3: sexy action

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Kate's POV

sitting down on the corner of the restaurant I smiled when he sat opposite me"so what are eating tonight??" He asked looking at his menu and I smiled looking at mines

"let's see" I said looking at the menu I started memorising the numbers to make it easier for the waiter to take our orders

"Okay I'm ready" I said and gave in my order and Adriano did the same but he also ordered us drinks

"Tell me something what is your favourite thing to do in the outside world and not in the mafia round??" he asked and I smiled

"Didn't my information tell you Mr Ferrari??" I asked sarcastically and he groaned "really?? I didn't mean bad besides I wanted you to tell me not some stupid file" he said and I laughed

"Well who cares now your man is half dead my cell I'll admit I do love to see him suffer" I admitted and he laughed taking a bite of his food then 5 men entered the restaurant and I touched his hand which was on the table

They were dressed in black suits and the star on their necks and that star is the one i know... Could recognize that from anywhere

"I hope you're ready Mr Ferrari the show is about to begin" I said and he chuckled "there here ain't they??" He asked and I smiled widely looking at him nodding

Then 7 guys came in again and sat on another then another 7

"Seriously Mk only 19 motherfuckers after us... Ouch I'm hurt" I said and he laughed "let's do it" he said and I chuckled softly "there women and children trust me I have a better idea" i said chuckling and he smiled "go on" he said and I smiled

"On the balcony yeah on the roof of this building is an open space where we can get rid of these I have guns on my thighs and my knife and I'm guessing for you you have one behind you inside your shirt??" I said and he nodded

"I have a silencer on my gun so make this easy and fun for us" I said and he smiled "so what to do mafia queen??" He asked and I smiled

"some sexy action.... Let's kill them in style if you understood" I said and he smiled nodding

So I stood up acting as if mafia king and I are so in love going by him touching his tie and pulling it to me

"wanna go upstairs Mr Ferrari?" I asked and he chuckled nodding and I used the tie to drag him with me

"They will come after us that's for sure" I said and he smiled "are you ready??" He asked and I nodded this felt exciting I felt we were acting like teens in love

Up here was dark but had a very beautiful view but the thing is you can't like see some peoples faces

"They have come here" we heard a voice and when the door was about to open to the roof Adriano pulled me to him his lips attacking my neck and I moaned out softly I'm sorry its just that his lips on my skins sent a million of fireworks around my body

"A... Adriano.... Plea....please" I moaned out loud cuz nothing was going on but they were just standing there looking at us and I know why .... They love the show

"open my shirt" he whispered in my ear and I smiled stripping it and could hear groans putting my hands behind him I found them and I quickly took it moaning "found them" I whispered and he smirked

Yanking me up to him I wrapped my legs around him and he groaned attacking my neck again and this time he was sucking harder and I was a trembling mess I can't focus like this he is giving me the feels...

I want to close my eyes and listen to his touch but no Kate you're the mafia queen be strong

Pointing the guns at the fuckers I shot two it had a silencer and that made it easier for me

"Damn that's so sexy baby" he rasped out squeezing my thighs and I moaned out and since I kept shooting well I wasn't going to spare them but then something happened ... The bullets ran out and I groaned they were 5 fuckers left

"I thought the bullets were loaded??" I asked and he groaned "fuck I thought so too" he groaned

The only reason they haven't attacked its because you know men and sex they like a good live porno

"What now??....yess.... Mmm...mmh....hh.... yeahh" I moaned out and he smiled "I guess its time to increase the speed" he said and I loosed it when he turned us lifting my leg up to him and he growled

"Baby?? You Want me to finger that closed pussy???" He asked his hands going up my thighs and I moaned when he still kissed my neck and shoulders and i was trembling fuck if I had known that he is such a fucking tease come one thought it'll be some boy I could flex with

"yeah... Please Adriano fuck yeah I don't want to hear anything.... Just f...... Oh goodness... FUCK!!" I moaned and the groans got louder and Adriano smirked before taking the gun out

He yanked me up to him and I smirked let's return the favour I touched his neck and smashed my lips on it and he groaned I could feel his breathe quickening and I smiled not so easy when its to you huh??

He shot but missed and I smiled releasing him and he smirked shooting them and afterwards putting me back down

"well that was easy" I chuckled excitedly and was about to move away when he holded me close to him leaning in

Was he actually going to kiss me???

I closed my eyes when i could feel his breathe a few inches away from my face and I could feel his lips coming down slowly on mines

"OH MY GOODNESS ARE YOU GUYS OKAY??" came Luisa's voice and I pulled back with a blush


Another update guys thanks for reads love ya

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