4: moan for you

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Katerina's POV

Warning: kissing

"You guys are here... What happened??" I asked and she hugged me tightly " we received a tip that you about to get attacked" she said and I laughed softly

"Oh MK helped me deal with them" I said pointing at Adriano and that small smirk appeared on his face "okay so his MK now mmh??" She teased

"shut up just clean this mess up" I said and they nodded some men from my mafia too came to deal with it

"How do you feel about finishing that dinner Mr Ferrari??" I asked and he smiled touching my waist

"Sure but not here... How about my place?" He asked charmingly and I smiled fuck he is just too perfect for s human being

"Will I get a gift for coming with you???" I asked and he chuckled "of course MQ can't trouble the queen for no reason at all" he said and I smiled "lead the way" I said and he guided me out his hand resting on my back

Entering the car he chuckled as we were on our way and I looked at him "quiet interesting siblings you have there Mrs Ferrari" he said and I laughed softly

"I'm sorry about them they just get a little excited and overprotective at times you know since I'm the youngest" I said casually and he smiled

"Well I have 7 younger brothers but all of them are also protective" he shot back and I chuckled "8 boys??.... Seem your mom must've been one strong woman" I said and he smiled

"They were arranged to get married by their families... Well honestly they didn't get along really well at their first meetings" he said and I smiled

"well at least we do... Maybe because we know we have no choice but to do this" I said and he touched my thigh moving it softly on my leg and I could feel pool of wetness dripping down

"So when they got married they didn't really do anything special until two months later when they confessed their feelings and had me" he said and I smiled

"That must have been so romantic" I said and he chuckled "yeah it was anyway I don't question the arrange marriage thingy" he said and I looked at him "why???" I asked and he smirked

"because eventually the more time you spend with that person you're bound to get used to the likes and dislikes of the person... Weaknesses and strength's" he said and my eyes sprang opened

"fuck!!! You're so fucking smart... Well you're not so bad like they say Mr Ferrari" I said putting my leg on the chair so that I can look at him confidently

"And you know what mafia queen... You might not be as scary as they say... We're here" he said stopping the car and getting out and he opened the door for me

"mmh don't be too sure I won't hesitate to slit your throat if you dare take advantage of a quiet girl like me' I said and he chuckled then carried me bridal style

"w..what are you doing??" I whispered and he chuckled " according to the rules this is how the king is supposed to treat the queen first time at his house" he said and I smiled

"and what does the queen do??" I asked and he looked at me "enjoy it and compliment my workout skills" he said and I smiled

"so I can touch your muscles then... I mean only then can I tell" I said and he smirked

"of course" I swallowed hard when I touched it sliding my hands on it and we reached his floor with me still in his arms

"Wow its beautiful" I said as we came face to face with the most beautiful view ever and he smiled kissing my cheek

"I knew you would love it" he said and I smiled jumping down

He went to the kitchen and came back with plates. We ate and i took the plates to his sink when I turned back he was right there in front of me and my eyes trailed up to his grey eyes

My name is a... Martin Ferrari

He looked at me hungrily and I swallowed hard "jump" he said and when I did he caught my thighs his arms trailing to my ass

He smashed his lips on mines causing a shiver to run down my spine at the action and I didn't know what to do except respond to him his lips were so soft and the way he sucked on mines evoked a moan to escape my lips and he squeezed my ass harshly

He seemed satisfied by that and I could feel his tongue Pocking my lip asking for permission

I gladly granted him that and his dominant tongue explored my mouth and damnn he tasted like the wine we had earlier.

I pulled back from him breathlessly and he didn't bother to say anything

"wh...what are you doing??"

"just making out with my girl"he said and I moaned out when he sucked on my neck

" i nee...dd to get home..." I rasped out as I tried keeping the moans that threatened to leave me "trust me" he breathed out leaving me on the counter and I moaned when he squeezed my boob

"fuck... That feels so good" I found myself confessing and he smirked squeezing again and I moaned out

He was about to take my boobs out of my bra when I pushed him back softly and ran off I couldn't do this

I don't have guts to maintain the calm in my actions anymore because my poor panties are so wet and if he continued I'd craved for more until we did things we are not supposed to do

Authors POV

She could hear him chuckling as she left and he smiled waving at her when she was outside his home

"I'll see you soon princess" he said to himself and his attention went to his boxers and he groaned seeing a tent fuck she could have taken it along with her

Another update lovies
Thanks for the reads
Love you❤❤💋

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