25: Love😘

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Kate's pov

"daddd..... Oh goddd....." I moaned out when he thrusted in me roughly causing me to cry out

"such a good slut for me... Baby you know how wet your pregnant cunt is?? Fuck I love you squeeze my dick" he growled in my ear and I moaned out honestly speaking this man can fuck really good now that I'm pregnant he fucks me like a monster

"daddyyyyy.... Imma cum" I cried out as I scratched his back my nails digging in his skin and my teeth bitting on his beautiful skin

"do it.... Baby cum for me" he growled thrusting harder and I moaned when he started kissing me roughly while thrusting harder and I just exploded my body giving up and he groaned as he continued

"da... Oh.... Gooodddddd.. Right there" I cried out honestly I was really tired of the orgasm I just finish but as he continued his thrusting in he hit that spot and I cried "please daddyyyyy harder right there" it felt so fucking nice

He thrusted in more not leaving that my g spot alone and he continued his torture

He squeezed my boob while thrusting in me harshly and I moaned fuxk adriano can do this like. There's no tomorrow and the energy he gave off was perfect

"Fuck so wet and tight baby.. . shit that pussy loves milking my dick doesn't it?" He asked still thrusting and I moaned nodding

"Words slut" he said and I cried "yesss daddyyy.... This pussy of your slave loves gripping and milking him more as I clenched around his dick and he. Groaned in frustration and his pass lessened his love making movements slow and his bones west did

I pushed down and oupled out causing him to wince at the Loss but then he groaned when I sunk him in my mouth  deep

" fuck.... Gawwd baby I'm close..." his voice has never sounded so sexy.... It was so deep and heartfelt that I felt as I'd I made him feel close to what he. Makes me feel

I sucked harder and out of the Blue he just exploded his cum shooting straight to my throat and I swallowed it.... All of it and licked him around cleaning him up from the cum and he growled

"Fuck baby what was that?" He asked and I licked my lips "I thought..." I trailed off when he kissed me roughly his mouth and this kiss was drowsy it was full of need passion promises and whatever reason why he was possessive like this

His tongue lapped on mines his open mouth kisses leaving me breathless and he chuckled kissing down to my belle

"Daddy loves you" he kissed my now growing tummy  and I looked at him and started smiling

"The baby and I love you more daddy" I whispered and he kissed me roughly than the previous minute

"What if we don't get twins?" I asked and he grinned "we will steal Sophie's ones then and they will take ours it's that easy... Gaviano and Giovani would love us as parents" he said and I laughed

"I think I might consider that idea" I said and he carried me up to him "of course you do I'm a genius" I said and he groaned

Hehehe another update guys

Sorry for the slow update m really busy

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