7: Ferrari

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@woman_insp you're a darling❤️♥️💋😍😘

Here's an update

Katerina's POV

"You basically ran off to the mall and you said you're not a kid?? Really" he said when we finally sat down

"Come here Mr Ferrari..." I said and he moved his head closer to me and I smiled "no closer" I said and he came closer his head on mines and I smiled widely

"I am not a kid Mrs Ferrari and I can show you that right now" I said and pecked his lips and he smiled when I pulled back "that game you're playing future Mrs me will not end well for you" he said and I smiled at him

"Oh trust me Mr Ferrari it'll work just fine" I said winking at him and stopped when we heard a gunshot inside the cafe people started running around and we turned to see 7 guys with guns and I looked at Adriano and he seemed fine and not even ready to attack

Finally the store was empty I started talking

"Come on people if your going to steal something just do it already don't waste my time I like my peace when I'm eating" I said and they all just stood there not saying anything wait a minute I have seen the big one before at the mafia gala maybe.... And he was talking to Carlos

"That's right... Well didn't you hear the Lady??" Adriano asked and I smirked taking the knife from my table and threw it to the cute one I mean that one gave me a Playboy vibe and I smirked when the guy groaned in pain gods I love it when someone yelps in pain its soothing

"I could have thrown that knife into your heart and not 6 inches away" I said and one guy ran to us

"Okay before she kills us all I'm so sorry sister in law and mafia queen we didn't mean to scare you... I'm Matteo... Matteo Ferrari..." The guy said bringing his hand forward and I smiled looking at him then at Adriano

He had this curls and glasses and did I mention his sharp sexy jawline??? "Oh hey there nice meeting you" I said and he smiled widely "the one you hurt is Lorenzo" the same Lorenzo guy said and I smiled

"Tomaso, Ricardo, Diego, Alessandro and Leo" the same guy pointed and they said hi

Wait... Yess Alessandro was the one who told !e to go and look for his beautiful wife in the bathroom the mafia gala day... Wait... He looked more sad and quiet?... He want like that day...

"If you're done can you now go home I am busy with my lady and I don't appreciate you budging in like this" he said and all of them flinched dammnn why are the boys this scared of him

"Well Mr Ferrari I'm so sorry but look here I have to treat the cute ones wound so they have to be here and join us... I'll order more food" I said and he groaned

"I said no Kate please just let the guys go" he said and the guys were just looking between us.

I went his side spread my legs and wrapped them around him and I could hear the guys mumbling something to each other. He touched my butt pulling me closer to him and the guys gasped

"Okay baby girl they'll stay but they'll have to leave at 12 and you'll have to sit here" he said and I smiled widely "yess guys get some chairs" I said and smiled when the guys came and sat down taking my purse and one wipes

"Hey 4 eyes fix up your brother would you" I said pointing at Lorenzo and he smiled widely

"I have no idea how to" he said and I shook my head and looked at Adriano with pleading eyes and he nodded

"By the way who taught you how to do that?" Leonardo asked and I smiled "my big brother... Well you see my siblings used to get hurt all the times so I had to learn how to treat them.. And I carry my purse anywhere with the right tools" I said softly and Lorenzo smiled

"Well my bed is messed up maybe you can fix that too" he said and I smiled "oops I'm sorry Playboy but the only bed I'm fixing is that scary grey eyed cat" I said and he shrugged

Honestly speaking all of the guys have grey eyes they're just different kinds of grey

"Are you peoples eyes real??" I asked and Matteo laughed "of course they are why!?! You like them?" He asked and and I nodded

"baby you can take all mine because just when I set my eyes on you you're the only one who got my eyes" Lorenzo said and I rolled my eyes

"Save it pretty boy" I scoffed and went back in Adriano's arms and he pulled me way closer but this time I could feel his dick Pocking my thighs through his pants and I looked up at him

So we talked and talked until it was afternoon and we said our bye's

"Come on baby you're going to my penthouse with me for a few hours" he said and I smiled widely nodding

"okay" I said and went with him there and the first thing he did when we arrived was squeezing my ass harshly and my breathe deepened

"What are you doing??" I asked and he smiled leaving pecks on my skin

"the question should be what were you doing by the shops.. You wanna tease me huh??" He asked and I shivered fuck it's so hot when he's is talking in a daddy voice... So dominant

"What did I do??"

"you know exactly what principessa you wear that thing out there and then you decide to tease me by sitting on me in front of my brothers... I could have fucked you there and there" he said and I smiled

"Well guess you have to wait... Oohhh" fuck again with my neck I don't want him leaving his marks on my neck it's not worth it

Another update guy's

Thanks for the reads

Lobe ya 💓💋❤⭐

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