Chapter 29: That Little-- [Cont.]

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(I've added another friend from my out-of-story life, Aria, their POV symbol is: 💝, and she's from Korea, they will be seen in this chapter, oh, and I've added a new character besides Aria, Людмила, and her POV symbol is: 💥, so more characters and more POVS to experiment with for me)

(💥💔?!!f-word/fag/faggot, r-word/retard/retarded!!)

I was going to the skate park to see if Xero was there, she texted me saying that she was going there after school, Mom unlocked the car door, and as soon as I walked out and my sneaker hit concreate, she said: "Разве ты не собираешься сказать: 'Я люблю тебя, мама'? Или нам просто придется сидеть здесь и ждать ответа?" I let out a soft groan, "Я люблю тебя, мама, серьезно, я люблю тебя." I said, kissing her on the cheek before carefully shutting the old van door. Just as Mom drove away, I hear shouts, Xero sized shouts, so I ran to the skateboards dipping area and found her and some other guys arguing with a.. Child. "Xero, the hell is going on, Почему вы спорите с ребенком?" I ask, "Боже мой, сисси, он взял вещи этих парней и хочет знать то, что они хотят сохранить в секрете." she says, this seems serious enough to we need to contact.. Oh, I- I kinda can't call Dad anymore ever since something terrible happened to him, but, we can call authorities, "Well, мы не можем просто позвонить в полицию?" I say, "No, we can't, he is trying to force info outta us, we can handle a little brat like him, you know I'm hard-headed, just as Папа was, I can deal with him." she said, "ケイ、私がカメの友達のために戦えるように、子供が何を望んでいるのか教えてくれませんか?" says a blonde girl, in Japanese, the guy turns to her and says something, but it's quiet so I cant hear, so the girl pulls out her phone and says: "ねえ、亀のことは放っておいて。 彼らは情報を提供したくないので、物を返して出発してください!" into the phone, presses something and a voice goes off, "Hey, leave the turtle alone. They don't want to give out any information, so return the thing and leave!" the automated female voice says, so the kid pulls out his phone, "What are you gonna do about it? Cry to your boyfriend over there?" he says to the screen, "あなたはそれについて何をしますか? あそこにいるあなたのボーイフレンドに泣きますか?"  the male voice says, "Hey, hey, let's not start a fight," the turquoise hair guy says, "What, you fucking Japanese retard, stay out of it, this is not your Google Translate battle." the kid says in return.

(💝💔?!!f-word/fag/faggot, r-word/retard/retarded, abuse?)

I heard my friends Kei and Tsuki, they were fighting with a child, so I get to the ledge and take my skates off, "어이, 츠키, 케이, 무슨 일이야?" I ask, I'm curious as to why there was an argument between other teens and a small child, "JUST GIVE ME THE SHIT, FAGGOTS, AND MAYBE MY PARENTS WOULD LOVE ME AND TREAT ME RIGHT!" the child screams, causing the ones fighting him to get quiet fast, "Gabriel, are- are you getting abused at home?" the girl with vitiligo and bright mint-green hair asks, "I wouldn't call it abuse, more like anger issues, because my dad said I needed to get my low C's grade up to at least high B's and then threw a bottle at me." the kid called 'Gabriel' said, "Любовь, ты думаешь, мы должны помочь ему? Конечно, мы сохраним тайну ретромутагена." the orange bandana said, "Да, мы все согласны помочь ему?" the girl said, "Fine by me, but, if he tries to get the stuff, we'll stop him." Donnie said, "Ok, what are you guys talking about, and I won't take nothin'.." Gabriel said.

To be continued. . .

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