Hāre lantēpsa

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The morning after the coronation many had left to return to their homes, and some had returned to their lodgings or properties in the city

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The morning after the coronation many had left to return to their homes, and some had returned to their lodgings or properties in the city. Sansa however was residing in the palace the newly minted Martell princess was determined to explore the gardens and talk with her sister. She turned to her husband and smiled Trystane was an attractive man they were happily married and safe. She was pleased that she had not married Joffery. She moved a few loose curls off his face and smiled as she placed a soft kiss on his lips before sitting up and making her way out of bed.

She pulled the rope to call a servant and was surprised when a girl entered the room, she was small and quiet but healthy a vast difference from the Baratheon-Lannister rule to Daenerys. "Good Morning can you heat up some water for a bath for us please" The girl smiled and nodded before moving to fulfil the need. Sansa turned back to the bed to see Trystane staring at her with a small smile. She walked over to him and crawled back into bed. The man pulled her close to him and placed a kiss on her neck "My Winter Rose, what do you plan to do today?" Sansa smiled and leaned into his touch "Arya and I are going for a walk in the gardens to talk we have not seen each other in a long time and apparently, she needs my opinion".

Trystane hummed his lips still pressed to her neck and his hands wrapped around her waist "How much time do we have before that little maid returns" Sansa glanced towards the area where the little maid had left and smiled "Not long" There was a disappointed sigh as he peppered more kisses on her neck before she gently tapped his shoulder "She is back" The couple detangled themselves and exited the bed. When the girl entered Trystane paused and pulled Sansa gently behind him.

"Did my uncle send you?" he asked the girl who immediately bowed "No I was unaware it would be your room, your highness". Sansa glanced at the girl and realisation of familiarity occurred. "You're the handmaiden that helped me on the day of our wedding aren't you the shadow for Prince Doran?" her confusion was apparent, but the maid just bowed and rushed out of the room.

The two shared a look before undressing and getting in the bath, "Even under Targaryen's rule we are not safe" Trystane mumbled as he pulled Sansa closer to him. The silence that followed was oddly comforting but on guard at the same time.

Arya sat in her room sipping her tea while carefully reading the reports, when someone knocked on her door "Enter" The girl did not look up as the heavy steps approached her "Aegon I can hear your awkwardness from here" The man sighed and threw himself into a chair his dark hair framed his face as he chuckled lowly "You can still call me Jon you know" Ayra paused and looked up at him briefly "No I cannot as that is not your name" The man just sighed and stared at Ayra she was 16 and growing into a beautiful woman yet he could not say that to her. After all, she was his cousin.

She put her tea down and stared at him "What is it you want Aegon". Her eyes met his before widening in surprise "Look away from me with those eyes Aegon". The man just smiled and looked out at her balcony "Are you not going to visit Sansa". Ayra smirked, "Yes I am can't you see I'm ready" He could see that she wore a floor-length black dress with a small train, on the neck and collar of the dress had gold detailing before exposing her pale flesh the opening had a few small strings crossing over and creating a pattern. He imagined that the back of the gown was similar to the one from the coronation.

Her hair was still in Dothraki's braided bun she frankly looked beautiful yet the look she gave him was chilling "You are a prince a member of the royal house who is now Lord of Driftmark your duty is to be a good lord and Marry". He stared at her before leaning forward "Marry who, house Lannister is out, house Martell is also out the reach and has no daughters within 6 years of my age. That leaves a Dornish lady of a lesser house or a northerner" Ayra paused and lowered her papers.

"Aegon I cannot marry you, you are my cousin" For a while he stared at her a bit before he turned to the woman who stood listening by the door. "You actually can as many families do that still" Ayra gazed at her Queen in shock before speaking "Yara Greyjoy?" Immediately Aegon paused and glanced at her.

"Yara Greyjoy has no interest in marriage, and she is 8 years my senior" Ayra paused and looked away "If I marry you Aegon what would you request of me, I am the Lady of Dreadfort I will have to bare children, I have the desire to fight, explore and live my life freely" Daenerys listened carefully as Aegon gazed at her with adoration "If you desire to travel, fight and live freely then do so I will not hold you back, I have no intention of chaining you down to only having children as that is not something that brings you joy"

She stared at him and then briefly looked to Daenerys "I will marry you, but you have to convince father" He nodded and happily dashed out of the room. Ayra laughed and stood up "I have to go met Sansa".

She left the room and made her way to the garden Sansa stood her hair flowing down her back with a rose in hand. She was dressed in a golden cream lace overlay connected to an ivory gown with a low neckline dipping down to her sternum with flowing sleeves. A bronze-coloured bronze held the dress together with a small ivory rope connected to it. 

She looked beautiful and free something that she never had when she lived in Winterfell. Arya glanced at her and smiled the two interlocked their hands before matching their pace "How have you been little wolf" Sansa asked with a bright smile "I am fine Red Wolf" The two laughed before sitting at one of the benches overlooking the roses "Is he treating you well?" Ayra asked as she looked at the flowers her sister was titled after.

"He treats me more than well" Ayra nodded a small smile covering her face "What do you think of me marrying Aegon" Sansa moved quickly looking Arya in her eyes as if searching for the lie "I approve, does he make you happy" Ayra blushed a bit before nodding. Sansa leaned back with a pleased smile "Then marry him".

The two sisters sat chatting with bright eyes and large smiles. From a distance, Ayra noticed a figure dressed in blue based on the dress she assumed it was Missandei the deep v-neck and cutouts by her stomach and waist confirmed it. The woman smiled and waved at them before going back to her book she seemed to be reading aloud to Greyworm.

 Sansa also noticed the woman but she smiled widely "Lady Missandei has been teaching me Low Valerian I have been enjoying it" Ayra tilted her head before nodding suddenly a thought occurred to her "Sansa about our good sister I have concerns" Sansa's smile faded and the look that appeared on her face was hard and neutral "Is there a problem I can deal with" Ayra nodded and chose her words carefully "She is smart but overconfident at the coronation she attempted to wear green" Sansa hesitated "What shade of green Arya"

The wild wolf paused and turned to her sister "Hightower green, she is too ambitious for her own good I fear it will affect Robb" Sansa paused almost as if she was thinking about it her bright smile had disappeared as she pursed her lips in anger. "Tomorrow meet me in the pavilion, I shall invite Margery we will show her what determined, protective wolves can do"

Ayra nodded and turned to walk away only pausing briefly to Sansa "Don't forget that we have that dinner tonight" Sansa smiled "Of course not. Trystane is so excited to meet his cousin that he wouldn't miss it for anything".

As the sisters separated Missandei and Grey Worm joined Ayra "We shall leave Lady Tyrell to you wolves but if that doesn't work then what?" Ayra glanced at them before tilting her head "Lōraes Tyhrēl ēza married se zȳhon ābrazȳrys ēza given zirȳla lanta trēsi, margery Tyhrēl iksis daor jorrāelatan" (Loras Tyrell has married and his wife has given him two sons, Margery Tyrell is not needed). Her words were spoken softly but the assurance behind it was clear.

They would not be a repeat of the Dance of Dragons or another fall of the Targaryen Dynasty as long as Ayra lived.

Authors Note:

Please, please don't kill me for the ship I just allowed you guys I beg of you.

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