Bȳre Ampā

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Twelve dragons flew over Mereen engulfing the entire city in shadows, 14-year-old Arya Stark looked up to the sky and smirks before turning to her trainer "Her majesty is back from her hunt it seems" The man in front of her nodded and glances at O...

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Twelve dragons flew over Mereen engulfing the entire city in shadows, 14-year-old Arya Stark looked up to the sky and smirks before turning to her trainer "Her majesty is back from her hunt it seems" The man in front of her nodded and glances at Obara "A man has completed his lesson the girls may go" the two women bowed and quickly left the arena glancing up shortly to see Daella give them a nod of approval. Over the past three years, things had changed a lot.

Arya had taken her lady lessons alongside her sword training and had blossomed into a wonderful young lady, she often exchanged letters with her brothers and sister but had not returned to Winterfell. The last time she had been on Westrosi soil she had wiped out house Frey and Bolton it was something that had earned her a new weapon courtesy of the Queen who just said "She has a weapon and skills if she really wanted to kill us, she would have done so already" It amused Arya that the Queen had no qualms about her little mission but the woman just shrugged and gave her a mischievous smirk.

Her family had yet to find out about her involvement, her brother had indeed married Margaery Tyrell and the woman made a good northern princess winning the hearts of their people and banners. Sansa had been sent to Sun Spear to get used to her new home and get to know her beloved. To Arya's delight, her sister had been forced to learn how to defend herself. The sand snakes wanted to ensure the red-haired ice princess would not be taken advantage of after all she was a beautiful woman.

As Arya entered the palace, she grinned standing on the balcony was Daenerys Targaryen in her arms was her youngest son Rhaenor Targaryen the boy shared his father's colouring and black hair but inherited his mother's eyes when he was born a dragon egg was placed in his crib alongside his older brother Draenor Targaryen who took after his mother in colouring but had his father's eyes. Arya had grown to love the two princes.

Daenerys turned to face Arya and smiled "How was the arena". Ayra bowed before taking the prince into her arms and cooing "It was good, Daella seemed pleased" the young wolf said as she rocked the small child "She is you have come a long way little Stark" Ayra rolled her eyes and turned to see Khal Drogo walking into the room his blood riders behind him with pleased looks "My king" the said as she bowed and handed over the babe.

The man laughed and ruffled her hair "You are joining us on our next conquest" Ayra nodded with a neutral expression. Since she had arrived, she noticed how many called Dany the Empress of the Bay of Dragons and had pointed out that wouldn't ruling a larger portion of Essos be better. That year she had started a war plan. It had started out simply conquering the nations closest to them but after conquering Qarth and Yin it had occurred to them that Braavos and Pentos were weak points and they moved conquering nearly all of Essos and Andalos.

Those three years were used to solidify the Dragon Queens' power and with twelve dragons behind her, she was feared. Unknown to many in Westeros the number of dragons had increased after the first year of her rise to power. She had twelve full-grown dragons that she used in battle, but her other 42 dragons had only entered their second year of life and two eggs sat in her children's cribs unhatched.

It bothered many in Westeros on the king's small council that the Targaryen girl had risen to such power in addition to that she had three heirs to her name two sons and a daughter. If she set, her eyes on Westeros that would leave all her children with something to inherit. 

Robert Baratheon had not remarried and instead legitimized two daughters and a son. Off course all the children were half-siblings the man failed to notice the disgust his children had towards him and the iron throne. In haste to have allies, he quickly married his eldest daughter to the heir of house Tarley and his son had found a wife from house Tully. Much to Lady Starks disagreement her younger cousin had been married off to the Baratheon prince.

Gendry Waters, however, the son of Robert Baratheon had found his way to Winterfell and worked there as a blacksmith. His eyes had been a dead giveaway to Lord Stark who quickly took him in and treated him nicely. Gendry found out the truth about his father from the Lord who took him in and provided him with more than he deserved. Lady Stark and her daughter-in-law had both requested small daggers from him and paid him more than he charged.

He soon came to find out the House of Stark was full of fair and noble people. Bran Stark, however, had changed and thanks to foreign intervention the youngest Stark had regained the use of his legs however he had become the three-eyed raven this time the entity and the boy co-existed as the intervention made by the gods allowed the green seer some peace.

House Lannister had suffered due to Cersi and luckily Lancil and not Jaime. The Heir of Casterly Rock confessed to the king that he made no children with Cersi and avoided being alone with her. He even pointed out that he had fallen in love with a woman in one of their banner houses but did not leave the kings guard because she had been killed a year prior and he had no desire to be with anyone but her. So, while the house had fallen from grace, they still had sympathy from many due to Jaime Lannister's confession. 

The King however was still mad and every six months he would force the disgraced woman to walk the streets naked while people jeered at her. Joffery was promptly sent to the wall while Tommen was proven to be the son of another Lord and was sent to his father who had him legitimized as he had no heirs. As for Mycella the young and innocent, she was the child of a visiting lord from Pentos who took in his daughter. Cersi had admitted to her crimes and all the men she had slept with secretly or on trips.

The state of the Royal family was a mess, many nobles were out of sorts. Some houses, however, were thriving in Winterfell they had discovered many mines for dragon glass, iron and gold using these they produced as much as they could and sold their products rebuilding Moat Cailin and the town that once stood there.

The Reach was prospering through their allegiance with the North the trading of grains for the new products was worth it. In addition to that the new alliances gave both houses a reason to avoid the court and the small council. Things were falling into place nicely. 

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Hey guys,

So this is set three years later its a time skip cause every season of the show is a year and I merged things from multiple seasons so you have the time skip explaining the multiple changes over the years.

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