Intermission: Ghost of your Past

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" Y/n... Y/n... " an echoed voice called out. Y/n then turned to the voice and saw Power. Hugging her tightly, Power then spoke, but with a voice different but all too familiar for him.

" You won't forget me right?

R I G H T? "

Suddenly, it was all too familiar of who it was. Makima, her voice was so distorted he couldn't recognize it. Power's face melted as Y/n shuddered in fear as Makima's face, the same calm expression was then seen. Makima then approached Y/n who was stepping back from the things that are happening right now.

" You will never forget right? After all, I am your...

Big Sis. "

Suddenly, Y/n woke up in cold sweat. Six months, it was already half a year since the Makima incident and he could still hear and remember her voice. Especially the time where she controlled his mind to force him into a contract. It has been a reoccurring nightmare for him as he was forced to be under her control, with no means of breaking out of the situation even if he wanted to.

In his mind...he thought:

' When will this nightmare end? '


" Ten hut! You will be training with me again! Don't think I will be lenient on you! " War Devil said as she brandished her weapon at Y/n. " I think it would be more useful if we let Asa fight for experience. " he told War as he grabbed his weapon. Two blunted dual blades in his hand as Asa Mitaka then took over and grabbed a katana.

The two then charged at each other, clashing blades. Left, right, a combination of the two; it seemed as if Y/n was natural at it than before. Asa Mitaka retaliated and tried to hit him with a quick slash. Y/n dodged as Asa Mitaka then became more aggressive with her strikes. Downward, upward, and a diagonal strike, all swift and precise as Y/n was disarmed of one of his blades.

As Mitaka striked for another hit, which Y/n took the opportunity to grab the wrist of Mitaka's hand. As he did, Mitaka then tried to kick Y/n in the chin which he barely dodged. Since he was grazed a little bit, dust came onto his face as he threw Mitaka with a bit strong force.

Rolling over, Asa Mitaka was separated from her blade. " Go on, pick it up. " he said in a taunting tone as Asa Mitaka laughed. Scars were all over her body, signing War Devil took over. The katana blade disappeared as she summoned her sabre and a flintlock pistol. " You'll regret saying that. " War declared as she fired a shot which Y/n responded by kicking the disarmed blade into the bullet.

" You really are serious on using lethal weapons huh? " Y/n asked rhetorically as War Devil shurgged. " You are Hakos' fledgling. Again, so I think a little bit lethal damage wouldn't kill you. " she jested as Y/n smiled.

" Asshat. " he commented as he and War Devil were about to fight again when someone cleared their throat. Kishibe and Quanxi were the ones who did it and Kishibe was quite sleepy. " So that's why I can hear rowdiness this early morning. " he said as Quanxi chuckled. " It's glad to see that you two are keeping it up. We don't know when the next devil will strike. " she commended.

" Partly, I think that's my fault on the outbreak of devils. Remember when I reunited with Power? I may have killed a hundred devils. " Y/n said in a nervous tone as War Devil looked at him with disappointment. " Of course. Though again, you don't have your discipline when your memories are manipulated by Makima. Speaking of, I have seen you wake up in cold sweat a multiple times now. Are you...having nightmares? " War asked as Y/n nodded.

" It may be related to the fact that I can remember every single thing when Makima forced me under her control... " Y/n answered as he could remember vividly like a trauma about what Makima did to him. It was worse than what Katana Man had done but then again, he was already killed by Power and Y/n so Katana Man didn't matter much anyway.

" That contract... Although it's broken, I still fear it. " Y/n said in a low tone as he tried to shrug it off. " No point of fearing the ghost of your past kid. There's a lot of things ahead for your future. " Kishibe said as he started to drink again.

" Fucking hell, you're a heavy drinker. I am glad you're not my role model. " Y/n said as he pertained to Auron. Quanxi chuckled at this remark as Y/n went off. " Going for another trip at the city? " Asa Mitaka asked as Y/n growled.

" Anything to keep me away from these memories. You wanna come along? " Y/n offerred Mitaka as if he was asking her out. " Sure, my treat on the food this time. " she answered as they got into the Levin.

As the two then drove the car to Tokyo, they could see Whip and Longsword training. " Yo, looks like you're getting back into shape! How's Kishibe treating you? " Y/n asked. Turning to the latter, Longsword then rushed to the car and whined, " Please get me out of here! Kishibe's training is hell and Whip is giving me a hard time everyday! "

" Oh stop whining. It's not that bad. So, how are you two doing? Finally had started making out? " Whip teased as Y/n blushed but kept his composure. " Oh please, I was about to ask that to you two. " he retorted as Whip gave a mischievous smile. As Mitaka groaned she then complained, " Urgh, are you two getting in? We don't have all day and Hakos might call us for duty. "

The two hybrids then complied as they got in the car.

The four then had fun at Tokyo, Y/n and Longsword ' raiding ' arcades and challenging players, Whip and Mitaka(with War sometimes) shopping for items. Right now, pure fun could be painted in their faces as all of them hung out at the cafe after their activities.

" So yeah, me and Longsword go on idol concerts. Though Longsword collects figurines while I collect their albums... Though I prefer to call them entertainers than idols... especially Marine. " Y/n recalled their past times when they were under Makima. " Yeah, and Longsword would give you the most infernal songs that hurts your ears. " Whip said as she remembered throwing one of the albums Longsword bought.

" It's not the songs... it's...the sound that Marine makes sometimes and the lyrics... " Y/n said as he remembered Marine making inappropriate sounds which stuck on his head. Shrugging it off, Y/n drank more of his coffee and focused on it.

Suddenly, he could feel a sense of danger and heaviness as he saw a hooded figure walk past by the cafe's window. " I need to go out for the bit.


Sagot ko na ang bayad(It's on the house). "

Y/n then ran off and followed the hooded figure. He could feel it was a devil...but something tells him to remove the hood and the impulse was killing him. As they got into an alleyway, he finally then removed the hood, and he was shocked on what he saw.

" No! I have already killed you! How are you alive?! "

As he was surprised of the entity in front of him as from afar, a short haired, ring-eyed girl wearing something similar to Asa Mitaka's uniform then snapped her fingers. She then disappeared, leaving the two behind.

" You two are responsible for this huh? I'll make sure you'll die this time! " 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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