Bȳre lantēpsa

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Sansa sighed as she sat with Daenerys "Do I have to?" the Queen laughed at her young friend who clearly did not want to spend time with her mother "Yes, you do My little birds are reporting that she may be easily swayed" Sansa paused and looked at...

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Sansa sighed as she sat with Daenerys "Do I have to?" the Queen laughed at her young friend who clearly did not want to spend time with her mother "Yes, you do My little birds are reporting that she may be easily swayed" Sansa paused and looked at Daenerys with a frown "Is it the women raised in the south or near the capital cause this is ridiculous" Daenerys just sighed and continued going over her paperwork "Fine then it shall be a family dinner"

Sansa rose to her feet and turned to leave but Daenerys had something else to say, "Sansa I think you should remember who you are, The Northern Rose, The Red Wolf, and the Desert Rose are many monikers for who you are but honestly which one are you truly?"

The girl turned around with a sly smile "I am all, I am the rose of the north the daughter of Lord Stark, I am the Red wolf. I am the desert Rose of House Martell, and I am also a daughter of house Tully. I am beautiful and wild; I have sharp thorns that survive and thrive in both the cold and heat. The loyal daughter and fierce friend and wife"

Daenerys smiled at the girl and nodded "Dorne has taught you well" As the eldest stark girl left her room Daenerys turned to the map, She had won the Game of Thrones and successfully made the bonds and allies she needed to have. Frankly, she was pleased with her progress. All that was left was to snuff out the last few whispers of rebellion and get ready for the biggest wedding of the year. Her nephew had fallen deeply for Ayra, she hoped that he would be able to keep her happy.

Daenerys calmly turned to look at her husband who sat on the far side of the room with his blood riders they had planned a hunting trip on the outskirts of the capital luckily the Dothraki had settled well in Westeros and there were no issues. There had been a few dragon rides between here and Essos, but she was the Empress of all these nations. Luckily, she had enough children for all these nations.

Ayra Stark was loyal and observant in most cases she took after her mother but with her aunt's wildness today, however, she needed to talk to her father and older brother. Both men were going through the documents about Winterfell trying to organise certain issues before they had to return. As she entered the room both men paused and looked at her "I am surprised that you are willingly wearing gowns and dresses" Robb remarked dryly as he leaned back and observed her, yet Ayra just smiled "Robb, Father I think we need to talk about my engagement".

Both men stiffened as they had heard the opinions of their wives and now, they had to hear this "I am Lady of Dreadfort now he shall take up the title of Lord in addition to his other domain as such we will have both a northern wedding and a southern wedding to appease everyone" Both men nodded pleased with this news while Ayra just smiled.

"Now tell me what you learned in Essos" Robb's eyes were filled with excitement and curiosity that only grew as his sister nodded and began to tell him of her time with the Queen and her court. She paused briefly when she remembered "Brother your wife will fall pregnant soon" Both men paused and watched her as if she had just declared herself to be a Southern lady. 

Lord Stark watched his daughter carefully before speaking "Have you been speaking to Bran he said the same thing to Robb this morning only he specified that the blessing of life may cause the loss of another" Ayra paled a bit before nodding "After her hightower act Sansa and I had fertility medicine added to her tea and wine."

Robb looked at his sister before nodding "I shall have a child soon and then I shall need to remarry I see no issue" It seemed Sansa was right their brother could be cold and unforgiving and this was something both women had seen coming after meeting the Tyrell girl.

Ned Stark however was forever honourable and just blinked "Pregnancy is a hard thing for women I suppose in her desperation for a child she never considered the risks" Arya and Robb watched their father before giving a nod in agreement. The three Starks continued as if the information had never been said.

Both sisters ran into each other in the gardens one with a small smile and the other with flushed cheeks but neither spoke as they hurriedly rushed by the other to attend to their many duties. The Stark family had immense power in Westeros now and their daughters were becoming the ideal image of a lady for most families.

Tonight, however, they would have to deal with their mother and frankly, they were not happy about it. In addition, soon a trial would be held for some of the corrupt Lords and Ladies of Westeros. This dinner was set the night before and frankly, neither of the girls was prepared to deal with the judgement that had been brewing in their mother's heart.

Bran Stark however was spending his time in the library with Princess Shireen the two children got along quite well so well that rumors were spreading. Ned Stark had to wonder about his children they seemed to fall for the strong quiet ones. Hopefully, his lady wife would comply with this match.

Author's Note 

Dany has conquered and had her victory but now it's time to get rid of those who are not pleased with her rule. In addition, we shall be focusing on House Stark a bit as Daenerys does trust them and place them in a high position. While Ollena is like her grandmother's house Stark, Martell and Baratheon are the last blood-related family she has so building them up as her pillars is what she will do.

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