Chapter 30: What's Up, Buttercup?

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(💜💔? !!f-word/fag/faggot, r-word/retard/retarded, ANIMAL ABUSE!!)

We lead Gabriel down an alleyway so we can get to the sewers, Mikey lifts up the manhole cover, "Ok, get in," he says, pointing Gabriel into the hole, Gabriel looks down into it, "And break my legs jumping down in there? Well, I would accept the offer, but, I'm not breaking my legs," the kid says, Mikey has a tic and whistles, a person on a scooter slides up, and looks up, "Oh, hi, sorry to bother you, but.. Do you need help?" he asks, "Yeah.." Xero says, another comes up. 

They get the ladder on the walls and help us down, Gabriel's just sitting there, gagging. We all roll our eyes, we all know he's partway faking it. "Hi, I'm Ren, I'm sorta.. An Octoling, and its complicated." Ren says, pulling his hood off, "And this is Feldon," he said, and the other pulled his hood off also, "Oh, hi, Xero!" Feldon said, Xero waved back, "What're you doing down here?" Xero asks, "Trying to find an empty space to practice skating and all the fun stuff, you?" Ren said, "We're gonna get our stuff back from a little thief who ransacked us," Mikey says, then he averts his attention to a pipe, dragging Gabriel and Xero with him as he runs down the pipe. I follow him, "WHAT IS HAPPENING?! WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" I yell, "I heard a dog! It sounded hurt!" he calls, Xero pulls out her phone to record, she told the others that she would record anything that involved Gabriel so that if he wasn't there, we could show it and get backup. When we get further into the pipe, there's a dog, wrapped in plastic and a bit of rope, it's front paws are tied behind it's torso, and it's snout is wrapped shut. "Oh, Dear God!" Xero shouts as Mikey pulls out his built in blade to his chain.

(Yeah.. I've stooped low as to give Gabriel a POV in the story.. 💔?!!ANIMAL ABUSE, and we know the drill for Gabriel!!)

That green fag ran up to the dog with a blade, and he was cutting the plastic off of it. He cut the rope and plastic off the paws and neck first, and at this point, the dog was practically howling in pain. "Hey, hey, shhh, its gonna be ok," he's saying as he's cutting the plastic and rope off the snout of Mutt, but, the dog looks familiar, "WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! That's MY dog! I knew Mama and Papa didn't like Alejandra, but.." I start, "What?"

(🧡💔?!!Gabriel, and ANIMAL ABUSE!!)

"Hah, did you say this was your dog? Well, how good did you take care of her? Was she just yours or the family dog?" I say, "I took damn well good care of her, and she was my dog, I cared for her, I found her in a street alleyway and she was starved, so I took her home, my parents didn't want a dog, but they only kept her because I said it would teach me responsibility, and I was caring for her." Gabriel says, ok, if he wants a fight, I'll put up a fight. "Yeah, sure, when did you ever take care for anything, because you don't really seem to care until you're involved in it, or unless it's something you own or posses," I tell him, "Xero, do you have that bandana that's nearly the size of a blanket so we can safely carry this dog?" I ask, "Of course, why wouldn't I carry that around," she says, and pulls out a huge cloth handkerchief, lying it on the concrete and folding it to fit the dog's size. I gently and carefully wrap the small pup in the bandana, picking her up and gingerly carrying her, "Lets go, and if Gabriel is telling the truth, that this is his dog, and that he has been taking care of her, we'll give the dog back." I say as we walk to the lair.

When we enter, Gabriel just stands there, like he wasn't really going to give us our stuff back, and Donnie's in his lair, keeping the retro-mutagen safe, and we look at Gabriel, the dog's whimpering on my shoulder, and seeming to want to go to him, "Put her down, like, lie her down, on the couch," he says, so I cautiously and carefully put the dog on the couch, Gabriel walks over to her and begins petting her and comforting her, and she's nuzzling up to his hand and licking his palm, "Hey, buena chica, Alejandra," he says, I guess it really is his dog, because I know Alejandra would be the name he said a few times before, and he really cares about the small dog, like, a lot. He gets up to turn and look at us, "Um, I'll get your stuff back, by tomorrow afternoon, I promise you. But, can I, just, stay here for tonight? Kinda don't wanna go back to that shithole I call home." and before we can answer, he says "Thanks, I'll try not to be a bother," So, I guess he's staying here for tonight.

After the decision, Gabriel told us that he doesn't want the retro-mutagen anymore, so we can lay off a little on the watch over the lab, but we're still being sure he doesn't take the mutagen. We all say goodnight and I brought out a sleeping bag and pillow for Gabriel in the living area, so we turn off all the lights and say our goodnights again before heading to our rooms. Me and Xero get into bed and hold hands.

A few hours later, I hear a knock at the door, its around one in the morning.. I open the door, Gabriel's sitting there, carefully holding Alejandra and the sleeping bag over his shoulder, his pillow under his other arm, "Can I be in here? Its really quiet in the living room." he asks, "Yeah, sure?" I say, "Ok, I'll- Wait, you said yes?" he said, "Yep, that's what I said, I said sure." I say, walking over back into bed, Gabriel follows and puts the sleeping bag on the bed, and zipping up with his dog. Xero and I do something we never thought we'd do or want to do before, but we take our clasped hands and take Gabriel closer, like he's our own kid, and we all fall asleep, 'Like a little family,'

(🖤💔?!!"kidnapping", and we know what to expect from Gabriel!!)

We all wake up to a knock at the door, Mikey gets up and it was Donnie's knocking, "Hey, um, you guys should come see the news.." he says, and all four of us look at each other, and we leave the room. 

"A report from the Vasquez family tonight, here on the news, 12 year old Gabriel Vasquez, kidnapped. He was last seen at the famous high school grounds skate park. We know that he was traced to be seen down an alleyway with teenagers. Parents suspect that these teens took Gabriel." the newswoman says, "Kidnapped? We didn't kidnap you.." I say, looking at Gabriel, "You just crashed on the couch and planned to stay for the night." I look around the room, at the ones that were just as shocked as I was.

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