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The next day Daenerys was in a good mood she had hidden the letter in a place no one would find it after showing it to her husband as they had no secrets

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The next day Daenerys was in a good mood she had hidden the letter in a place no one would find it after showing it to her husband as they had no secrets. Daella walked by her side as she walked towards the area in which the blood riders were training both women stopped to watch them battle one another without their weapons.

The smirks on their faces would have gotten them in trouble if Drogo had not approved of Khaleesi's idea. Daenerys had pointed out that a warrior should be able to fight with or without his weapon to prove her point she and Daella had done a quick spar for the rest of the Khalasar while Jorah and Viserys slept. The Khalasar was impressed but did not understand the importance of this knowledge till Daella let it slip that both herself and the Khaleesi had killed several men with this knowledge as they did not expect it.

As the two women watched Drogo approached wrapping a protective arm around his wife's waist, he had long noted that Irri and Daella were her most trusted companions he was not surprised when he found out that his Khaleesi had provided both with daggers like hers. Now Daella's were strapped to her thighs hidden by her clothing, but the Dothraki men noticed it as a sign she was one of the Khaleesi's favourites. As such, they stayed away.

It was near the hour of the eel when she saw her brother, Daenerys observed him as he drank his wine and grabbed Doreah it seemed that her brother had nothing better to do than to drink and rape her handmaiden. Daenerys paused at that thought in her past life rape had many definitions. Was what Viserys was doing rape as Doreah had consented each time? After a few seconds, she decided that it was still rape as she had seen the woman bleeding a few times after her brother was done with her. Even though she knew he gave her oils and water for her wounds, it looked brutal.

A few minutes after Doreah was pulled into the tent she saw Jorah walking towards them with an innocent smile. She, however, did not return the smile instead she watched him with an almost blank face it scared him yet after she turned to the Khal and kissed his chest her violet eyes seemed to glow with humour as they both exchanged a meaningful conversation without words.

Jorah would die alongside her brother; they were not far from Vaes Dothrak so it would happen soon. Dany just gave the betrayer a false smile before letting Drago lift her up and walk away. Daella just walked after them with a bright smile by her side was one of the blood riders. Jorah watched the sight with a frown something was wrong. Yet he had no idea what it was.

After a few hours, Viserys exited his tent he was furious Doreah had let it slip that his sister had made an announcement earlier in the week that the Khalasar seemed really excited about. He had a suspicion that his sister was working against him. After all, in all the years, they had been on the run she was always docile yet after she married the Dothraki savage she revealed her prowess with weapons.

Things progressively got worse when he noticed how well she spoke their language and how these people adored her. She was supposed to be his by the customs of their family but now her purity had been tainted he could not have any heirs with her so he would just get rid of her. Her handmaiden however was pure until he came upon her. Her long silver-blonde hair and deep blue eyes enthralled him.

He had decided that she would be his queen, the Valyrian beauty felt the prince's gaze and gave him a soft bashful look before attending to her mistress who had watched the whole exchange with an amused expression.

"Ziry vestragon hae lo issa lēkia drējī loves ao yn ziry believes bona ao jorrāelagon zirȳla nykeā am nyke pirta se ao gaomagon jorrāelagon zirȳla?" (It seems as if my brother truly loves you but he believes that you love him or am I wrong and you do love him)

Daella's dark blue eyes meet Viserys once again as she forced a blush and coyly looked away as if she did not hear her mistress's words. Viserys was so enthralled he had not heard his sister instead he gave a proud smile with eyes filled with desire and surprisingly love; Daenerys looked on in surprise.

As her brother left and entered his tent Daella gave a cold look in his direction "Jorrāelagon? Kostilus nykeā vala raqagon bona emagon daor appeal naejot issa se qogror iksos skoros nyke raqagon." (Love?? please a man like that has no appeal to me the sex is what I like.)

Irri stood translating the conversation softly to the Khal and his blood riders who smirked at the answer. Daella had appealed to these men, like their Khaleesi, she was a warrior and regarding the beggar king she was using him for her needs they admired her cutthroat behaviour. Qotho leans forward with an interest he liked the Khaleesi she had earned her place and his respect, but her handmaiden Daella intrigued him.

He had flirted with her on several occasions and her replies had been bold and seductive, one especially stayed with him "I'll be your woman if you help me slaughter all my queen's enemies" her loyalty and bloodlust made him absolutely devoted to her.

Looking at the Khaleesi he spoke "Khaleesi, anha tikh allayafi daella tat tikh anna chiori kash jin vezhof et anna she athdrivar"( Khaleesi I would like Daella to be my woman until the Great Stallion has me in death) Daenerys looks at Qotho in surprise. She remembers who he was in the books and shows but things were different now the original story was changing.

"Fin zalat tat zhorre mae yer tikh zhorre tat wait ha anna brother tat athdrivar arrek yer ishish zhorre jin chomokh"(If you want to have her you will have to wait until my brother has died then maybe you shall have this honour)  Daella grinned upon hearing her mistress's words Qotho was an attractive man, and she enjoyed his company. This pleased her greatly, however, one thing needed to be answered.

"Yeri rhellaya anna kill tih Khaleesi's enemies?" (You help me kill my queen's enemies?)

Qotho did not even look at the Khal as he nodded, the other blood riders grinned if they did not already have women, they would have fallen for the bloodthirsty woman their brother loved. Drogo leaned back and nodded in approval, yes this was a match he approved off.

Daenerys looked at the rest of the khalasar as they went about their day "When we reach Vaes Dothrak prepare for my eggs to be hatched" Daella nodded It would take two more months to reach Vaes Dothrak, but Daenerys was careful. She would not let her brother find out about the baby at all.

 She would not let her brother find out about the baby at all

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Author's Note:

And my vacation is over, Happy New Year everyone I hope you like the chapter.

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