Book 2, Chapter 11: Reunion of Two Lovers

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' I can smell blood... Tons and tons of em...

Yet, one of them smells sooooo familiar.

Is it someone I am familiar with? '

A devil thought as they waited on a dark room. The devil was sealed and kept safe, even more so treated well in Hell. However, they were chained as they were not allowed to leave the chambers.



" Yo... Finally got you a present. " Y/n said as he reached the Temple of Chaos, with the Shadow Devil dragging the strongest devil they had found. " You really went all the trouble to give me that as a gift? You are very thoughtful. " the devil commended as Y/n chuckled.

" They were in the way. So I decided to kill some of the horde. The strongest one was using lightning to move so quick, it broke my arm so I had to use some of my blood to empower your sword and darken the place. " he said as the devil saw that Y/n's left arm was broken by a strong hit.

" I apologize for the test I have given you, it must have been grueling. "

" Yeah, I don't mind. Besides, even though no one says it, I want to prove that I am strong and capable enough on my own. " Y/n accepted the apology as the devil then consumed the blood of the Lightning Devil.

" Now then, I haven't said what I am right? Apologies, but the issues right now was so important I couldn't introduce myself.

I am the Primal Devil serving the Chaos Devil, the primal fear of the darkness. I am the Darkness Devil. " the Darkness Devil introduced himself as Y/n bowed down. " I am thankful for the blade you have given me. Now then, what do you want to show me? " he asked as he was a bit demanding as to know why he was brought here.

" I understand. The memory wipe was quite drastic, Makima...went miles through just to keep you out of the Devil Hunting business. " Darkness Devil pointed out as Y/n was wondering what the hell the devil was talking about. " I don't need more questions, I need answers. I need to know who the people around me are. I feel like everyone is hiding something from me one way or another. " he demandingly asked as the Darkness Devil then turned away from Y/n, not even minding that he has the blade and the risk of being attacked.

" I'll show you. Follow me. " Darkness Devil commanded as they walked on the temple's ruins. The Shadow Devil stayed outside, acting as a guard dog in case there were any outsiders. " Now then, how much do you know about the devil living inside you? " Darkness Devil asked as Y/n shrugged.

" Not much, all I know is that it is a devil that I can consider as a friend. Though it likes harboring in my mind like it's a killing intent trigger. So basically we know each other for a while now. " he answered as they were near a sealed door. Suddenly, Y/n's nape burned and he hissed in pain.

" It seems like your pentagram is responding to this door isn't it? Your questions... they're finally answered by this door. " the Darkness Devil said as blood suddenly burst out from his nape. Those then immediately went on the patterns in the sealed door, slowly yet loudly opening.

It was as if his powers with Blood had dissipated, as Y/n went pale and was struggling to get up. Once more, he was revoked of any chance of his powers being regained. " I-it has returned to its original owner hasn't it? " he asked in a low tone, trying not to be frustrated that his power was taken away.

" It has, and soon, they will awaken. Fret not, if ever they try and hurt you, they shall face my wrath. "

" I am fine with those taken away. It wasn't even mine in the first place. Everything I have was just borrowed in the first place. " Y/n said as he had already lost hope of himself. As the door opened, a familiar devil then awakened.

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