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Robert watched the map in horror

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Robert watched the map in horror. Three of his biggest allies had sided with the Targaryen Queen, and he was low on soldiers. The Lannisters gave their support and were nearly entirely whipped out in the first battle. The Scorpions had failed as the Dragons had been covered with armour. His people were starving as the Reach refused to give them any grains. Anyone that tried to get the Dornish on their side was killed, and his brothers had long abandoned him due to Shireen; he had not expected any of this.

Someone had wiped out the Frey's and killed little finger, The eyrie had gotten quiet, almost as if they were afraid to fight, and the North had abandoned him. Ned's betrayal had hurt when the man sent a letter to him explaining he would not support him after what he had done. The truth of his bastard being Lyanna and Rhaegar's son and the fact that the woman he loved hated him.

He had lost his strongest ally things were going horribly wrong. He sat on his horse with anger in his eyes. The King had decided to go hunting and ignore the situation while his small council attempted to fix the situation. Petyr had used his connections to petition the Vale only for the words of House Tully to be sent to him. A clear refusal from the regent.

The man rushed into Varys's chambers to see the man calmly staring into the fire as he slowly burned letters. "Varys, why are you just standing there as we descend into chaos". Petyr frowned when the man smirked and walked up to him. "You have been known for your lies and blackmail; it's a shame the Queen has no use for you".

Petyr sputtered, "You have betrayed the King" There was a pause of silence, and then Varys smirked at him and slowly walked closer. "I am not Varys," he said before slitting Petyr's throat. The man stumbled back, holding his throat, trying to stop the bleeding and choking on his blood. He only managed to utter, "Faceless man".

There was no one in this section of the palace to see the body was hidden, and the few maids came to clean the blood before bowing and walking off. The man known as Littlefinger was no longer in the land of the living. The Queen had requested that the man be removed from the board of players, and the Faceless men saw no issue as they all hated the man who had been responsible for several girls being kidnapped to be whores in his brothels.

Tonight would be the beginning of the end of most of their allies had been smuggled out of the city most of the soldiers had infiltrated, and at dawn, the Targaryen flag would be over the city once again. Turning to the room holding the city's secrets, the assassin packed up everything his Queen would need to know and lit the room on fire.

Robert Baratheon was out on a hunt. When he returned, two of his council members would be declared dead. And his city would be swarming with Targaryen supporters. As the man left the keep, he went through the streets and into the Sept, where a few familiar faces greeted him. "Hello, old friend, are you ready to welcome back the age of dragons" Many seemed fooled by the head of the worship of the Seven if only they knew that he was a Targaryen supporter to the fullest who also secretly worshipped the fourteen flames.

The Baratheon rule would come to an end.


Daenerys led Rhaegal to the battlefield. The unsullied and the Dothraki had started storming the Lannister's home; the soldiers were all right in battle, but they did not last long against her soldiers. She flew over Casterly Rock, where the scorpions sat and smirked, "Dracarys". The men and weapons went down in flames they did not have a chance to scream as their only possible defence against dragons had gone down.

Rhaegal landed and let out a loud screech before allowing his mother off his back. Daenerys patted him and he immediately took to the skies not far from her. Several of the surviving soldiers ran at her, but they stood no chance. Daenerys was trained by the assassins of Braavos, the child soldiers that felt no pain of Astapor and the warmongers known as the Dothraki. The blood covering her armour only ensured they knew she was Visenya Reborn. She ensured that every man fighting against her fell, and she took the time to leave her mark.

As she made her way into the study, two Lannisters stood with proud looks on their faces Cersei Lannister and her father just glared at her, but Daenerys gave them a bloodthirsty grin. "I have to leave you alive, but your daughter is fair game" Before Tywin could say a word, several unsullied appeared behind their queen.

Greyworm led them, "Your Majesty, we have killed everyone. There are no survivors. " Tywin paled as he realised his entire family had been brutally murdered. "Don't worry, Tommen and Myrcella have been given very good marriage prospects. Unfortunately, they disowned the Lannister name" Joffery was dead, Jaime had left the king's guard, and it was unknown as to what he was doing, and Tyrion had long ensured that he would not inherit anything.

The Dragon Queen seemed to know his thoughts and smirked: "Your son has remarried the Tysha and willingly moved away to Dorne; he is being paid well by the royal family to review their library and teach history to the smallfolk". Tywin looked disgusted, but the woman only laughed. "You know, after the two found out how badly they had been deceived, they dealt with their problems".

She walked over to his daughter and kicked her down as she spoke. "You thought that you were better than Elia. You held no beauty compared to her, who was intelligent, kind and accepting" Several of the guards dragged the woman up. At the same time, four soldiers held on to Tywin tightly and made him watch as the Targaryen Queen taunted and hit his daughter before stabbing her several times.

"Drop her, let the Dothraki have their fun, then let her bleed out" As revenge for Elia and Tyrion, Daenerys forced the man to watch as several Dothraki men raped his daughter as she slowly bled to death, the men finishing a few minutes before the woman died.

"Tywin Lannister, my uncles want a word with you, so prepare to be used as a poison test pig. I heard my Uncles Paramour wants to test you.

 I heard my Uncles Paramour wants to test you

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