6: twelve hours

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Shout outs to woman_inspector

Thanks for the love shown to this book ❤️😍♥️💕

Katerina's POV

"You guys are here??" Adriano asked and Andrea nodded "yeah we came here for Kate's wedding dress you know" Andrea said and until now he hadn't seen me yet cause I was hiding behind some dresses and they all frowned

"Where is she??" Adriano asked and Andrea smiled "don't worry I'll find her" he said and did I mention Andrea had always been good at hide and seek?

"Um... There she is behind those dresses ahhha... I told you I will find her" he said moving the dresses away and I smiled softly

"Hi..??" I said and they all shook their heads "sometimes I wonder who is worse between you and Andrea" Louis said and I smiled

He came to me and have me a hug saying hi back and I told myself I won't look at his face

"So shall we start??" Sergio asked and we all nodded just then Carlos's phone rang

"What happened??" I asked and he smiled "the Scots are stealing the drugs....again" he said and I smiled touching my pocket ready to take out my pocket knife and Louis shook his head and Louisa took my knife and the gun which I hid and I frowned

"Why what happened??" I asked and she laughed softly "we can handle the Scotts you know very well they are not a strong mafia like us and you always say you can finish the entire mafia within some seconds while we enjoy the game.." Sergio said and I shook my head

"So you are staying here... Adriano I want a wedding dress when she is back home... By the way bring her at 8" Carlos said and they went out waving and I smiled waving back

They got out of sight and he pulled me by my waist to him

"all these ladies keep looking at me and the one who should be looking is looking away... How does that work love?? And be aware cuz you're going to be with me for 12 hours " He said in my ears his deep voice loitering my senses and I swallowed hard..

"The dress... I need to find a perfect wedding dress" I said and he smiled widely carrying me bridal style and I really tried to tell him to leave me down but he wouldn't bulge

"The wedding date is in 3 months so why are you in such a hurry to marry me??" He asked and I scoffed

"oh I'm not...I just want to get this over with and practice in peace before people start calling me Mrs Ferrari" I said and he chuckled taking me to the receptionist

"Get me all the wedding dress designs you have I want to see them all" he said and the workers quickly bought out so many dresses in hangers and I shook my head

"leave me down" I said and he did. He must not think I didn't notice the daggers those girls were sending my way envying me I don't know what for

He chose a dress and I frowned it didn't look so good there it was so plain I mean I didn't like it so I just touched it and kept staring

"Come on trust me baby that's going to look awesome the only sparkle it needs is you wearing it" he said and a blush crept up on my face

I took it in the changing room and the girl helped mW with it and I smiled widely looking at it... I looked fantastic and I loved it so much

"Its perfect" I said and the girl smiled "won't you show him??" She asked and I smiled

"I don't want to spoil the surprise now haha don't worry hell see it just not now" I said and took a picture to show the guys when I get home

I came out satisfied and I went by the receptionist to pay and he was there waiting for me well he already changed now

"Okay let's pay up now and grab some breakfast I'm hungry" I said and he smiled

"which means you loved it??" He asked and I shook my head "no but I'm just honouring my to be husbands wish" I said and he laughed

The girl had my dress and she gave it in the receptionist and I took out my card to pay when a strong hand grabbed mines and I frowned please don't look at him I just closed my eyes until he paid and a guy in black came in taking the stuffs to the car

"I know of a place where we can feed that tummy of yours okay?" He said and I frowned how old does he think I am

"I'm not a baby that you have to baby talk me Mr Ferrari I'm a grown up woman" I said and he shook his head

"okay we will we about that MQ" he said and I smiled looking at the mall and I ran there it was so full i was getting lost when a strong hand grabbed my hand

"What are you doing in the middle of a group" he asked and I smiled widely

"haven't you seen in movies the heroine get lost in the mall and her hero finds her then kisses her off her feet" I asked and he groaned

"And I'm here to make all your fantasies come true" he said and I looked at him damn those beautiful grey eyes

"Be my girlfriend then"

He leaned in and kissed me softly and I moaned softly when his hands greedily pulled me to him as if he can't get tired of my feel on his body causing my woman to throb in need

He deepened it devouring my lips hungrily his tongue evading my mouth and I let him explore me damn it would be madness fighting with his tongue and I simply melted in the kiss

He pulled back after sometime and I was too breathless and amused to say anything

"can we go now??" He asked and I was red as hell fuck he can be so sweet to me yet he's a fucking tough guy

Hehehehe another update guys

Thanks for the reads

Love ya


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