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The infiltration of Dragonstone was unexpected, the Baratheon guards did not see their deaths coming all they saw was a beautiful girl with long brown hair walking over to them with a basket and a bright smile

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The infiltration of Dragonstone was unexpected, the Baratheon guards did not see their deaths coming all they saw was a beautiful girl with long brown hair walking over to them with a basket and a bright smile. "My lady sent me to deliver some bread to the brave guards," she said as she blushed softly while giving them the basket and quickly walking away.

 The men huddled together to watch her walk away before laughing together "Such a pretty little damsel she would make a good wife" The men unwrapped the bread and shared it between them, each taking a big bite and nodding in approval "Maybe we should see how willing she is" one murmured as he ate.

"She's untouched but did you see those hips I can imagine bending her over and filling her cunt". The others nodded in agreement each finishing his bread before going back to his place. It started slowly with a cough and an uncomfortable feeling before they were struggling to breathe and clawing at their throats as they fell to their knees.

 As they struggled to breathe several figures appeared in front of them. This time the girl was not in a dress or smiling. This time she wore armour with the Targaryen sigil on it and smirked at them "Be careful there could be poison in your food" she said in a dry tone as several men walked up behind her one was bigger than the other and gave her a nod of approval as his men dragged away the dead bodies.

"Davra tat"(good work) Drogo said as he walked towards the doors, Arya smiled "San athchomari yeraan anna Khal" (Thank you my king) she followed him into the palace her brown hair now tied tightly to her head and out of the way as they walked through the halls. None of the servants stopped them many of the guards had been killed or knocked unconscious. Sending in the Unsullied to infiltrate was a good idea. Both Drogo and Arya frowned when they saw the Baratheon sigil hanging all over their Queen's home.

Stannis was in Kings Landing but his wife and child stayed in Dragonstone, Daenerys left strict instructions not to kill or harm them. So, as they took control of the castle Arya walked into the girl's chambers books fill every corner and the young girl is in bed reading using the candlelight. 

"Shireen Baratheon" As she spoke the young girl looked up at her and her eyes widened upon seeing the sigil on the older girl's chest. Yet she made no call for help and instead stood to her feet her greyscale on display "Does my older cousin come to claim her birthright?" The young girl asks as she stares into the grey eyes that do not show sadness or sympathy the eyes of a stark. Arya just nods "Come", and Shireen follows Arya dutifully to the throne room.

Shireen watches as her mother is dragged in by guards she does not recognise and the door opens in walks a woman in armour with the Targaryen symbol on her chest, a crown on a head of silver-white braids. A sword covered in blood hanging on her side as she walks in behind her are three armoured women and a few Dothraki warriors.

The woman turns to her and smiles a bit "Hello cousin" Shireen bows "Hello Your Grace" Daenerys nods in approval this child was smart and kind. As Daenerys walked further into the hall, she pulled down another Baratheon sigil before sitting on the throne. Her violet eyes were no longer kind but stern as she started at Lady Baratheon "Your daughter greets me with honour and respect but you spit in the faces of my blood riders and attempt to curse my husband should I kill you and send your head to my traitor cousins"

Shireen looked on blankly as her mother screamed at the Dragon Queen a small sigh leaving her lips. Her head lowered in shame but a hand on her shoulder made her look up. A tired and worn Ser Davos stood by her side. He looked a bit worse for wear but relieved. The two stood together and watched as the Dragon Queen walked over to the cursing woman who insisted that the seven would kill her. T

hey both watched as Daenerys took her sword in hand "Ser Davos turn my cousin away" As the man went to do so Shireen shook her head "No I want to see" Daenerys nodded and with one swift movement detached the head of Selyse Baratheon. They watched as the corpse fell to the floor and the Dragon queen just nodded and turned to one of the women at her side "Instruct everyone to set up and start getting ready, also ask the servants to clean this mess up" The woman nodded and began giving out instructions. Daenerys walked slowly over to the young girl and lowered herself to the floor.

"Ser Davos sent me a letter months ago about you and I see that he is right you deserve better child" Shireen nodded as tears flowed down her face her cousin placed a kiss on her head and turned to Arya "I hate to take you away from celebrations, but can you take care of my cousin" the youngest stark girl just nodded "I have no issue, your grace"

Daenerys smiled and walked over to Drogo who just gave Shireen a small nod and the two left the room. Daenerys looked over at the Twelve Dragons that were settling in. She had left trusted persons in Essos to take care of each city and ensure her rule. Luckily, she also left loyal guards and safe systems. Slavery was out but they were paid for the work they chose to do she had cleaned the cities and fixed their infrastructure gaining the love and loyalty of her subjects.

"Vod chafaan Stannis" (Rest in Peace) Daenerys mumbled as she wrapped his wife's head in a cloth with a letter and sent it off with one of the surviving Baratheon guards. She would remind them who she was to them as she destroyed them.

She leaned back in her husband's arms and sighed the time was coming and many were going to burn. 


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