10: Her Taste

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Katerina's POV

So we went down at the gym for training and today I'm working on knifes and my aim and them I'll go and kick Sergio's butt in the ring

Took me 2 hours to finish and ever since I became a mafia queen they constructed a private room for me to relax after training there's a shower and a bed and a mini fridge.

2 weeks later

"Nice training today boys I love how fast your reflexes have become" teasing my big bro he shrugged and went upstairs and I closed the door striping the materials away from me making my way into the shower and I didn't even close the shower door yeah only Luisa can come in here so I'm fine with the door closed like that

So apparently Adriano had to go somewhere for serious business so they left me alone here fuck him

How dare he just leave me alone like that

I opened my hair and I smiled it reached just bellow my ass putting some shampoo and conditioner in my hair and i closed my eyes showering when the main door opened "uurgh its good you're here sis can you scrub my back for me??" I asked and nobody answered just heavy footsteps making their way in the shower and I smiled

A hand touched my bare back and I shivered damn that's not Louisa turning the tap off  I quickly grabbed my towel and when i turned and I gasped

"Mk??! What.... You... Here??" I asked trembling and he nodded fuck this guy just saw me without my everything.... Fuck no..

"I have no idea why you hide that hair mafia queen its glorious" he said and I wallowed hard as I tried my best covering my body up and he chuckled

"I got so fucking hard looking at you and fuck baby you're perfect" he said and I closed my eyes looking down and he touched my shoulder sliding his hand down to my hand and I looked at him yess I am so fucking mad I don't even want him to touch me anymore fuck him and his money

"Can I have you again mafia queen??" He asked and I closed my eyes "wh..what you mean??" I asked and he chuckled pulling me by my waist to him

"I mean this" he said tossing the towel down and I shut my eyes closed "look at me mafia queen" he said and I slowly did fuck doesn't he care that naked right now??

He grabbed my hand and threw it around his neck and I looked at him with shock

"Please... Let me.." He said and I frowned "but Mk I can...can't" I said and he kissed my cheek "come on mafia queen let me... Please I beg you.... I'm sorry" he pleaded and I could hear the lust in his husky voice

Slowly nodded he yanked me up to him and showed me the biggest smile he ever could and kissed me softly like why the fuck I'm I always the one naked??

"Don't worry love I won't fuck you before our wedding" he said and I smiled softly "but you know you can't do that every time" I said and he smirked kissing me again shutting me up

"Watch me do it" he said locking the door and left me on the bed going to the fridge and I quickly grabbed the sheets covering myself up he came back with a cup full of something and he had something in his mouth too

"Fuck it don't hide that perfect body away from me" he said and I quickly left the sheets aside haha it'll be really insane of me not to listen to this devil disguised as a human being

"He touched my wrist gently putting them on the sides and then he put his mouth on my tummy and I moaned out fuck what was that?? Ice???!!!

He smirked when I shivered and licked my tummy causing me to groan out in pleasure fuck he is suck a motherfucking tease it's like whatever he does is so fucking sexy and whatever he can do will get any girl on her knees

" my marks faded away... Fuck I don't like that" he groaned out and I moaned "its not me who has been busy Mr mafia" I sneered out and he smashed his hungry lips on mines

Taking another Ice Cube in his mouth he spat in out

"Fuck baby you going to love this" he said yanking my legs apart and he licked across my woman and I closed my eyes fuck I am not showing him reactions today

"Oh so that's how we playing like now?? Okay... I need my moans so I'm just going to fetch them by myself" he rasped out and fuck!!!!!!

His finger was inside my closed walls and I moaned out fuck no no no that was not fair

"No... No.... Fuck.,.....mmmm" I moaned out and he chuckled "good girl that's daddy's good girl now continue moaning and daddy will pleasure you okay??" He said and I shut my eyes this isn't happening right now but why the fuck I'm I enjoying it so fucking much

"He went there and started licking while his finger did the job and I moaned loudly fuck fuck fuck I should really take a look at his fingers and his other body parts

He was working like a charm with that finger as he twisted it around and ate me like there was no other person on his earth haha Sofia what a lucky girl you are yo have found a devil for yourself

"Iiimm ..... cl....ose" I moaned out and he chuckled "I know baby you clearly just clenched on me fuck... Imagine you clenching on my dick..??" He asked and my eyed were literally rolling  all over the places

"Yess come!!! Baby cream on my mouth" he said and I moaned as I exploded on his mouth

Yeah I'm sorry if this kind of sucked 💔💘

Thanks for reading tho❤💋💓💘💙

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