Ch 3: You are Mine!

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" Maaaaaan, no demons for today... " the Chaos Demon said as it rested on the car. " I wonder if Y/n is getting the thrill today of fighting... " it added as it played Pokemon Red on the Gameboy Color. " Your fault for pissing him off. Though I question about you two being like brothers. " Hayakawa said as the Chaos Demon turned to Hayakawa.

" Aki, I took Y/n and cared for him when he was a street rat. I saved him from his near starvation. When everyone, I mean EVERYONE looked down on him just because he was a beggar, I saved him. I never asked anything for return in the contract than the want to see him develop and grow as a person. " the Chaos Demon said grimly, staring at Hayakawa as if to say, ' I am telling the truth. '

Years Ago...

Manila, Philippines...

" Starving... " an 8 year old boy said as he was crawling from his hunger. ' I wish, I didn't have to live like this... I would do anything...Lie, steal, and everything...

I WANT TO LIVE! ' he shouted in his thoughts as he then saw a nearby person. Hating them for looking down on him as a beggar, he miraculously stood up and ran, snatching a plastic filled with bread. As he did, chaos around the street ensued as he was in a nearby alleyway.

Black fog then shrouded the boy, scaring him and closing his eyes. " I like your determination to live boy... You stood up, and did everything as to not starve. I want to see how far your determination gets you.

Tell me, what's your name? "

" I don't have a name... Just a beggar and a street rat... " the boy said as the fog then mimicked his appearance. " I want to make a contract with you... I am the Chaos Demon, the embodiment of the concept and fear of Chaos. I will help you live your life to the fullest... In exchange... I want to see how you will develop and grow as a person. Be lucky my boy, as you are the first person to have a contract with yours truly... " the Chaos Demon said as it offered its hand.

" I.. I accept... " the boy answered as he looked up at the Chaos Demon. " And the contract shall be bound. And from now on...Your name is...

Y/N. "

Present Time

" So you two have gone through a lot huh? How was living like? " Denji asked as Chaos Demon answered with one word:

" Hell. "

Denji then kept silent as so to respect the Chaos Demon. The car then stopped, and then they saw Makima. ' To be honest, I would rather overthrow that country's government than be with Makima right now. ' the Chaos Demon thought as it scooted away from Makima.

Abandoned House

" Truth, now.. "

" Alright! I was gonna offer you to Nyako! Please! I need to save it! Just offer yourself! " Power pleaded as she cried hysterically as they then heard meowing. " Alright, listen to me! I have a plan. Follow everything I will say and we will be able to save Nyako, alright? " Y/n said as he helped Power get up and looked her directly in the eyes.

Power nodded, this time letting Y/n lead.


" Bat Devil! I have brought you an offering! " Power said, as a giant bat-like demon(hence the name) then turned around to face Power. " Ah, the Blood Devil. I thought you had abandoned the cat... It's been a long time...

AH! I see you have brought a young man! Now then, I shall use his blood... To recover from my wounds! " he said as it grabbed Y/n. " He is unconscious, but it doesn't matter! I shall use your blood, to recover! " the Bat Devil said as it squeezed Y/n for blood and as the Devil expected, blood came out from Y/n's mouth, feeding the Devil.

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