11: Sex..y

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Katerina's POV

"Goodness I have to cover this up" I said as soon as he finished and he groaned pulling my naked self to him. He smashed his lips on mines causing me to touch his suit jacket tightly and I moaned when he started caressing my breast. fuck it felt so fucking good.

I pulled back from him when I heard knocking on the door fuck Luisa.... She is here to tell me to get ready for the gala and welcoming ceremony of the mafia king fuck they'll announce our wedding today

" adriannnn.... Please..." I moaned out and he groaned leaving me and I ran to change in the bathroom and he opened the door

Adriano's POV

"Mr Ferrari.... Uh....you're here???" Luisa asked and I groaned fuck she can see I'm here so why is she asking the obvious? Fuck I want to devour Kate as long as I can before we go for the gala uurgh but she had to knock

"Yeah I'm here to help mafia queen with tonight things do you want something??" I asked and she smiled fuck I love the fact that she is so scared of me

"No... Um... Later... Thank you" she said and ran off causing me to chuckle closing the door. Looking for Mafia Queen he was busy putting on some pants and I groaned fuck I don't want her to hide that body away from me

I want to examine every inch of her body I want to savour each and every inch of her perfect body fuck I want her to show me that perfect body I want to see her and touch her until she's craving for me to touch her so bad

I kissed her again touching her hands pinning them on top of her head and she moaned out responding to me

"Mafia king... Please we have to mmmmhhh" she moaned and I groaned out fuck fuck fuck I love it when she moans my name like that

"I know any plans on what to wear??" I asked and she smiled widely "well yeah I do have what to wear" she said and I smiled fuck yess I love that

"Okay then let me continue" I said and she smiled widely laughing at the end "doing what??" She asked and I smiled yanking her up to me and she wrapped her legs around me and I smiled putting her on the high table then stripped her shirt off and I laughed fuck those boobs sprang out causing me to groan touching them and she moaned loudly

"Fuck Mr Ferrari suck my boobs....please..." She breathed out and I chuckled groping her boob on my mouth and started sucking it and she moaned touching my hair as I praised her full breast and I groaned fuck this is so fucking satisfying the way her small body reacted to mine was so good



"Welcome Mr Ferrari and Miss Katerina" a man came to us calling us and acknowledging our presence the moment we arrived at the gala and she smiled looking at me as I put my hand on her waist fuck I want everyone to know she is mine now

"Um please come and sit down" he said and I smiled widely guiding her to our places and she smiled widely looking at her siblings and she literally jumped out of my hands going by the boys haha classic Kate

She hugged Matteo first and I smiled when she was touching where she threw the knife at Lorenzo at making sure he's okay and they were all laughing fuck she can't get any more perfect than this

"You guys are right in time they gave us a break and then you will be officially crowned together" Tomaso was saying and she smiled "I can't wait" she said and I smiled

"Heyy guys" I said and they all looked at me smirking "brother... Brother I think we should call viper for this one" Diego said and I smiled fuck viper and Alessandro have been the same since Sofia's death could see the rest of the boys are trying so hard for that too

"May I have your attention please" the master of the ceremony called after sometime and I smiled

"Well let's welcome to the stage our mafia queen and king Mr Adriano Ferrari and miss Katerina Hernandez or soon to be Mrs Adriano Ferrari" he called and I groaned fuck her name is such a perfect match for mines

She touched my hand raising her eyebrows up and down and I smiled walking with her on the stage

I won't lie she was perfection from the time she was small she loved her hair and keeping it long like that was the perfect move

"Mr Ferrari is now going to wear the mafia king crown let's call the previous king to do the honours" he said and the old mafia king took the crown and he put in on my head and I smiled widely touching her hand as people were clapping

They gave me all the stuffs I needed to be claimed as king and I smiled when the other Lady came to crown future Mrs Ferrari oh my fuck ness I want to know how it feels to finally be inside that warm and wet coochie of hers

"Mr and Mrs Ferrari will be official on the 21st of next month" he said and I smiled when she touched my jacket looking at me intensely "we all know if for some reason Adriano or Kate have an issue with the match they can drop o...." The ceremony master was saying and he trailed off when I smashed my lips on hers harshly and she touched my neck kissing me back and you will blame me if I get obsessed and possessive of her

Fuck every motherfucker who was sending lustiful eyes to my girl they should know she's taken and she is mines and MINES alone


Another update guys

Thanks for the reads

Love ya

the mafia queen #2 Where stories live. Discover now