1: Italian fuckers

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Kate: mafia Queen about to turn 20 years old

Adriano: mafia king 25 years old

Louisa : Kate's only sister and a twin to Luis

Sofia: Alessandro's wife (my mafia boss)

Ferrari brothers

Hernandez brothers

Katerina's POV

"Now tell me what the fuck was in the file you gave to those Italian idiots??" I asked the fucker pointing a gun on his head and he trembled

"Actually... Maa... I was...didn't" he stammered and I smirked devilishly looking at him "I got no time for this shit Carlo check on the files and see what's missing" I said touching my earpiece "of course princess" he said and I looked at him

"Don't worry I'm going to make your death easier and more fun to watch" I said removing the safety feature pointing it and he groaned before I could shoot

"Okay okay queen it was about you.... You and your brothers.... They wanted to know you better" he said his lips trembling and I smirked watching the poor man as he tried for a clear sentence

I honestly have no idea why the Italian mafia would want our Intel's when our dad's signed a treaty saying that the two mafias don't hate each other and that if anything has to happen to one party then the other will supply them with help and everything they need and staff so do they need anything... I mean they could want something that's why they attacke

"Tsk tsk there's another way you can get to know a person.. Like maybe during dinner or coffee but stealing their information no there's more to it" I said and shot the guy on his shoulder

"Give him some beatings and a lesson not to betray me or waste my time I said and Alejandro nodded

"come on twin let's see who can make him suffer more" Alexander said and I smiled walking outside with a smirk plastered on my fave as I heard groans of the man suffering

So ever since I became a Mafia queen 2 years and months ago I had to become extra dangerous well I love my family though we are the eight of us


Well I had to make sure everybody in the mafia world is scared of me and I had to be sure they see me as the Katerina Hernandez the mafia queen so I got merciless and rough which was pretty easy now I'm the devil and this is my hell

Leaving with Andrea I smiled at myself Louisa was married now to the Japanese mafia don and she has a small baby and but she's not saying with them I won't lie her husband is cute

"Yeah Carlos did you find anything??" I asked and he chuckled and I knew that very well that being a genius its a yess for him

"Yeah seems like it was only our bios and some pictures... Well ..." He paused "is there more??" I asked and he chocked

"Yeah says here they have chosen a mafia king and its non other than Adriano Ferrari." He said and I stopped

"What??? I thought we agreed about about this with the council that they'll introduce whoever the mafia king when I turn 20" I groaned and he chuckled

"Well yeah I don't know what happened??? Maybe they got high pressure from the people and even though I'm not properly sure about that let me tell you what found from him

"he's a fine man and is labeled as the richest young Batchelor, hot, sexy and there a lot of pictures of him showing his perfect body" Carlos said and I scoffed I am so sure he's one of the men who don't know what they'll doing but know very well they're hot

"Luisa are you here??" I asked as I went upstairs and found her feeding a hungry baby and she looked at me and smiled "so did you find out??" She asked me and I smiled "yess of course" I aid and she laughed

"okay so what exactly happened??" She asked and I smiled "they chose a mafia king" I said and she gasped "and what??" She asked and i looked at him "he's an Italian guy... Adriano Ferrari or something like that" i said and she laughed at my choice of words

"Mmmh mmmh that's your husband girl... And from what I have headed he's just like you... Cold and ruthless I met him once at our wedding and he was hyped up the guy doesn't even smile for goodness sake he's an artwork and dammnnn girl if don't marry him then it'll be my pleasure to do it he's one sexy beast" she said doing some crazy movements and I smiled softly

"Sure I'm thinking of arranging something with this Adriano guy I'll schedule a date with him and hopefully he's not weird because if he is then girl we are going to be staying in separate rooms because don't want anybody touching " I said and she laughed

"Of course baby just get ready for this" Louisa said and i smiled she like saying such things....

I quickly went in the shower bathing and that's when I started thinking.... Adriano Ferrari... I have heard this name somewhere and it was my dads friend his name was Adriano... And wait a minute.... Adriano Ferrari had been the Italian mafia don and I don't know if he died but he was old......can't imagine if they were talking about the one I'm thinking

"Stop thinking about it come one bath properly I like watching people bath" she said and I laughed softly shaking my head I feel like Luise has some charm in her which makes her instincts strong like even in a life and death situation we ask her what to do to survive she instantly tells us

"Its his son" she said and I kitten my chin up "huh?? Who's son...???" I asked and she smiled "Adriano Ferrari junior his dad named him after him because it was his way of saying goodbye to his wife" she said and I smiled

The first update peoples

Please give me your honest opinions on this one

Love ya❤❤

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