20: Andrea Hernandez

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Katerina's POV

Finally my wedding day I was so glad everything was going so smoothly Andre was going to be my best man for today and I loved it 

So I know he has been having problems with his wife lately as Carlos is suspecting that McIntyre's son Lawrence is having an affair with her ....

Well honestly speaking Andrea is romantic and he bought an island for her  and being the 5th out of all of us we surely love him too much 

"Well guys we need to go to the alter now!! Come on!!" Dad screamed and I smiled "okay dad but where is Andrea... He is supposed to be with us 

" I haven't seen him well maybe is at the alter foolish stupid idiots", I mumbled and the door opened and I quickly held dads hand we had to go through the whole ceremony step by step but I gapped as Andrea was not waiting for me to arrive only Adriano and them were there giving me shocking realisation 


"Aunty Kate can I talk to you" he asked and I looked at him "I will talk to you right after I get married okay" I said and he smiled softly causing me to smile widely he was a cure 

Dad took my hand and we walked to the alter taking Adriano's hand he quickly noticed something was up and touched my face between his hands 

"talk to me baby " he said and I looked at him "mk... Andrea is not here..." I said and he smiled snapping his fingers and in two mins the Ferraris went out except for Diego with all his men and I smiled looking at him

"Dear beloved..." The priest trailed off when a gun was pointed at his head and strangely enough it was Diego's "just get to the real part where u wed them" he said cockily and he nodded 

"I now pronounce you man and wife kiss the bride" he said and when I was about to touch his chess and kiss him he smirked holding my waist and kissed me shortly then snapped his fingers the rest of the guys followed and we went outside 

"Matt where is Andrea?" He asked and nodded nodding his earpiece and looked at me 

"We traced him he is at the jungle there's a warehouse there and matt said sum about him going to see his wife and something..." He was explaining and a little hand Nuzzled on my dress again and when I turned the same cute baby was there this kid was like 6 or 7 years old maybe 

"What's your name baby?" I asked and he smiled "Andrea Hernandez jnr" he said and I looked at him

"come with me" I said carrying g the kid to my room as I went to change to leather yes I wanna look bad ass

"Is this your dad baby??" I asked pointing at a picture of Andrea and he smiled "the bad man took him and he told me to come and tell you that you should keep me away from them and gave me this card 

I took the cars and it was written Kate on the cover and I smiled at him putting the USB in my computer 

" Hey sis I'm sorry I just didn't know that it wouldn't work out ... She broke my heart Mann.... She sold me out... I thought she would love me like I did with her .... Take care of my baby will you Kate?? I love you.... I guess I'm as stupid as everyone thinks" he laughed softly and I touched my heart 

"Andrew no!!!" I sscreamed when he pointed at his heart and tears streaming down my eyes 

"Make him more stronger than I am Mrs Ferrari... Please I don't want him to get betrayed like me... " he said and I gasped as I saw him smiling sending a kiss on the scream and I quickly stood up

"let's go get him" I said and I carried him running into the car and drove into the jungle 

Jumping out Andrea was on his knees and in chains and bruises on his faces at gun point and all of us were now speechless at hold all of us were here the Hernandez's and Ferraris together

"Don't do it rashida..." Carlos was telling her and she laughed "just get it over with.... I can't be more damaged than this.... Honestly death us better right now" he said and she smiled 

"Of course Mr Hernandez what kind of wife would I be if I don't obey your wish Mr Hernandez" she said and shot him right on his heart and I went to him

"take care of my baby will you... He will make a great don one day" he said and I smiled widely 

" just shush baby boy shhhhh... Yourll be okay"I said and he smiled then chuckled softly

"too late Kate?... Its too late... Please love him like your baby" he said and he smiled widely  closing his eyes 

And I stood up when I saw we really lost him 

"Ohh you have just crossed your limits" I said and she smiled widely "what are you going to do??..." She trailed off seeing the queen tattoo on my neck

"oooh trust me you don't want to know bitch" I groaned and she moved back

"Mafia queen??!!!!!! You're the queen??!!!" She squimed in fear and i smiled 

"of course and guess who's going to kill you" I asked and Adriano smiled coming to me with little Andrea in his arms

"Baby I need you to shoot mommy okay" I said and he nodded as I gave him a gun if anyone then Andrea should kill his mom 

Hitting her on the neck she fell on her knees and Andrea pointed the gun at her I won't lie I saw the fire in his eyes as the little boy pulled the trigger ignoring the cries of his mom 


Another update lovies 

Thanks for reading love ya 

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