Book 2 Chapter 8: Reunion

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" You... you're Aki Hayakawa aren't you? " War Devil asked as the the person- no fiend, called Aki Hayakawa then pointed something at the devil. Suddenly, a bullet then had blown off a chunk of Asa Mitaka's body. " What the?! This is?! " War Devil realized that the person she was referring is no longer human, but dead.

As her clothes reverted back to Mitaka's school uniform, War decided to run away after throwing a stun grenade she made. Gunshots were then heard rapidly, as well as Aki's berserk shouts. As they were escaping, a hand then grabbed the devil as a gruff voice said,

" Keep quiet... If you want to live. "



" Oi, you really are messed up. We can't let Makima see you like that. Lemme guess, you got ambushed? " Longsword said as Whip fed Y/n blood for him to recover. " Yeah... Really strong devil... I beat her fair and square. Though I feel like I didn't... " Y/n answered as he was trying to think if Asa Mitaka was safe.

' She caught my spear when she had more troops at her side. Though when Blood and War fought...War was weaker by a small margin due to she had no one beside her. WAIT! That means, the more troops she has, the stronger she is?! ' he realized as he wanted to get out of the car.

Whip then stopped him from doing anything stupid as she smacked him in the head. " Dumbass! We went back so that we could save you! Don't make us go back! " she said as Y/n wanted to break free but couldn't do anything. At his weakened state and with Blood asleep, he is rendered useless and powerless.

' Why do I have to be this useless! Damn it, if fate can hear me...Please save her! '



Public Safety Devil Hunter Office

3 PM

" So, you three came back. I assume you three were under pins and needles? " Makima asked as Y/n just made a noise that meant ' Yes '. However, something was off. Makima was gazing and had her back turned to them, not the usual were she would gaze upon the three. " I see, it seems like the Order has been going around and interfering. In addition, though I don't want to be the bringer of bad news, the Gun Devil has escaped. Turned to a fiend using a body of a traitor and ran. " Makima said as Longsword asked " want us to kill it? " like he was clueless of what to do.

" What I WANT YOU to do is strengthen and tighten your security for Y/n. They aim to retrieve and turn him into thise traitors. " Makima retorted as the trio could feel ominous aura from Makima. " Okay, I am sensing a lot of overprotective energy here. I can handle myself, it's not as if I can't kick ass. " Y/n complained as suddenly, a sound of something breaking from being dropped was heard.

" Besides, what the fuck are you hiding from me? You've never allowed me to understand WHY I am not allowed to interact with these people except the explanation they're dangerous. " Y/n said as he was as if he is going to snap as he slammed his hands on the table. Whip and Longsword were scared for their lives as this kind of defiance if it came from them would get them killed.

" So let me ask you, Makima-san, WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM ME?! " Y/n demandingly asked as Whip and Longsword left from the scene, not wanting the brunt of Makima's fury. " I see. So that's what you want to ask huh? Come over here... Look at my face... " Makima said as Y/n had his guard up as she approached Makima. Looking at her appearance, Y/n was shocked on what had happened to the left half of her face. The formerly beautiful half of Makima's face turned monstrous, as if mutated into a shadowy monster. The ringed eyes were replaced with a glaring red eyes, and her smiling mouth was replaced with fangs which were formed into a snarl.

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