no decision about their people without him present and agreeing. Instead of seeing them as barbarians, she taught them the common tongue expressing that they needed to know what their enemies said. Instead of ignoring their customs she adopted them and mixed them with hers and instead of leaving them out of her plans she sheltered and cared for them truly seeing them as her own people. So when the time came he would kill that beast that hurt her family the Khal could have the others but he had fought for his right to slay the mountain. The Dothraki were harsh, but they did not kill children.

He watched as the Khaleesi rubbed her belly and let out a soft whistle her dragons always stayed with the camp so that they would know their allies, they also were getting very large something that made the men excited to see how big they would grow. This time one of the females came and stayed at the Khaleesi's side while the others as usual guarded the children.

The Dothraki warrior had to wonder what would have happened if the Khaleesi had married another but then he shook his head no man other than the Khal was worthy of their Khaleesi however he was not blind to the looks men gave his Khaleesi perhaps they should take the same approach the Khaleesi's cousin took.

The Dothraki warrior had to wonder what would have happened if the Khaleesi had married another but then he shook his head no man other than the Khal was worthy of their Khaleesi however he was not blind to the looks men gave his Khaleesi perhaps ...

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