Chapter 28: That Little--

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(so the color pov for Gabriel has changed to Tsuki-chan, my friend, because who ever wants to see through Gabriel's eyes, all the rude things going through his head, but anyways, 💚= Tsuki-chan)

(🖤💔?!!first degree snot nosed brat interaction, but seriously, take caution, f-word/fag, r-word/retard!!)

I wake up to banging on the door, I sit up and look at the peaceful turtle snoozing next to me, "Babe, baby," I say, gently shaking him by the shoulder, "Huh? What? Did we get transported to the Atlantic Ocean or something?" he's so cute when he's groggy, "No, there's banging on the door," I look to the clock, "It's the damn ass crack of dawn," I say, pulling on one of the orange sweatshirts lying in the floor, I open the door to Leo, "Morning, um, someone-- Someone ransacked the lair-" he says out of breath, "WAIT, WHAT?!" the orange turtle says running up to the door, "Who- (whistle) the fuck- WHY THE FUCK, AND WHEN THE FUCK?!" he says, "We don't know yet, the only thing they left behind was Ice Cream Kitty and Donnie's equipment," Raph says, walking behind Leo, me and Mikey gasp, "ICE CREAM KITTY!" we run to the kitchen to see the kitten alive and well in a cooler on the island counter, Mikey lets out a sigh of relief, but I notice small mud tracks, small shoe sized, how could a little kid be able to pick up an entire fridge by themself? "Darling? Do you see the mud tracks?" I say, "Huh? What?-" he says, looking at the floor, we look at each other, "Gabriel," we say in unison, running back to the living area, "Guys! We know who ransacked us!" I call, "Really? Who?!" Casey says, he got here a few minutes earlier, "Gabriel! He took our stuff, either to A) piss me off, or B) to prove that he's not as dumb as we think he is." Mikey says, "Or maybe both.. We can never really know what goes on in that kid's head." 

It's hard to try to investigate and go to school at the same time, I hate high school. My fourth hour teacher dead-named me and mispronounced my name while calling role, "Whight, Jane Whight?" he called, "Here!" said the bleach-blonde next to me, "Uh, Ge'Anthin, Ge'Anthin Leyov?" he says, "It's Г'Антин Лёв, and it's not Лёв, it's Xero, anyways, I'm here." I say, "Whatever, now.." and the day went on. I ran into someone during lunch, "Oh, I'm sorry!" I say, but the petite blonde looked at me in confusion, "何か言いましたか? 申し訳ありませんが、私は英語があまり得意ではありません。" she says, all I picked up was: "Did you say something? I'm not good English." the turtles taught me some Japanese, so I can respond in something small and simple, "私はあなたに出くわしました、ごめんなさい。" I say, "私は元気です、あなたが私に出くわしたとき、それは傷つきませんでした。" she said, "月猫ですが、クラスのみんなからは月ちゃんと呼ばれています。 私は日本からの転校生です。" she said her name was.. Tsuki-Neko, and she's from Japan, "はじめまして、ゼロです。" I tell her, a guy a tad bit taller than Tsuki, with turquoise side-shaved hair, walks over, "ねえ、ツキちゃん、これ誰? 新入生は私たちが好きですか? それとも新しい友達?" he asks, "彼女の名前はゼロ" she told him, "Would you like to sit with us?" he said, "I'm a small more better in English than Tsuki-Chan." "Yeah, sure." I say, and we walk over to the table they were sitting at, "Oh, sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Kei-Chan, I'm with Tsuki-Neko," he said, I hear the turtles coming through the front entrance, so I stand up, the first one in the lunchroom is my beloved Mikey, "Любовь, сюда!" I call, he glides over to me on his skateboard, "Hey, just coming in to say hi!" he says, next was Raph, he came in just after Mikey, "Yeah, and so you could make-out with your girlfriend, but hey." he said, the others come in, "Oh, I've met two people who can speak Japanese, and they're from Japan." I say, looking at Tsuki-Chan and Kei-Chan, "Hi, I'm Kei," he says through his black fabric mask, "はじめまして、月ちゃんです。" she said, "こんにちは、私はミケランジェロ、青はレオナルド、紫はドナテッロ、赤はラファエロです。" Mikey says, "二人とも英語が堪能ですか、それともケイだけですか?" Donnie asks, "I'm mainly better in English, but Tsuki-Chan does know small English." Kei answers, "Ok, so, if we talk in English most of the time, would you be willing to translate to Tsuki if she can't understand us?" Raph says, "Yeah, I can do that." and he looks to Tsuki-Chan, "ミケランジェロ、ドナテッロ、レオナルド、ラファエロが英語で話しているのがわからない場合は、私が翻訳できると言ったのでお知らせください。" he told her, she nodded, "We were planning on going to a skate park after school, would you want to come too?" Mikey asks, they both nod. 

After school, we see April and Casey waiting for us at the skate park, in the area of the skateboards and rollerblades, but I look to my far left and see a familiar brat, Gabriel. "Hey, faggots!" he yells, I don't wanna deal with him today, and when we last saw him, me and Mikey weren't dating, but now since we are, he's probably gonna round on us for it, but I can handle him, I've dealt with worse. He's walking up to our little huddle, are those glass cuts on his face? Whatever, he notices me and Mikey holding hands, "I thought you and the retard weren't dating, what with that?" he points at the clasp of our palms, "None of your business, Ooh, a penny!- Gabriel," the turtle stands up for us, and we start to walk away and catch up with the rest of the team, "Hey, where you guys going? Don't ya want your stuff back?" he nags, "Aren't your parents gonna make you return it anyways?" Donnie jumps in, "And how'd you find out where we lived?" "Not important, but do you want your stuff back or not?" he asks, "小さな子供は何を言っているの、ケイ?" Tsuki says, "彼は、タートルズが彼から自分のものを取り戻したいかどうか尋ねています." Kei says to her, "わかった" she said. 

(🧡💔?!!f-word/fag/faggot, r-word/retard/retarded!!)

Gabriel is just trying to get us mad at him, but I know better, I'm not stooping to his level, "Damn faggots, answer my question, do you or do you not want your stuff back?" he shouts, "Клянусь, этот сопляк действует мне на нервы" Xero mutters, "Of course they want their stuff back, but you aren't answering any of our questions either. How'd you find out where they live?" she says, "Well, maybe because I know that only green, retarded faggots live in the sewers, I mean, where else would they hide themself? In an apartment building? No," he said, he's probably hiding something behind his back because his arms are hidden, I lean my vision a little to see behind him, his arms are covered in bandage wrap, he's not holding anything that I can see, "Well, if you want your stuff back, I'm gonna need more intel on what exactly is in that little lab of yours that I decided not to take for obvious reasons. And don't say that it's just past works, I need to know what that gunk is, how to use it, and how to make it myself." he says.

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