Chapter 5: Eternity? I Don't Think So!

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" Power!? Snap out of it! Arai is not an enemy! " Y/n pleaded and stopped Power to attempt murdering Arai. " He tried to hurt you! Why are you not fighting back!? " Power shouted as Y/n reasoned with Power,

" Think about it! They had suffered at the hands of demons! Please! They have their reasons to hate us since demons in general had killed or terrorized families!

I can't relate to it since I am an orphan when I was a child, and a deranged arsonist had burned the orphanage I was living in. So I can't really bring myself to hate demons, but they...They have reasons, so please! "

" ....Fine, just this once... Arai, I will let this slide. However, try insulting, threaten, or hurt Y/n again,

I'll kill you in cold blood. "

Power said, listening to Y/n's pleas as Arai sighed in relief. " Scary woman... As they say, no hell hath fury like a woman scorned. " Himeno said as the squad then went on. Footsteps could be heard, and a human head, with only feet then walked by. It then turned its attention to the new rookie. It then floated and was cut in half by Hakos.

" Man, for a rookie devil hunter, you are sure scared.. Kobeni. Though nice work Himeno, I know I can count on ya. " Hakos thanked Himeno. " Heh, all thanks to the Ghost Demon... Although it ate my right eye in exchange of using its right arm. " Himeno said as Hakos looked at Y/n who was guarding for any ambush with Power.

" He is lucky that you contracted him before any other demon. " Himeno said as they looked at Y/n. " I never had an intention to make a contract after my body was turned to fog by a powerful demon. However, I was impressed at his desire to live... In exchange of seeing how far he will develop and grow... I helped him live his life. " Hakos said as it wiped its tears. ' Usually, devils never cry... But this one, it's a rare case... " Himeno thought as they went on.



" Huh? Weird, why are we still in the eight floor? " Y/n asked as he was repeatedly going at the 8th floor. " Yeah, we killed the demon right? " Denji asked Hayakawa. " We did, though I think there are more than what meets the eye. " he said which prompted Hakos to imitate the Autobots transforming. " Now's not the time for jokes, Hakos. " Aki said as Hakos puffed its cheeks. " Fine! You're no fun damn it! " it pouted as it looked down and up.

" My watch stopped also. Did it stop time without us noticing? " Y/n said as he showed the watch. " Alright, time to kill a vampire. " Hakos said as it prepared Harkonnen. " Heh, are you also compensating for something? " Y/n joked as Hakos just said, " Touche. "

Everyone explored the whole floor, the rooms, ceilings, and everything. They were still at the eight floor no matter what happened. " Hm... Looks like we are in a pickle. " Y/n said as he looked at the number 8 alongside Power. " What is it Y/n? " Aki asked as Y/n drew an infinity sign.

" The demon might be connected to something called infinity... You know where everything is boundless, endless, and non-ending in nature? Yeah, that. " Y/n said as Kobeni was then sobbing. "T-then, we are all gonna die here aren't we? " Kobeni said as Hakos shook Kobeni to her senses. Well attempted to. " Calm down alright? A demon is still a demon. So it still might have a weakness.

No demon can be called immortal physically, it can still be hurt once you: A. Stake their heart, B: Override or hinder their regeneration. "

Hakos said and then shot a bullet from Harkonnen down the floor, hearing a yelp. "Jackpot. " it grinned.

" You can all stay in the rooms if ye want. We'll need yours, Power's, and Denji's strength when we fight the demon. " Hakos said as he and Hayakawa went on a patrol, but not before throwing a pack of condoms for Y/n.

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