Chapter 27: First Date

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:recap, !!attempted suicide!!:

The team went out for breakfast, they were meeting up with Xero at a breakfast restaurant, and Mikey was excited. Once they entered the restaurant, the smell of bacon, gravy, biscuits, and flapjacks hit them in the snout, and they saw Xero standing next to a table, waving at them, "Hey, guys! Over here, I saved us a booth!" she calls them over, "Thanks for having us, Xero, we really appreciate it!" Leo says to them, "Oh, no big deal, and plus, Mikey texted me you've never been here before, so you guys have to try them! The food is just-- it's so good I can't describe it!" she says, a waitress comes over, "Good morning, y'all, what would you like to eat today?" she asks and they all said they might need a minute because everything on the menu looked so good. "Alrighty, just call me when y 'all're ready to order." she calls as she walks away. "Ooh, you guy have gotta try the pancakes! And the biscuits and gravy! The smaller meals are the best ones to try! Поверьте мне, когда я говорю, что эта еда поразит вас!" they say.


After breakfast, they went on evening patrol, Xero wanted to come with, "I can work really good with throwing knives, and I have experience with crime fighting. Please, please can I come too~?" she asks, they look at each other for a moment, then nod in unison, "Yay! Спасибо Спасибо спасибо! I won't let you guys down!" she says, 'I'm sure you won't! And you're amazing, so, I believe you!' Mikey signs, the orange terrapins admirer's face gets hot and turns a bright pink in fluster, and they head off to patrol.

They had to fight an enemy they knew too much about, Kraang, they won't leave the mutant brothers alone, "What are those things?!" Xero asks mid-battle, "They're- Gah!- Kraang, aliens from another dimension that wanna make Earth their new home!" Raph answers, "Yeah, and they've tried so many times, but each time we've stopped them." Donnie informs, Xero throws knives at the small, pink aliens' technologized bodies, and warded most of them off, all of them let out a sigh of relief that they had victory.


 Back in the lair, the siblings and friend were having a fashion contest, and for some reason, they all seemed to tie.

In the second round, Mikey's thought's weren't as bright as they ought to be, he wondered about the suicide incident, as they all called it now, and thought the same thoughts that time, and the brothers could tell he was thinking those dark things again, but they knew he would ignore it, because the look on Mikey's face said that he was going to try his best to let the intrusive thoughts go, and they carry on into the round.


He pulls his kusarigama chain out, and when he reaches the roof, he ties one end of his chain to the antenna, and is firmly grasping the other as he holds himself over the edge of the roof..


"What- what happened last time he went missing?" Xero asked, "He tried to fucking kill himself! We gotta go find where he is! A-S-A-P! " Leo shouts, running to the tallest building nearby, the news building, "He- HE FUCKING WHAT?! НЕТ, НЕ МОЕ МАЛЕНЬКОЕ САХАРНОЕ ПЕЧЕНЬЕ, НЕТ, НЕТ, НЕТ!" Xero shouts, catching up to Leo, than exceeding his speed into the building and up the stairs, the door bang open to the stairwell, and she seemed restless to stop her love, her everything, he made her laugh till they cried, he listen to her rants, he actually wanted to be friends with them, he wasn't a fake for money or shit, he wanted to be friends for the first time in her life...


"Нет.. НЕТ, НЕ СМЕЙ! НЕТ, НЕ ОТПУСТИ, БОГ БОГ!" Xero shouts as she runs to the closest grasp of chain and begins to pull on it, hoisting Mikey off and away from the edge, "What- What the hell is ha--" he starts, but Xero's dark lips met olive, their hands on his waist, her lips were soft to the touch against his, the turtle and human fall into it like they've done this before, and then after a hot minute, Xero pulls away from the heated kiss. The three brothers that entered just as Xero ran to Mikey sat in shock, complete and utter shock, and Mikey sat there, his arms wrapped over Xero's shoulders, star struck.

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