Mēre Ampā

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An image of the dress Daenerys is wearing is attached in the media section, I know it looks modern but remember this Daenerys is from the 21st century so for her own comfort she makes all her clothing.

They were not prepared for Daenerys when she entered  Astapor on a white steed dressed in a dark dress and a Targaryen necklace around her neck

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They were not prepared for Daenerys when she entered Astapor on a white steed dressed in a dark dress and a Targaryen necklace around her neck. The slave traders of Astapor suddenly remembered that this was the famed dragon queen of the Dothraki.

Whispers had spread the second the khalasar had demolished three villages and fighting alongside the Khal was a woman with tanned skin and white hair on her shoulder was a dragon. As she entered their gates the slave traders noticed that she had three. She slid off her horse and looked at the man in front of her.

"I want to buy warriors." Immediately he translated for his master whose eyes looked on at the young girl stopping when her sword met his neck "I came for the unsullied and I will not leave without them direct me to their seller"

Now with fear in his eyes, he quickly nodded and the sword had disappeared from his neck he directed her to Kraznys mo Nakloz who watched her with scorn. Daenerys, however, did not flinch and just spoke "I wish to buy soldiers and I hear that yours are the best" beside him a young girl with dark skin and golden eyes translates her words into Low Valyrian. She watches as the man's eyes fall on her dragons before he directs her to the unsullied who stand on command.

As he explains how they are trained Daenerys keeps a straight face listening as he insults her and the Dothraki guards that accompanied her however Missandei passes on her master's message while rephrasing his words into more respectful terms. She watches as Kraznys mo Nakloz cuts one of the men's nipples without a thought but the man does not flinch and he does not even seem to recognize the action.

The Targaryen looks at the young translator who is close in age to her and speaks "I want them all" as Missandei translates the man scoffs and shakes his head at this Daenerys smiles "Inform your master I will trade him a dragon for the entire unsullied" as she speaks these words Daella subtly holds Drogo back and shakes her head "Trust her" she mouths before they observe the man. 

Who now looks quite interested in having a dragon of his own. Missandei smiles softly before translating her master's words "He agrees" Daenerys now smiles and continues "Tell him I would also like you as a gesture of goodwill" as the young girl translates these words Kraznys mo Nakloz in his lust for a dragon agrees and easily hands over the young girl.

Daenerys smirks and silently chains up Balerion before handing him over to a now eager Kraznys mo Nakloz hands her the whip looking at the whip she decided to follow the original actions of the young Targaryen girl "Are they all mine will they only obey me?"

Missandei quickly translates only for Kraznys mo Nakloz to speak "Sa tida. Pelos ji qlony. J'aspo eza zya azantyr." (It is done. She holds the whip. The bitch has her army.) Daenerys smirks and looks at the soldiers in front of her. "Dovaogedys! Naejot memebatas!" (Unsullied forward march) there is a small pause before "Kelitis!" (halt) is heard. Drogo watches his wife with pride as Balerion fights the master.

"Ivetra j'aspo zya dyni do majis." (Tell the bitch her beast won't come) as Daenerys hears these words her eyes narrow as she turns and replies "Zaldrizes buzdari iksos daor." (A dragon is not a slave) She watches as the man's eyes widen with horror "Ydra ji Valyre?" (You speak Valyrian) the princess smirks at the man "Nyke Daenerys Jelmazmo hen Targario Lentrot, hen Valyrio Uepo anogar iksan. Valyrio muño engos ñuhys issa." (I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyria. Valyrian is my mother tongue.) behind her both Missandei and Daella smirk and share a look.

Daenerys however decided that now was the right time to destroy the good masters "Dovaogedys! Aeksia ossenatas, menti ossenatas, qiloni pilos lue vale tolvie ossenatas, yn riñe dore odrikatas. Urnet luo buzdaro tolvio belma pryjatas!" (Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who holds a whip, but harm no child. Strike the chains off every slave you see!) horror now fills Kraznys eyes as he hears her order.

Immediately he begins to shout for them to kill her as the soldiers begin fulfilling her order Daenerys however was enraged by the man turning to him with fire gleaming in her eyes she spoke one word "Dracarys!" all three dragons now circle Kraznys before allowing their flames to rain down on the man.

Drogo and his blood riders looked on in morbid fascination as the man burned to death, when the dragons were finished, they proceeded to burn Astapor to the ground as the unsullied eradicated every master Missandei looked on with a smile "Valar morghulis" Daella smirked "All men must die" and Daenerys then smiled at her before replying "We are not men" hearing these words the woman grinned.

Daenerys soon got on her horse and looked at the soldiers who now stood in formation after a few seconds she speaks. "Dovaogedys! Jevo glaesotir buzdari istiat.Kesy tubi jemot daervi tepan.Henujagon jaelza lua vala mirre henujagon kostas,se daorys ziry odrikilza.Jemot kivio ñuhe tepan.Yne sytivilibilat?Hae daero valoti?"(Unsullied! You have been slaves all your life. Today I give you freedom. Any man who wishes to leave may leave, and no one will harm him. I give you, my word. Will you fight for me? As free men?)

The two women watched in awe as the men began using their spears to show their support for Daenerys. Missandei reached over and grabbed Daella's hand and said one sentence that would stick with the three women for a long time "I lived a horrible life until now, thank you for saving me"

Drogo who had been listening alongside his bloodriders shared a look, as usual, his wife had impressed someone and won the loyalty of many. If this was going to be a common theme he should be prepared to fight more competitors.

He softly voiced this to his riders who did not even try to reassure him and instead agreed insisting that nobody would be taking their Khaleesi. 

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