Chapter 19: The Ugly Betrayal

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" Hm, looks like the hostiles are piling up. Beam, help Denji clean up the mess. " Makima ordered as Beam followed her orders and she sighed. " Well then. Time to regroup with Hakos. " she said as she cleaned her clothes from the fight against the human-like dolls.

Department Store


" Hm, looks like our company's here boys! " Mayhem shouted as he readied two large machine guns as Power was sharpening her broadsword. " Wait, you can't just- "

" It appeared out of thin air buddy. It ain't licensed too, so we can't bitch about it Kusakabe. Besides, just stay away from their line of fire. These weapons aren't just your ordinary tools of war. " Y/n said as he prepared monofilament string traps.

" These strings are sharp. What are you gonna use it for? " Angel Devil asked as Y/n smiled. " It's a surprise tool that will help us later. For now, watch my back. Try luring them to the second floor. " he ordered as the dolls finally broke in. " Angel! Tamaoki! Watch my back! Mayhem, Power, when I give the signal, feel free to destroy anything. Prinz and Kusakabe will be the first lines of defense. " Y/n commanded as Mayhem grinned.

" Spoken like a true commander, I like yer guts kid. It feels like the glory old days. " he said as he and Power returned to the shadows. As Y/n, Angel, and Tamaoki went to the third floor, the first wave of dolls then burst in. Standing on a ritual like circle, Kusakabe then blew wind and petrified the dolls in front as Prinz then started ripping and tearing apart through the dolls.

The two were doing quite well as the second and third batch of dolls then broke through which forced the two to retreat. As the dolls reached the escalator, strings then mangled and cut the dolls mercilessly. " Holy shit, that's kinda fucked... " Kusakabe said as he saw the state of the dolls. They were already dead humans, but the thought of the trap was meant to kill efficiently(and brutally) horrified him.

" Let's go, they're waiting at the second floor. " Prinz said as the two went up. As they did, Y/n was sipping coffee while looking at the glass panel window. " Waiting for someone? " Kusakabe asked as Y/n nodded. " A certain someone should be here. First, we should set up the clean up crew shall we? " he added as he shouted the signal:

" GO! "

As the dolls then looked to find whatever the source of the sound was, they were then riddled with bullets and torn apart by a broadsword. Maniacal laughter could be heard as Y/n then continued to look outside.

" Searching for Quanxi? " Kusakabe asked as Y/n nodded and summoned the Shadow Devil. " As much as possible really, if we were going to fight, I would rather leave you all out of this. This is my fight. " he added as the Shadow Devil panted and barked. " We are assigned to protect you. We will stay for any possible assassins. " Prinz said as Y/n growled and wanted to do something to intimidate and make every single one of his squad(except the Breach Squad) leave.

' I can't show my cards yet. Somone may be watching. '

With Denji and Aki

" Welp, that's the last one of them. " Denji said as he cut off a doll's head with a hatchet while Aki was looking around and used Future Devil's foresight. It then foresaw a blur and this was a sign for Aki to fire off a flare. A bunch of copies of Y/n then formed from spherical bubbles and Aki pointed at the direction of the blur. They then rushed to charge and explode themselves, only for their heads to go flying and drop with a plastic foam like ' THUNK '. The heads then exploded as Quanxi then looked at Denji and Aki. " Girls, as usual, please take care of the leftovers. " she said in Mandarin as the four fiends then followed her orders.

' Future, translate. ' Aki said as Future just showed Aki the future where Quanxi will attack Denji to get him out of the way. " Chainsaw, now! " Aki commanded as Denji pulled the cord and transformed into a hybrid. " Oui mon fucking sieur! " he shouted as he blocked Quanxi's path and attack with the chainsaw on his right arm.

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