Chapter 24: The Butterflies

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(Xero's POV, !!ED, mention of murder, blood, mention of grooming, mention of SH, can get descriptive of the dead body!!)

Yeah, so, I know I'm human, and he's a mutant turtle, but I just can't stop thinking of him! His baby blue eyes, his adorable laugh, his cute freckles, I can't get him out of my head! And the disappointing part is that he doesn't know he gives me the butterflies, but he is just perfect, in every way, shape, size, height, weight, he's just perfect!

I got a call the other day saying Mikey hurt his ankle, so of course, as his bestie, I rushed over immediately to see if he was ok. I looked in his room to see if he and Donnie were in there, but all I saw was a corpse, rotting and lied out, organs out of them, dried blood pooled under the body, their eye was missing, some shit clearly went down, I run to lab to find Mikey and the rest of his brothers talking, my amazing friend gets up to run over to me for a hug but he falls over and lets out a click and a whistle. I run to him instead, "Are you ok?!" I ask, he nods, I wonder why he's not talking? We didn't really have time to talk last week because I was at my Mom's for break, "Is something wrong with your voice?" I say, he nods again, then looks to Leo, "Last week he tore his vocal chords because he cut, and he can barely talk, so we don't want to strain his voice." he says, "But, what about his vocal tics?" I ask again, "Well, we're letting the tics slide, he can't control them, neither can we." "Understandable." then Mikey gets up and pulls out a sheet of paper and begins to write on it, 'I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I thought you would be mad at me and hate me for it' it read, I take his adorable face in my hands, "No... No, no, no, no, I would never get mad at you nor hate you for it, sure, I would have been upset, but I would never, I mean never, ever hate you for it." I say, rubbing his cheek with my thumb, he smiles and nuzzles against my hand. OH. MY. GOD. He's adorable, just, AAHHHH!! I am never forgetting this, and is he.. Is he purring or something? I don't know what noise he's making but it is fucking adorable, I just wanna take him home with me. I can't believe this is what falling in love felt like, it's more than just the basic crushes and first grade 'relationships' I had in elementary, no, this feeling is much more heavier, it feels like an anvil landed on me and I can't get up! But, enough about him being the cute turtle I love, more to the focus of his ankle, and more concerningly, the rotting corpse in his room. "So, what with the body in Mikey's room, and how'd Mikey hurt his ankle?" I ask, there was a short silence, "Well, a stranger came in every night starting last month and they were grooming him, they would also throw things at him and beat him. So, Raph being, well, Raph, went in there to tackle the person, ended up dislocating and pulling a muscle in Mikey's ankle, and murdered them." Donnie said, I sat there in shock, still holding Mikey's face in my hands and him still nuzzling my palms, I look at a Mikey, then say: "Ты в порядке, моя маленькая сахарная печенька?!" meaning: "Are you ok, my little sugar cookie?!" in Russian, I was born in Russia myself, but I'm more fluent in English language. He seems to only understand the first part of what I said, because he writes on his paper, 'Yeah, I'm ok, they weren't seriously hurting me, but I'm ok.' the paper reads, "Good, I need my bestie alive, you mean the world to me." I say, Mikey lets out what could seem a happy stim or tic because he chirps, he's too precious for this world, I must protect him, at all costs.

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