Sīkuda Ampā

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It was silent and unexpected when the declaration of war came the small council sat in fear as the letter was placed in the middle of the table

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It was silent and unexpected when the declaration of war came the small council sat in fear as the letter was placed in the middle of the table. Their king was furious, and the Targaryen Queen was bold she sent a letter declaring him a usurper and murderer. She declared that the throne was hers by right and if they would not surrender, she would follow the words of her house and conquer Westeros in Fire and Blood. Peter Baelish frowned and turned to the master of whispers who looked pale, it seemed that not even the spider was prepared for the Dragon Queen to declare war on them.

Robert was fuming as his council descended into chaos some for surrender and others for war. He would quicker die than willingly give the throne up to that Targaryen whore. As he fumed about this, three people exchanged knowing looks the reach and the north would gracefully pull out of this to report this matter to their Lords and Ladies the Dornish woman who stood behind the king pouring his wine smirked her lord would be pleased by this development.

Daenerys watched as her dragons were fitted for their armour, she was ensuring that they would be safe while in the sky. Next to her, Drogo stood with his men observing a map the latest conquest was Dragonstone she would retake her family home. From there they would prepare to conquer Westeros. Upon finding out Dragonstone was where their Khaleesi was born thanks to Obara and Arya's big mouths the generals had set their sights on retaking their Khalessi's birthplace. On the other hand, her cousin had been exposed to new poisons that made her grin of course their entire army and people had been fed the antidote but once it was fed to a few lords they would not be able to fight the effects.

Her newest problem now was Jon Snow the man luckily had not been killed yet, but she needed to make a move quickly. Turning to Balerion she smiled "Rȳ bantis ropagon īlon sōvegon" (At nightfall we fly) Balerion leaned into his mother's touch and huffed. He had seen where she wanted to go and understood that this flight would be in the dead of night where he could not be seen.

Looking at the skies the dragon let out a roar allowing his siblings to decide who would hunt in his place tonight then he lowered himself to the ground he needed rest for what his mother planned. Daenerys turned and made her way back into the great pyramid she was lonely her children were with Daella and Irri taking a nap. Missandei was going over battle plans with the unsullied, Drogo and Arya were planning with some of the Dothraki. Obara was being taken care of by her warrior and his twin brother something Daenerys could raise a glass to.

In her past life, she did not mind being lonely as she had lost people before but now, she had so many people that she cared about. It was easy to fear losing them or her own loneliness. Stripping out of her dress she descended into the boiling water and took a calming breath she had missed this. Her handmaidens had poured in jasmine and used rose petals to give the bath a nice scent it was wonderful, as she silently soaked, she heard footsteps too soft to be a friend and too loud to be one of her trainers grabbing her dagger she lowered herself completely in the bath her hair concealed by the rose petals. And soon her suspicions were proven right a man stood over the bath with an angry expression, he was dressed in Dothraki garments, but his weapon had the Lannister sigil on it.

So, they sent an assassin but how did he get in? Unless of course he climbed the walls and if that is what he did she would be quite intrigued as the man turned away, she smirked he was an amateur she rose out of the water without pause in complete silence and without a thought shoved her dagger through his throat.

The sound of blood gurgling before the man fell to his knees and died was nice to the woman, she simply grabbed a robe wrapped it around her and called for an attendant. A young woman came rushing in dropping her tray upon seeing the scene and screamed. Three unsullied and two Dothraki men entered the room their eyes fell on the man in a pool of his own blood while their Khaleesi stood behind him a wet cloth clinging to her skin while her bloody dagger was in hand. "Someone find my children and husband I will need a drink". That was how Drogo and her friends found Daenerys sitting on a chair in the bath still in the white robe drinking wine the dagger sat on the table. She looked at them and sighed "He ruined my bath". The silence that filled the room after her words was amusing but the woman just continued to sip her wine before standing up.

"I'm going on a trip I'll be visiting my dear nephew" She then left the room without a care in the world. Drogo turned to his men speaking quickly and full of anger Arya had learned Dothraki but even she struggled to understand what he said.

As the man stormed out of the room Balerion's loud roar echoed as the dragon took to the skies his rider's white hair in her customary dragon rider braids. Her amethyst eyes meet this sparkling with mischief as she disappeared into the setting sun.


It had taken five hours, but she was here at Castle Black Balerion circled. The castle before landing in the main courtyard the men stood still fear in their eyes at the sight of the dragon as Daenerys dismounted him a man approached and bowed "Greetings to the true heir of the throne" Daenerys smirked and looked at the man "You helped my mother and for that the usurper made you wear the black we shall fix that soon".

Samwell Tarly stared in awe as the woman looked at him and smiled "Samwell Tarly I hear that you have become a friend to my nephew" The boy cleared his throat and hurriedly bowed "Your nephew your grace?" Her amethyst eyes meet dark purple eyes that could be mistaken for black "I believe for his safety he is called Jon Snow" The crowd now turned to the man with looks of shock and horror on their faces behind him stood her uncle who had by now lost his sight.

"Uncle it seems I visit you before your death, hello Nephew we shall talk of your mother later" Daenerys walked towards her uncle and embraced the man in a gentle but tight hug "A dragon alone is a terrible thing in this world, but you were never alone".

The old man held onto his niece with tears in his eyes before raising his hands and carefully tracing her face" You sound like my mother but look like Rhaella "his words slow with age and pain for all he had lost. Daenerys guided the man into his room and lowered him into his bed "My children could not be here to see you, but I know that they would adore you uncle we shall meet again in Valyria" her words soft and honest as the man closed his eyes for the last time. Stepping out of the room she looked at the Night Commander "My uncle has passed he was wise and true something my father could not handle" She turned to Balerion who listened to her pain "The Wise Dragon has died we shall mourn his the valriyan way".

Then she turned to Jon Snow "Your Uncle Ned knows I am here to tell you the truth so shall we, Jon nodded and guided the dragon Queen into the library both ignoring the soldiers who had followed them to listen in. "Years ago your mother Lyanna Stark ran away and married my brother Rhaegar of her own free will my good-sister Elia was to join them but their plan was ruined when the Lannisters decided to intercept Lyanna's letter to Winterfell and start a Rebellion that cause the death of my brother,good-sister my niece and nephew and mother. You are the last living child of Rhaegar unfortunately as my brother in his stupidity failed to have the marriage legitimized by our father you have no rights to the throne. Would you however like to be Prince Aegon Targaryen?"

There was a long silence then a sound of anguish before the men heard Jon speak "I do not to be King, but I will have my trueborn name. Thank you, your grace" Daenerys looked at the man he had been broken and lost with no true sense of who he was "Nephew, you may call me Dany or Aunty".

As she left the room, she stared at the men of castle black and decided "Taking the black seems to be a punishment maybe I should reinforce the city watch" She paused as she saw the glimmer of hope in the men's eyes "I intend to conquer Westeros in a moon prepare for it".

As she mounted Balerion she looked to the wall yes there was one more thing she had to deal with let's see how the night king would appreciate dragon glass. She had longed to see her very great uncle and what he had become from the one-eye rider of Vhagar to a blue abomination things would be interesting.


It's my birthday and my arm is nearly completely healed so here is my present to you guys.

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