Chapter 13: Operation: Genderbend

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" What do you mean I can't use LEVEL ZERO?! " Hakos shouted to Makima as they tugged her shirt. " I am saying it clear. No one, not even Auron or Y/n can release those chains without any repercussions from the law. Order may be strong, but if we release those chains, I don't know how much lives you can destroy fighting that devil. " she said as Hakos growled.

" Listen here, you little bitch! No one tells us, especially Auron, what to do! If Order gets their hands on the Gun Fucker's pieces, they will commit Armageddon! If the Big Bad ever gets here, I will need all the manpower I can get. You know how extreme I can get. "

" I know, but if you really want to increase your strength... Here. " Makima said as she handed over something. " I had this as safekeeping. " she added as she opened a box. Inside it was an orb containing something ominous. Hakos glared at Makima who smiled gleefully as to taunt them. " Since when did you have this? " they asked grimly as Makima shrugged. " It's confidential, so I can't tell you. " she said in a joking manner which made Hakos' eyes go wide and gritted their teeth as they left.

' I can sense no modifications done here... You fucking bitch... Did you manipulate her to find my orb? ' Hakos thought as they crushed the orb, seeping the lost powers they had before their near death. " Set Restriction Level to 2. " they said as they went off the Headquarters.

' You'll regret not sabotaging this orb once I turn on you. ' Hakos threatened as they went onto the parking lot, resting his back on a car. " Um... Hakos-san... " a meek voice said as Hakos turned around, seeing Kobeni. " Ah shit. Is this your car? Sorry. " they apologized as they lit a cigarette. " Fuck, topknot's addiction to cigarette is getting to me. I better stop. " Hakos added as Kobeni started the car.

" Uh, Kobeni? If ya don't mind, can I hitchike? Just near Aki's house. " they asked as Kobeni agreed. Just out of fearing Hakos.

The Next Day...

5 AM

" Why are you awake this early? You didn't do it with Power? " Denji asked as Y/n nodded and was making coffee for them. " I did it as punishment for overkill. I saw the body she tortured. It was skinned alive, then impaled in the process. " he said as he handed over a cup of 3-in-1 to Denji. " Relax! It's a serial killer anyway so tone down your strictness to 3 or 4! " he said brashly as Y/n just stared blankly at his cup of coffee and then drank it.

" I mean, I would've also killed the killer too, but not in the same way as doing a Vlad the Impaler on his ass. " Y/n said as Denji was trying to interpret what the Vlad the Impaler part meant. " Nevermind that part.Anyway, good luck with your date. We'll be watching you. "

" Eh, about that... Can you two uh...lay off? Being with you two ruins my rhythm when I was on a date with Makima. " Denji said as Y/n became teasing. " What? You jealous because no one is lovey dovey with you? " he teased with a taunting grin and Denji was a bit pissed. " Though I promise I won't be on your date to ruin your rhythm. " Y/n promised as he finished his cup of coffee.

" Thanks a lot, I promise I'll report a good news to ya! She's a bombshell of a woman so I will put my whole effort into this! " Denji said as he was preparing for work. Y/n then went to wake Power up and sighed.

" Commencing Operation... Genderbend. "

" Oohoohoohoo! " Power was excited to see Y/n on a dress. Y/n on the other hand looked away from her as he knew the thought of him on a dress would excite her.

Makima's Office

A light knock was then heard on Makima's office and she stopped doing paperwork. " Come in, Y/n. " she said as Y/n entered. " Ayo? How the hell do you know I was the one knocking? " he asked in a suspicious manner as Makima giggled. " I can remember everything about your antics. Safe to say, you have made an impact to me. " she answered as Y/n went deadpan. " I already have a girlfriend, and I wouldn't two-time Power with you. " he said as he puffed his cheeks.

" You wouldn't. I know how hardheaded you are with your decision. So...what brings you here? "

" Promise me first you won't tell anyone. ESPECIALLY HAKOS! " he shouted as Makima crossed her fingers. After that response, Y/n lowered down his head in embarrassment. " So uh...Makima...

Do you have any dresses for me to wear? "

This question made Makima laugh as Y/n wailed, " There is a purpose for that! Since... "

Y/n then confided the situation about Denji and he was not feeling okay about Reze. It was as if something bad was gonna happen if he left Denji alone. " I understand. Well then, how about we go outside and buy an elegant dress for you to buy? I'll also bring you to a hairstylist. Free of charge. " Makima offered as this made Y/n blush heavily.


With Power

" Hey, topknot... Do you know how to put on a wig? " Power asked as Hayakawa shook his head. " No, why? " he asked as Power confided everything to Aki. " You know you could've asked Kobeni or go to a hairstylist right? Also, get some chest binders. " Aki added as the two then heard a knock on the door.

As the door opened, they were greeted by Makima who donned herself in a chauffeur outfit in courtesy of her own suggestion. " My, our dear prince isn't dressed up yet. " she said as she casually dragged Power. " I- So my help isn't needed at all. Also, prince? I can't see anything prince like at Power, even if you do a lot of makeovers. " Aki pointed out as Power was a bit pissed by the remarks given to her.

" Oh trust me, the make-do will work Aki. " Makima said as she put Power in the backseat. Beside Power was a cute girl in a light blue colored frilled dress. " Having a hard time huh? " the voice said in a cutesy voice said turned to Power, revealing it was Y/n. Power then blushed at the pretty appearance of Y/n and then started to have dirty thoughts and paid Makima more than a thousand yen for her service in helping Y/n.

" I am not holding back later. " Power deliberately said as Y/n begged for Makima for his pelvis to be saved.

The Festival

" Did you really have to go full otome? Really? " Y/n asked Power who was disguising with an overly handsome look. " Let's forget about that for now. Let's enjoy the festival! " Power said in her attempt of a manly voice as Y/n nervously answered in agreement, both of them acting like a lovely couple which the two enjoyed. Almost losing track of their original mission.



" Finally found 'em. " Power said as she pinpointed the location of Denji. " Good. By the way, I got you something. " Y/n praised her and gave her a cute cat plush toy. " Aww~. You didn't have to. " Power said as they walked somewhere where they could see the fireworks.

Along the way, they met Denji and Reze who were surprised. " I didn't think there were other people who want to see the fireworks. " she said as Power chuckled. " My girlfriend wanted to see the fireworks. I think this is the best view. "

" H-hi... " Y/n nervously said as he doens't want to break Denji's rhythm. " Sir, your lady is fine looking! Though she looks very familiar to the certain midget that I know. " Denji pointed out but this was almost enough to bring Y/n to lose his temper though he keeps a girly sweet smile. ' Lagot ka sa akin mamaya pag-uwi natin. ' (Your ass is grass when we get back home) he thought as he said,

" Alright, we might be interrupting you so we are going somewhere more...private.. " Y/n shyly said as they went away, and as they were off their sights, Y/n finally threw a silent tantrum as he created a sniper rifle out of Chaos Devil's shards. " I am not apologizing if I shoot Denji but I can just use the shards to help him regenerate. " he said in a normal boyish tone as Power finally removed her wig, but was looking at something lewd.

" Stop looking at my undies! " he shouted as he was sniping above the tree.



" Hey, Denji... I just thought about it. You're 16, and you're not allowed to be in school. In fact, they're forcing you to fight devils. That's something that a country should be doing... That why Denji,

Why don't you run away...and be with me? " 

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