lanta Ampā

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They had managed to avoid Mereen and Yunkai on the way to Astapor going around both cities in the dead of night but now they intended to take Yunkai

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They had managed to avoid Mereen and Yunkai on the way to Astapor going around both cities in the dead of night but now they intended to take Yunkai. Knowing about the golden company Daenerys knew she would need help. So, she contacted the Faceless Men who quickly sent a message to the golden company who immediately pulled out of Yunkai and their leaders arranged for a meeting.

Drogo sat on her right dressed in new leathers with a brand-new belt adorned with gold and rubies, and a newly forged arakh on his side a gift from his wife. She was dressed in a dark red dress that was tied around her neck. It was a mixture of Dothraki and Dornish robes. Her hair was braided and, hanging on her hips, was a pair of twin daggers. For the first time ever she was wearing her mother's crown she sat with her husband as the diplomat from Yunkai entered.

Behind her, Missandei spoke, "You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful queen of the Andals and the First Men, protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains."

Before the man could say anything else Missandei continued speaking "And her King Consort Khal Drogo of house Targaryen, The Destroyer, The Khal of the Great Grass Sea, Father of Dragons, The Undefeated".

The man visibly recoiled in fear they knew she had dragons, but they never considered that she still was married to the Khal. They had heard the whispers of Khal Drogo's alliance with the leaders of the biggest khalasars upon further investigation they found out that the man was now the leader of all the Khalasars of the Dothraki through battle. Any Khal who lost were killed apart from the six that had allied themselves and happily gave up their positions.

And the Westrosi woman had managed to marry the man. He observed her and finally realised the rumours of her being a warrior woman whom they had scoffed at were true. Now he had to convince her to leave them alone.

"Ancient and glorious is Yunkai. Our empire was old before dragons stirred in Old Valyria. Many an army has broken against our walls; you shall find no easy conquest here, Khaleesi." Razdal spoke trying his best to hide his fear, but Daenerys only turned to her husband and smirked before letting out a whistle. To the man's horror three dragons came into the tent.

They were huge they circled the woman before lying at her feet until the Khal threw meat at them that is and they lunged for it allowing Razdal to see the rows of horrifyingly sharp teeth. He swallowed before attempting to dissuade her "We want no bloodshed instead we offer you gold and ships so that way you may return to your home and leave us alone"

This time Drogo laughed it wasn't the laugh he gave to his Khalasar or the one around his wife this sounded dark and almost threatening, Razdal suddenly remembered that this man in front of him was a cold-blooded murderer who did not care for nobility as his wife did. Daenerys however smirked and looked at the man.

 "And if we choose war?" Razdal looked at her with a furious expression "Then you will die at the hands of the Gold Company and Second Sons and any of your survivors we will make slaves if you happen to live we will sell you as a whore as many want to sleep with the last living Targaryen"

Drogo froze as did the men in the room Missandei and Daella stepped back while every head turned to the Targaryen whose eyes had taken on a dragon-like appearance as a bloodthirsty grin appeared on her face and her hands were engulfed in flames.

"You do not have the golden company as they are allied to me I paid them well you see and as for the Second sons I fear that their leaders have already been dealt with" Razdal now felt fear as the woman rose to her feet and walked towards him "And as for you I shall make an example out of you"

Her hands gripped his neck, and her flames devoured him the Khalasar and unsullied watched as the man screamed and begged for mercy running to the sand to out himself only for two Dothraki men to hold him firmly in place not caring if they died to ensure he did not get away. However, to their surprise, they did not burn.

They watched as the body of the arrogant man turned black and the corpse dropped to the floor Balerion nudged the corpse before turning to his mother who just smiled "Ipradagon issa riñnykeā" (eat my child)

The dragon chirped to his sibling and in a flurry, the twelve descended on the body. Daenerys now looked at the yellow city and smirked "Missandei, Daella do me a favour and instruct our friend within the city to kill the masters and open the gates."

She then glanced at the khalasar "hash kisha tihat mereen kisha vilajero" (When we see Mereen prepare for battle" Unlike before she intended to leave a leader and fighters in the city and the Golden Company were all too happy to do so after the wonderful treatment they had gotten from the Dragon Queen.

Unlike Daenerys, she would not underestimate persons stuck in their ways and who thought slavery was a good practice. She did wonder though was the sand snake impressed her cousin walked out from the shadows with a smirk on her face "You hunt like a dragon I approve cousin" the two women shared a look Obara had enjoyed watching her cousin negotiate but seeing the flames had stunned her.

"About your fire cousin, they did not burn"

The two Dothraki men also looked at their Khaleesi wondering why "My fire burns whom I wish it to burn, and it will never burn my people" Obara grinned before turning to one of the men he was handsome and being here meant a relative amount of freedom. Daenerys smirked "Go cousin I am not one with the thoughts of propriety we can spar later".

Obara's eyes lingered on Daenerys's stomach and the girl sighed "Fine you will teach me how to make poisons later then" The sand snake smirked giving her cousin a quick nod before leaving with the Dothraki man. Drogo wrapped an arm around his wife's waist and then spoke "She blends into the shadows" Daenerys nodded "It is a notable skill if you ask maybe she will teach you" the teasing pinch she got in return did not dissuade her laughter.

 Drogo wrapped an arm around his wife's waist and then spoke "She blends into the shadows" Daenerys nodded "It is a notable skill if you ask maybe she will teach you" the teasing pinch she got in return did not dissuade her laughter

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