Chapter 16: Thief Of Fun

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(Xero's POV, YAY MORE POV'S !!R-word and f-word/fag/faggot)

Me and Miketster had a blast at our sleepover, we weren't too loud, be we most certainly weren't the quietest either. I did Mikey's nails, we did each other's make-up, we did all these girly things I thought he would hate or not comply to, but we had fun. It turns out... 

[last night conversation, you can get in and eavesdrop :)] 

"Hey, Mikey. I've always been too scared or not comfortable around people to come out, but, I'm trans-female, I always felt like I wasn't meant to be a boy, so, yeah." I said, "Oh! That's (click) cool! I'm scared to come out to my brothers, I feel like they'll either laugh at me, think I'm joking, or completely abandon me.." he admits, "Well, where are you on the LGBT spectrum?" I ask, "I feel like I'm genderfluid, (whistle) and I found out that the sexuality omnisexual exists, so I feel kinda mixed between ace and omni." he comes out, "That's neat! I've never had a genderfluid friend before! And I bet your brothers won't laugh if you came out to them, I think they would support you for being you!" I told him, "Yeah! I might tell 'em tomorrow night, or hide it in subtle ways while speaking to them, or just straight out slap them in the face with the truth. Most likely the second option." he said, "Ok, sounds good to me! Wanna go out for secret dessert? Ice cream- oops-" I say, "No, we can get ice cream! I just hope I don't spill it on you or have a tic ruin it like I ruined your nose" he says "Ok."

We go out, I notice a pass around his neck, "Hey, what's this for?" I ask, holding the pass and reading it, "Oh, that's to let people know- (click), that I have Tourette's." he says, "Oh, my mom never has to wear one of these when we go out," I tell him, "Probably because hers aren't as bad as mine? You told me that she didn't have tics as bad as- (whistle) mine." he said "Yeah, the doctor said she didn't need to wear the pass she has if she wanted." I say. "Hey! Turtle boy!" I hear a kid say behind us, we both turn around, "What now ?" Mikey sighs at him, "What are you are your boyfriend doing here, you retarded fag?" he says. "Hey! (whistle) First off, we're not dating, second, that's a SHE, not a he. Don't misgender my friends!" he corrects the kid, "Mikey, let's just get ice cream and get out, he's just tryna piss us off, man." I say as we turn back around and focus on the line, "Yeah, get your ice cream, faggots." he says again, I get a message from Mikey that reads 'Hey, sorry about the kid, he's literally everywhere I go.' 'No, it's ok, my step-dad is homophobic and the only thing that's letting me stay in my house is my mom,' I reply. 'Oh, well, I'm sorry about it still, I give into my emotions more than I would like,' he sent, 'Again, it's ok, man! The kids a snotty, attention seeking brat, so we can ignore him, plus I've dealt with worse people than him' I text. Then I turn to look up at him, he's calling someone right now, "Yeah, Gabriel... Yes, again, he's probably (click) got trackers on me... Ok, get here fast April." and hung up, we move forward in the line, "Man, that shitty kids just a big thief of our fun, huh?" I ask, "For sure, he's seriously got trackers on me, he's like everywhere I am." he says, a girl walks in, "Hey, Mikey. Who's this?" she asks, "Oh, hey, April! Meet Xero! (wince) That's gotta hurt- They're a friend of mine. Gabriel's here, and he's trying his best this time to piss us off." he says, "Hi, Xero! Ok, so where is the brat at?" she said, Mikey points a finger behind us and at the snot-nosed piece of shit, "Well, he's got his parents with him," she tells us, "Well, we can wait him out," I suggest, "Yeah, I'll keep out if he tries to bother you guys again." she says, "Ok" me and him says together.

We had a better rest of the night after April came, she was like our bodyguard. Gabriel chose to not instigate it any further and we were able to have ice cream in peace.

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