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The Dragons were growing fast it had only been a week and they were about the size of a calf

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The Dragons were growing fast it had only been a week and they were about the size of a calf. Daenerys was quite surprised. Was this the rate the black dread had grown? At some point, she asked the gods who had sent her and they all answered the same thing.

"They are catching up in age with you" That would have been acceptable if she was not, nearly two decades older mentally "Which age?" to her surprise a new voice spoke "Your mental age my dear child" There was a pause before R'hollor spoke "The 14 have claimed you so this blessing is linked directly to them" Daenerys nodded before looking away from the flames.

The camp had stopped for the night at the insistence of some of the members of the Khalasar it was freezing and they could not walk anymore. Looking around the camp the dragoness frowned her people were freezing. The campfire in the middle of the encampment was not helping the woman took a deep breath and was engulfed in flames. The khalasar watched in awe as the flames formed in separate areas never burning the tents but providing heat.

Drogo placed a hand on his wife's shoulder as she leaned against him, the flames on her skin faded as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Our people won't freeze Drogo" her words were spoken in the common tongue, yet several understood their Khaleesi. The blood riders, however, were very concerned about the baby in their Khaleesi's stomach. Did ensuring that they were warm drain her of strength?

As if she could hear their thoughts her amethyst eyes meet theirs and she just smiled and gave them a firm nod. The men relaxed and went back to their women. Daenerys turned to her dragons who now surrounded her they needed names. She lowered herself to the floor and smiled dragon riders were rare and Dany had a bond with all her children.

As she pondered on their names one of her dragons came over and nudged her stomach gently she smiled "Then I will name you Meleys after the goddess of love and fertility" Meleys was silver with pinkish undertones and had a habit of finding the pregnant women of the khalasar.

 Eventually, some used her as a baby detector. Behind Meleys was a dark blue dragon with silver scales another girl she usually followed after Drogo when he made war plans, she had found it quite amusing "You my little strategist I shall name Tyraxes after the goddess herself." 

Daella walked over and smiled "You are naming them after the 14" when her mistress nodded Daella petted the closest dragon he was black as the night sky his eyes however were a crimson red without a thought Daella spoke "Balerion he is the god in dragon form" Daenerys smiled before nodding few understood how much she studied her culture but Daella did.

"Help me name them" the two women then picked out two dragons one male and the other female both were blue one like the sky with white scales and the other as dark as the ocean with green scales they were like twins immediately the two women agree "For the male Caraxes" Daella spoke while petting him "For the female Meraxes," said Daenerys as the two dragons seemed to puff up in pride after hearing their new names.

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