Chapter 23: You're Safe Now

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(Donnie POV, !!murder, blood, grooming, mental abuse, ED, can get gruesome and dark!!)

I saw everything that went down on the camera in Mikey's room, and I mean everything.

I run into his room and pull Raph off the nearly dead stranger, he's still swinging around with his sais like he didn't already have a chunk of their large intestine on one of his weapons, along with blood all over his plastron, and dripping down his face. There was a barely alive person, lying in a pool of organs and torn flesh, I told him to hold back. He was able to escape my hold for a second and stab the person in the eye, and then he declared loudly: "Any one who messes with Mikey.. Messes with me,"

Mikey and I sat back, traumatized, and Mikey started to cry, he let out a wince along with a cry of pain, holding his ankle, "Here, let's.. let's go to my lab and get your ankle checked out." I get down in front of him, signaling for him to climb on to my back so I could carry him, he taps my shoulder, 'No, I'm ok, I can walk, I don't need to be pampered, I'm an adult' he signs, standing up, "Ok then, if you need help though, you know I won't hesitate" I tell him, "What he sign?" Raph asks, swiping at some dripping blood on his chin, "She said that he didn't need to be carried to the lab" on the walk to the lab, Mikey tripped and let out a few clicks and a hoarse "No, no, he's got a point" he says, "Mikey, are you ok?" I ask, 'I'm fine' he signs, but he's not fine, he can't walk, so I pick him up and bride-style carry him, he flails his arms, 'No, no, no, I'm fine, I do not need to be carried like a baby! I can fucking walk!' he signs, "No, you can't, you fell, you need to be carried or you might bust up your ankle more." I say, 'I don't care! I think I can walk just fine!' he signs and clicks a few times and says with very little sound "Gay as hell!" "Mikey, please cooperate, you can't walk on your own, you can barely even stand!" I say, "Mikey, please, just do what Donnie wants right now, plus your ankle is pretty messed up," Raph says, Mikey lets out a moan of frustration and pulls out a piece of paper, 'I CAN walk on my OWN, I do not need to be babied, I can take care of myself' he writes, me and Raph give him a 'You sure 'bout that, bub?' look, and he pouts without any more fighting.

In the lab I also show him the pill bottle while x-raying his ankle, 'Where'd you get that?' he signs, "I think I'm getting the hang of ASL. But anyways.. I, uhm, found it, in your room." Raph says, 'What were you doing in my room?' he writes so he can understand it, "I heard voices and I saw bruises on you." Raph said, "Plus, I saw you eating less and less starting last week, are you ok?" he asks, "Yeah, and you're lighter than normal, you're always pretty light but now you just feel like you're a toddler again, because I feel you've lost weight,.." I say, he's just silent for a moment, 'I thought I needed to lose some weight' he writes, "No, bud, in fact, you were always skinnier and lighter than us, you didn't need to lose weight, we always thought you actually needed to gain more because of your high.. what's the word D'?" Raph says, "Metabolism, and yeah, we thought you were underweight, not anywhere near overweight," I tell him, he has tears running down his face as I tell him about his ankle and while Raph comforts him, "Anorexia is a bad path to take, especially at your metabolism speed, is you eat less everyday then you get super skinny, and even get bulimic, where you make yourself vomit after eating or doing something, we don't want that for you." I say, "I'm sorry," he says, voice tiny, "It's not your fault, we think that the person pack there had something to do with it." Raph says, we shudder at the image of their organs out-of-body, flesh torn in the abdominal area, lost eye, pool of blood, and seriously disfigured, but I can't help but agree with what Raph did to them, they were hurting Mikey. 

Turns out that when Raph dove to tackle the person, he ended up landing on Mikey's ankle, which dislocated it and pulled a muscle in it, but he's doing ok, Leo runs in, "I heard screams, blood curdling screams, is everyone ok?! Is Mikey ok?!" he asks, "Yeah, everyone's o-" I'm cut off by him pulling us all into a hug. 

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